Chapter Forty - Eight - Bedsheets

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((( Notes: Hey guys! I'm thinking of doing a Spotify playlist for this fic. 

So tell me, what song reminds you of Hedley Dixon? Let me know in the comments :3 )) 


Walkers got into the house. Rick and Merle came in with a dead walker over their shoulder as they gathered everyone upstairs.

"We're gonna need bed sheets, enough for everyone." Rick ordered.

Hedley and Carl went into the drawers, fishing out bedsheets.

"Bed sheets for what?" Jesse asked, terrified.

"We all go to the armoury."


"We're gonna gut these things. Cover ourselves with the insides. It'll mask our smell, make them think we're like them." Ron and Jesse gasped in disbelief. "I've done it before. We stay calm, we don't draw attention, we can move right through them."

Jesse and Ron looked horrified.

Michonne explained, "They're in the house, they're making noise. More are coming."

The flesh was squelching when Michonne and Merle started to carve. Jesse and Ron were stuck frozen.

"Anyone who stays here is gonna die." Said Rick, trying to get them to understand.

Hedley and Carl gave them the sheets.

They dipped the bedsheets into the guts and tore out head holes to slip them over their heads.

Carl helped Hedley cover himself with guts.

"This is disgusting." Ron muttered when he and his mother joined.

"Suck it up or become one of those." Merle said, pointing to the cut up walker on the floor.

Michonne looked at the eldest Dixon with anger, "Do you have to open your mouth?"

"Sorry, black beauty." Merle grinned, "It's got a mind of its own."

"Well, tame it or I'll do it for you."

"Mom?" The tiny voice broke the room.

It was Sam, he look petrified.

Jesse knelt down to him, "You need to listen to me, okay? We aren't safe here anymore. Okay, we need to do this so that we can be safe out there. We need to look like the monsters."

"No, please, no."

"Yes, honey, we have to go, okay? We have to, Sam. Honey, just-- just pretend you're brave." She begged, "Okay? Just make it all pretend. Okay, none of this is real and you're somebody who isn't afraid. Okay?"

Crying, Sam nodded, "O-Okay."

Once they were ready and completely covered in guts and gore, they slowly moved out into the landing.

"We have to go." Michonne said, glancing at Hedley, "Ready, Bug?"

Hedley nodded.

"I'll get Judith." Said Rick but he was stopped by Hedley when he went to go get his daughter. "What is it, Hedley?"

"W-We need- need you-- i-if things g-go b-bad. I'll h-hold J-Judith." Hedley stuttered, chest panting as he forced the words out. "I-I promi-promise to ke-keep h-her safe."

Rick patted his shoulder, "I know you will. You've protected her before. Go get her and cover her up, okay?"

Hedley nodded and went to collect a sleeping Judith. He lifted up his sheet then carefully strapped her to his chest. She nuzzled his collar and made a small noise but was still asleep. He draped the sheet back over and went out to meet the others. He nodded to Rick, ready.

With one hand holding Judith close, he used the other to grip hold of Carl as Rick led them through the herd of walkers. Nose to nose with the dead. They swarmed and bumped into them like they were one of them. It was working.

Carl squeezed his hand when they made it to the front door, pushing their way through. It was a small gesture of comfort. Merle was behind him, keeping a close eye on the boy in front, eyes wide and knife ready, just in case.

They were gonna make it. They were outside. They were blending in.... Until...

"Mom?" Sam. He was speaking, fear in his voice, "Mom? Mom?!"

Jesse placed her hand over her son's mouth. Luckily none of the walkers heard, the words drowned out by their own groaning.

They made it to the bushes, a quiet area near the water supply.

"All right, new plan." Whispered Rick, "Flares from a few guns aren't enough. Too many walkers, too spread out. We're not going to the armoury. We need our vehicles back at the quarry. All of us drive. We'll need to round 'em up. We leave, we come back."

"Okay." Jesse nodded, "But Judith... to the quarry and back. I don't think she can stay quiet that long."

Hedley held her closer then said, "I-I'll take her t-to the trees. Wait f-for y-you t-to draw the h-herd away."

"How are you gonna get to the trees? The gate is all the way across town?"

Carl then spoke up, "There's a blind spot. A gap in the gate that Enid goes through. Its just passed those houses."

Hedley nodded, "I-I'll climb high e-enough to-to see y-you."

Rick looked nervous but he was out of options. "Okay. Go through the blind spot, climb and keep Judith safe for me. When we draw the herd away, I'll signal you. Okay?"

Hedley nodded.

Merle cupped his nephew's face, "Ya so brave, y'know that? Keep safe and if ya get into any trouble, run. Okay?"

Hedley nodded again.

Carl went up to his best friend and hugged him tightly, Judith between their chests. "Please be careful."

Hedley nodded into Carl's neck. They pulled apart and Carl bit his lower lips as emotion rose from his throat.

"I'll see you soon. Okay?"

Hedley smiled, "I-I'll see you soon."

Hedley then slowly departed from the group, weaving in and out of walkers and making his way to the blind spot. He went through it, careful to pull back the fencing that kept it closed. Once he was through, it was quiet. Well, quieter. It was as if all the walkers were inside Alexandria and the ones Hedley could see now were the ones that overspilled, unable to squeeze in. He made his way to a good thick tree then started to climb. He didn't have his crossbow with him but he had his knives and so the weight was lighter - making it easier for him to climb higher. He was near the top and from where he was, he could see the inside of Alexandria. He spotted Rick and the group and watched them as they made their own way through.

Hedley lifted the sheet and checked on Judith. She was still sleeping. He cradled her close and kissed the top of her head as he hoped for all this to be over. 

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