Eclipse of the Heart

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Chapter Fourteen

I paced myself walking to the place were water crashes against earth. To mine and Blades new secret spot. I had all intentions of asking Blade about himself, but now my heart was heavy with worry and sadness over Maddy. Before whenever me or Maddy, mostly me, got mad at one another it wouldn't last but a hour tops. One of us would go to each other and talk it out.

This time that wasn't the case. Maddy never came to me or tried to find me. I couldn't find her after looking absolutely just about everywhere. She wouldn't respond to my text. Maddy wouldn't answer my phone calls. She would not even reply to my Facebook messages. Well rather my pleas and begging for her to forgive me.

At this point nothing worked to get through to her. I suck! Finally arriving at my destination, I sat on the rock I had before when I first came here. I awaited for Blade to make his appearance. Not long after waiting with no sign of Blade, my mind wondered to Maddy once more.

I just stared down at my hands. Zoning out into my own little bubble of worry. Trying to think of things I could do to show Maddy I was truly sorry.

"Princess?" A so much very beautiful sound came to my ears.

"Hello." I stood.

"Oh no. Don't stand on my account. Please sit back down, get comfortable." Blade gestured back to the rock.

So I did. I sat back down, draping one of my legs over the other after sending him a thankful smile.

"How are you?" He slowly moved closer to me.

"I'm...fine." I swiftly said.

"You seem anything but fine. You look troubled." He noted.

"Truly I'm okay. Nothing a little time and a clear head won't cure." I smile a reassuring smile.

"I could leave you to clear your troubles." Blade turned to his side to leave.

"No no. Please don't let me make you feel as if you must leave." I practically begged him not to go.

"Well then I'll just stay." He grinned.

"Good." I nodded.

Blade cautiously sat down beside me. I stared down at my hands, heat warming my face. I had no idea why on earth I was blushing. Maybe it was him sitting so close to me. I cleared my throat, this causing Blade to glance at me.

"I was wondering something." I boldly stated.

"And what was that?" Blade smirked.

"Did you send me the notes and roses?" I took my chance to glance at him.

Blade showed no emotion. He was calm. He didn't even tense up. His smirk however did fall a little.

"I sent you a rose saying happy birthday and to find me." His voice didn't give anything away.
Then who sent us the others? My mind hammered with million of questions. Who could it have been?

"Princess may I ask you something?" Blades eyes bright with curiosity.


"Why did you meet me here tonight?" His face was dead serious.
I didn't understand why he asked me that question. What did he mean by why?

"You asked me too." My brows were edged down and my mouth pressed in a firm questionable line.

"Yes but why did you come? Why didn't you just...I don't know blow me off?" Blade looked down at his feet.

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