Suggested Reads Lists 2

609 29 0

***Read A/N at end!***

1) To Love Monster

By: ImBritney

I love this story a lot. It really truly amazing! You should read it as well! I promise your not going to be disappointed when you read it!!!!

2) Messed Up Cinderella Story

By: catsRULEdogsDROOL

It's really creative and completely unique! Please give it a read!!!

3) The VIP (18 + Only)

By: KanyeInterruptedMe

Okay so this is a new writer I have recently found. I love all the authors books I've read so far. They're really talented!!!!! (I put they because idk if it's a boy or girl) but anyway as you have seen it is for 18 years and older. Personally whoever is the age should read they're books!!!!!

Death is my BFF

BY: katrocks247

I seriously have fell in love with this book and the series. I stayed up a complete 2 days and night just to get to book 5 :) GO READ IT!!!!

Dominant Desires


I sooooo loved this book!!!! Te cast was perfect!!!! I could not get enough of this book!!! Seriously go read it like now! Go add it to your library!!!

Vote on all they're books and comment etc. ADD THE BOOKS TO YOUR LIBRARY AND FOLLOW THEM!!!!


Pic is of a masquerade mask one of the characters will be wearing. Can you guess who? :)

Angel's Blade #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now