Chapter Twenty- Four - Too Far Gone

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Hedley was breathing on his own but was still sleeping. Daryl stayed by his side, wiping the sweat off the boy's forehead with a cold cloth. Merle was helping Hershel and Rick move the bodies of those that didn't survive the illness - those included was Doctor S and the two little girls Lizzie and Mika. Glenn survived the night also after a bad spell, Maggie with him in his cell upstairs.

Rick knocked on the cell door, "Hey."

Daryl nodded at him.

"He awake yet?"

"He'd come in and out of consciousness but he's out like a light after the round of painkillers Hershel gave 'im."

Rick hummed, "Can I talk to ya about somethin'?"

Daryl turned to him, cocking an eyebrow.

"I've already told Merle. He ain't taken it well-"

"Just spit it out."

Rick sighed in defeat, "It was Carol."

Daryl frowned, "What?"

"Carol killed Karen and David. She stabbed them in their sleep, dragged them out and set them on fire. She did it."

After a moment to think, Daryl asked, "Where's Carol now?"

"I gave her some supplies and I sent her on her way."

"Fuck." Daryl growled, "Ya couldn't've waited?"

"No. Tyreese was already a ticking time bomb. I couldn't risk it."

Daryl shook his head, gesturing to Hedley, "You gonna tell him? Cause I ain't."

Rick nodded, taking on the responsibility then left the cell.

Daryl went back to watching the boy sleep.

When Hedley finally opened his eyes, Daryl smiled. "Hey there, Spider Monkey."

Hedley grinned back, lips chapped and dry, teeth dirty due to the blood that dried between them, but the smile was the best thing Daryl had seen in so long.

"You made it." Daryl's voice was so soft and quiet, it was only heard by the boy he was saying it too. "I'm so glad you made it."

Merle cheered when he saw the scene, "Hey, Lil' Dixon! It's so good to see ya up!"

"Calm down, bro. He's only just woken." Daryl chuckled a little.

"Let me celebrate, baby brother. My Nephew is badass! Takes after his old Uncle!"


After a few days in bed and a couple more slowly moving about the block, Hedley was finally strong enough to walk about outside in the courtyard on his own.

When seeing his friend, Carl ran over to him, hugging him tightly.

"I missed you!" He yelled, "I was spending some time with Judith, so I wasn't allowed back there to visit. I hope you got my letters and those comic books I've sent."

Hedley nodded, pulling his friend back into a tight hug.

"I take it you missed me too?" Hedley nodded into the other boy's shoulder. Carl chuckled at that.

"Well, well, look who's better?" Rick smiled, coming up to them, ruffling Hedley's hair, "How ya feelin'?"

Hedley took out his cards, finding the right one before showing it off, 'Better'.

"I'm glad."

Carl was suggesting going and see where he saw a bunch of frogs, but Rick spoke up. "Wait. Uh, Spider Monkey, Did Daryl tell you about ... Carol?"

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