Chapter Forty - Three - Party Favours

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The group was invited to a welcome party and Hedley went with Merle, Rick, Carl and Carol as Daryl was off hunting. Carl had his hand in Hedley's as they went into the new strange environment. Hedley had his headphones on and his free hand was waving about as he got more uncomfortable seeing strangers gathered around. Carl squeezed his hand in reassurance.

Deanna saw them and went over, "Welcome!"

"Hi." Rick said. Judith was in his arms and she was chewing her hand.

"Oh, it's so good to see you." She spotted the boys beside him, "Hi, Carl. Hedley. Thank you for coming."

Merle spoke from the back, "Ya got beer?"

Carol scowled at him and turned to Deanna, "Sorry about him."

"No worries. Yes there's beer and wine and all. Enjoy."

Merle pulled Carol with him as he made his way to the table where all the alcohol was. He offered her some wine and she accepted eagerly.

Deanna grinned at a babbling Judith, "You know, I didn't get a chance to interview this one. I envy her."

Rick curled an eyebrow, "Why?"

"She'll get to see what this place will become."

Hedley was a little distressed, rocking and whining. Carl was trying to calm him but Hedley kept stimming.

Merle came over, worry on his face, "He alright?"

Carl shook his head, "I think he's a bit overwhelmed with all this. I think we all are, to be honest." When Hedley started to shout out, tears filling his eyes, Carl said, "I'm gonna take him back to the house. Maybe take him to the garden, get him to calm down."

Merle nodded, "Good. I'll tell ya dad."

"Thanks, Merle."

The older Dixon grinned, patting Carl on the shoulder, "You a good kid."

Carl lured an overstimulated Hedley outside and headed towards the house they were staying in. They passed Ron and his family. Jesse saw them and smiled. "Hey, were you just at the party?"

Pete tried to get her to keep moving but she stayed where she was, looking at Hedley with concern.

"Yeah." Said Carl, "It was just a bit too much for Hedley so I'm taking him home."

"Oh. That's a shame."

"Come on, Jesse. Let's go." Pete ordered, pushing her and his boys forward, "Always taking so damn long."

Jesse apologised to him, said goodbye to Carl and Hedley before heading towards Deanna's house.

Carl ended up taking Hedley to the garden behind their house. It was simple with grass and a few trees. Nothing special but Carl knew that Hedley appreciated the outdoors. He sat with his back against a tree, watching as Hedley searched the area for bugs and worms, showing Carl whatever he found.

"I'm glad to be out of there." Carl admitted, looking up at the stars, "I'd much rather be out here with just you than with all those people. They gawk at us like we're heroes or something. And did you see the way that woman was staring at your scars." He sighed.

Hedley came over, sitting beside his friend, he had something in his hand and when he showed what it was, Carl gasped. "Woah. I've never seen a bug like that."

Its a beetle. Big and bulky. Carl shined his torch at it and the boys watched it scatter around.

Hedley eventually let the beetle go, putting it on the ground. It burrowed in the mud and disappeared into the earth. That left Carl and Hedley, alone in the dark, a flashlight their only source of light.

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