Chapter Ten - Shit Happens

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When Hedley woke up, he was in his cell alone. His crossbow was leaning against the wall beside him, and a small blanket had been thrown over his legs. He felt exhausted, he always did after a meltdown, but he got up anyway, took off his headphones and headed down. He watched from the side-lines as Lori, Maggie, Carol and Beth carefully watched over a still unconscious Hershel. They didn't notice him. He went to the entryway of the cell block, seeing Daryl, T, Glenn and Rick instructing the prisoners around a table of weapons.

Thomas, the man with the gun, said, "Why do I need this, when I've got this?" He showed off the weapon.

Daryl answered, "Ya don't fire guns. Not unless ya back's up against the wall. Noise attracts 'em, really riles 'em up."

"We'll go in two by two. Daryl will run point with T, I'll bring up the rear with you," Said Rick, "Stay tight, hold formation, no matter how close the walkers get. Anyone breaks ranks, we could all go down, anyone runs off, they could get mistaken for a walker, end up with an axe to the head."

"And that's where you aim." Daryl reminded, "These things only go down with a head shot." Thomas scoffed, "Ain't gotta tell us how to take out a man."

"They ain't men." Said T, "They're something else."

"Just remember, go for the brain."

Glenn went into the cell block to say bye to Maggie and doing so, that's when Daryl spotted Hedley poking his head out at them.

Daryl walked towards him, "Hey." He said softly, "'M sorry for yellin'. It's just- these people, they're dangerous. I need ya safe."

Hedley nodded, going through his cards to show off the 'Okay' one.

"Stay 'ere. I need ya to stay 'ere."


"It ain't cause I don't trust ya. It's 'cause I don't trust them."

Hedley nodded. Daryl ruffled his hair, then went back to Rick.


After some time, and Carl getting yelled at for going off to the infirmary by himself, Hedley sat with Maggie in Hershel's cell, watching over him as he cleaned his bolts.

"Do you remember your father, Spider Monkey?" Maggie asked suddenly.

Hedley didn't respond but his hands paused.

"Did he... die?"

Hedley looked up at Maggie and shrugged.

"Ya don't know? I'm sorry."

The boy took out a card and flipped it round so he had a blank page, and he took out his pen and wrote messily. 'He Left'."

"Left? He left ya all alone... in this world?"

The boy shrugged again, this time more sadly, a whine in his throat.

"I'm sorry, Hedl-"

All of a sudden, Hershel stopped breathing just as Beth came in. The girls ran to their dad in a panic. Maggie patted the man's cheek, feeling for a pulse.

"What's happening?" Beth yelled, hitting Hershel's chest.

He laid still.

"Do something! Somebody help! Somebody! Please, help!"

Lori ran in, putting her head on the man's chest before starting CPR.

"Come on! Come on!" She chanted as she pumped.

Hershel suddenly grabbed her, but Maggie pulled her away. Hershel awakened but he soon fell back asleep, but he began to breathe normally again.

The three women hugged, all breathing a sigh of relief.

Hedley flapped his hands and went out of the cell, seeing Carl waiting nearby.

"I found a jigsaw puzzle in one of the cells if you wanna do it together." Carl said, pointing to his cell with his thumb.

Hedley nodded, going with his friend to the cell.


That night, only two of the inmates survived the journey with Rick but that didn't help Hedley feel safe. He stared at the ceiling of his cell, head bumping rhythmically against his pillow as he tried to self sooth. It didn't work. He got up and went out to his cell and saw Daryl asleep on the porch. He was sitting up slightly, fully clothed with his crossbow close at reach. His arms were crossed over his chest, little snores spilling with each breath.

The moon lit the block easily, but it was silent.

Hedley crept up to Daryl and laid himself down next to the archer, curling in on himself as the night's chill swam around him.

The movement woke Daryl up immediately, hand reaching for his bow, but he relaxed when seeing the boy beside him. He didn't question it, he just pulled a blanket over the boy, sighed heavily then waited for sleep to return to him.

Hedley reached a hand for the cloth at the bottom of Daryl's shirt, wanting to hold it as if he was scared of Daryl leaving.

The archer reached over carefully and stroked the child's black sweat covered hair.

He then whispered, "Goodnight, Spider Monkey."

He didn't get a reply, but what else was new. 

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