Chapter Forty - Seven - The Tower Has Fallen

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Hedley spotted Carl walking down and towards Rick and the front gate. He was glad to see the young Grimes still inside the walls of Alexandria and now out there, risking his life for a girl he's only just met. He journeyed down and caught up with Carl, tugging his flannel sleeve. When Carl turned to him, Hedley waved at him, unsure.

"Hey, Hedley." He said, a small smile on his lips, "Look, I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier. I-I was frustrated and I took it out on you. I know you were just trying to keep me safe... and I said some things I shouldn't. I'm sorry."

Hedley took in the apology, nodding his head but his lips were still in a frown.

Carl spotted it, "What's wrong?"

Hedley took out his book and wrote a simple sentence. 'I miss my dad'.

"Oh." Carl said once he read it, "I know. I'm sorry he's not here yet... but I'm sure he's okay. I mean, he's Daryl after all.

Hedley nodded again then tackled Carl into a hug, burying his head into the shorter boy's neck. Carl hugged him back, sensing the worry on his best friend.

"You two need to get a grip and stop fightin' all the time." Merle's voice brought them out of their embrace.

"We weren't fighting." Carl defended.

"Yeah. Yeah." Merle puffed air through his lips before tugging his nephew under his arm, "And stop ya frownin', Lil' Dixon. Ya dad will be just fine."

Hedley grinned up at his uncle, nodding his head, believing the words. Merle ruffled his hair, turning to Carl seriously, "Ya need to stop mouthin' off to 'im, kid. He's ya best friend, not ya punchin' bag whenever you get a lil' angry."

Carl lowered his head, "I know. I'm sorry, Merle."

Merle nodded, accepting the apology.

A loud creaking was heard and along that came shouts and screams of horror.

They looked over and saw the tower just outside Alexandria tilt inwards. It then crashed down, flattering the gate below. The ground thundered when the tower hit it hard. The growls of walkers echoed after and they barrelled their way inside the gap.

"Everyone, run!" Rick yelled to the people and so everyone did.

Merle tugged the teenage boys in front of him back, "Go! Back to the house! Go!"

Carl grabbed a hold of Hedley's hand and the two ran as fast as they could with Merle hot on their trail.


They were all halted up at Jesse's house. Carl, Hedley, Judith, Merle, Ron, Sam, Jesse, Rick, Michonne and a dying Deanna. Deanna was bit and bleeding upstairs as Hedley watched the walkers outside. More and more of them every second.

It was fine for a while. Judith was asleep, Deanna was too and everyone sat quietly, thinking of a plan.

That was when they heard yelling and smashing coming from the garage. Hedley then saw that Ron and Carl were gone. He ran straight to the garage door, banging on it. Soon Rick, Jesse, Merle and Michonne joined, all rattling the door.



"Carl! Let me in! Carl! Carl, open the door!"

"Ron, open the door right now!"

"Back up." Rick ordered, taking his axe and started hacking at the lock.

Hedley whined, hating the chaos. He put his hands over his ears as the sound of the axe chopping off the handle was sent right into his sensitive drums.

Merle held onto him, pulled him back and collected his headphones, placing him onto his nephew's head.

More yelling and grunting and the growls of walkers were heard.

When the door opened, Carl and Ron tumbled through as walkers let themselves into the garage. Rick and the others closed the door, barricading it shut.

"Hey, hey, what happened in there?" Rick asked Carl.

"We were looking for tools and knocked over a shelf."

"We heard yelling."

"Yeah, Ron saw them break through the gates. We had to move."

Ron then spoke, unsure and stuttery - afraid. "Carl, there's nightstands in my mom's room. We can brace the couch with them."

"Hey," Rick gained Carl's attention, "It sounded like you were fighting."

"Yeah, but we were fighting them."

Rick didn't believe him, "Carl? It's okay?"

Carl nodded, "It's okay." Carl and Ron then went upstairs. Hedley decided to follow them. He ended up in a bedroom, Carl pointing a gun at Ron.

"Hand me the gun, grip first."

"Carl, I'm sorry." Ron spoke, tears in his eyes.

"Yeah, I know. Now give me the gun."

Ron gave Carl his gun and Carl pocketed it along with his own gun.

Hedley tugged on Carl's sleeve, a face of worry.

"It's okay, Hedley." Carl whispered to his friend before turning to Ron, "Look, man I get it. My dad killed your dad, but you need to know something. Your dad was an asshole."

Hedley couldn't help the snort he let out, finding the words funny.

The two looked at Hedley, eyebrows up.

Hedley covered his mouth with his fingers. "S-Sorry."

The three went out and saw Michonne and Jesse looking out the window.

"They knocked the sculpture over." Jesse said.

"All that noise, it's drawing more." Michonne said.

Judith began to cry upstairs.

"I'll get her." Rick announced, disappearing upstairs.

As the snarling of the walkers grew louder, Jesse pulled Ron into her in terror.

And Carl reached over to hold Hedley's hand. 

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