Chapter Six - Better Angels

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After Dale's funeral, everyone moved into the farmhouse as the nights got colder.

Hedley was practising shooting his bow at the edge of the woods. He was alone but he wasn't for long as he spotted Shane going into the barn and bringing out Randall. At first, he thought Shane was taking Randall to Rick's truck but when he saw the gun in Shane's hand and them going off into the woods, Hedley decided to follow them, climbing up into the tall trees. He made sure to be as quiet as possible as he swung from branch to branch.

Shane said, "Now I'm the only shot of you getting out of these woods alive. You hear me? Now you start talking, boy. Where your group at?"

"We had a camp set up off the highway... Okay. ...About five miles from here. Who knows if they're still there."

"So you gonna take me to 'em."


"Because, man, I-- I'm just-- I'm done with this group, man. They're doomed and I want no part of it. That's all."

Hedley frowned at that.

"So, you're not gonna kill me?" Randall had hope in his voice.

Shane smiled, "Come on, man. If I was, you'd be dead. Come on." He pushed Randall deeper into the trees.

"Hey, you ain't gotta be so rough. We're on the same side now." Randall complained then continued to speak, "You're gonna like it with us. Gets a little crazy sometimes, but it's a tough bunch of guys. You'll fit in good."

"Less talking, more walking."

"Look, I run my mouth when I get nervous. I can't help it. I got a lot going on, you know? It ain't all about you. I-- I ain't saying it's about me. Just trying to--"

Shane didn't let him continue. He punched Randall and when he was dazed, he locked his head in his arms before twisting. It broke his neck quickly and Randall's dead body fell to the floor. Shane then put the gun into the back of his pants, covering it with his shirt. He then smashed his face against a tree. Bleeding and a little dizzy, Shane ran back to camp.

Hedley didn't know what to do. He just sat there and watched Randall's body. Frozen on the spot.

After a while, Randall's body began to move.

Hedley ran back to camp just as Shane was explaining his story to the group.

Daryl noticed him, sceptical of Shane's story. "Spider Monkey, go back to the house with the others."

Shane turned, eyes connecting with Hedley's and the boy's eyes were so wide. He was scared of Shane. Anyone could see it.

T-Dog went to him and pulled him with the others back to the house.

Once inside Carl and Hedley went upstairs.

"What's happening?" Carl asked his friend.

Hedley flipped through his cards, whining in frustration when none of the cards fit what he wanted to say.

Seeing this, Carl asked, "Is it about Randall?"


"Did you see something?"


"I-Is my dad in danger?"


"Randall's gonna hurt him?"


"No? Why not?"

Snarling at his cards, Hedley looked around the room to see if he could find anything to help him. He saw a pen and wrote on the wallpaper 'Randall', 'Dead', 'Shane'.

"No." Carl shook his head, "That can't be true."

Hedley wrote down three words that made Carl's lower lip wobble. 'I', 'Saw', 'It'.

"We have to go tell my dad!"

Hedley nodded.

"Good. Let's go." Carl went to the window, but Hedley stopped him, pointing downstairs. "No. We can't tell the others. They'll only stop us or worse, they won't believe us. We're just kids to them. We have to go and save my dad. Are you with me or not?"

Hedley lifted a card 'Yes'.

"Let's go then." And the two boys went out the window and climbed down using the pipes that collected the rainwater. Then they ran off into the woods, the sky quickly darkening.


It was officially night-time when they made it to a field.

A figure was in the distance, and they knew it was Rick. They ran towards him, weapons in their hands, ready to shoot if necessary. They stopped short when seeing Shane's dead body on the ground.

Rick was babbling to himself, "Damn you for making me do this, Shane. This was you, not me! You did this to us! This was you, not me-- not me! Not me! Son of..."

"Dad?" Carl spoke out hesitantly.

Rick looked up, "Carl. You know... You should be back home with mom. D- Hedley-" Carl raised his gun, "Just-- just put the-- Put the gun down. It's not what it seems." Hedley saw Shane rising, eyes dead and mouth agape. "Please. Wait-wait-wait-wait."

Carl pulled the trigger and Shane's walker body fell, gunshot to the head.

That was when they heard more growls and shuffling. They turned to find a massive herd of walkers coming into view not only around them but towards the farmhouse.

"Boys, we need to go. Now!" They ran. And not being able to cut through, Rick had the plan on lighting up the barn. "We'll stop some of them from reaching the house and distract the others, so at least we'll have a chance."


"Carl, I love you. Drop the lighter when I say. And Hedley, go to Daryl. Go. Go!"

As Rick led the herd to the barn, the boys hid in the bushes close by. And when a good number were inside, Rick gave the signal and Carl lit the spark and soon the whole barn - and the walkers inside - were engulfed in flames.

A walker came close, and Hedley aimed his crossbow and fired. It fell back and Hedley quickly took his bolt back before reloading. Rick came running, gun raised and shooting one while Carl shot another. The trio ran to the house.

Everyone was shouting and screaming for one another while trying to get into vehicles. Lori screamed for Carl when she saw him, and Rick pushed his wife and son into the truck.

"Hedley!" Carl yelled for his friend, reaching his hand for him. Hedley took it and was pulled in, just in time to hear the screams of Patricia as she was eaten alive. Hershel climbed in the passenger's seat. Rick got into the driver's seat, started the car and ran over walkers as he sped away. Lori held onto Carl as she cried. Carl leaned into her but his hand gripped Hedley's tightly as the other boy rocked back and forth in distress. 

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