Chapter Sixty - Eight - Mercy Of Us All

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(( Notes: Just so everyone knows - Hedley and Carl are 15/16 and Judith is turning 3. )) 

"When I first met him, Jesus said that my world was gonna get a whole lot bigger. Well, we found that world. We found each other. That 'bigger world' is ours by right." Rick spoke from his podium - which was the back of a truck. Everyone took in every single word. "That we've come together for it, all of us it's that much more true -- it's ours by right. Any person who would live in peace and fairness, who would find common ground it's their right, too. But those who use and take and kill to carve out the world and make it theirs alone -- we end them."

Hedley was sitting with Shiva. She was resting on the back of another truck, chain around her neck. Hedley stroked her head softly. She rumbled in contentment. Carl was beside Hedley, holding his free hand.

"We don't celebrate it. We don't have shame about it, either. There's only one person who has to die and I will kill him myself. I will. I will. But if it's the others, the others who prop him up, stand by his side, even those who just look the other way -- so be it." Rick's voice was strong as he looked all around, "Then we keep making the world bigger. Together."

Ezekiel's voice boomed as he joined, "Together. Bound forever! To quote The Bard, 'For he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother.'" He patted Rick's shoulder before going over to Maggie, patting her more gently on the arm, "For she today, my sister."

Shiva roared in celebration, making Hedley happy stim as the vibrations went right through him like music.

Maggie then spoke, acting like a true leader, "We've practised. We've been through it over and over again. We all know the plan doesn't end this morning. That we may have to live in uncertainty for days, maybe more. That we have to keep our faith in each other. If we can hold on to that with everything we have, the future is ours. The world is ours."


Daryl was already on the road with Carol and Morgan. So Hedley was with Judith, sitting on the concrete path with some chalk. She was giggling as she drew little pictures. Hedley was drawing Shiva, colouring her orange fur with delicacy, using the white to bring out her whiskers.

Rick came over and kissed Judith. He was getting ready to move out and face the threat. He patted Hedley on the shoulder, earning a smile and nod of the head from the boy. Rick knew Judith would be safe with him and that was something profound. It was something Rick could never thank enough.

Rick then went a few feet over and kissed Michonne tenderly. He then went to Carl, taking off his hat so he could properly hug him.

"This is the end of it." He promised to them all before getting into the car and drove off with the rest of his people.

They watched the vehicles drive off. One by one.

"I know you wanted to go with him." Carl spoke, looking at Michonne, "I did, too."

"Everything hurts." She admitted, "But I'll help you defend this place."

"Help me?"

"Oh, yeah." She brought him into a side hug, "This is your show."

Carl scoffed, not believing it.

"Okay. You'll see."

Hedley coughed, making the pair laugh.

"If I'm in charge, does that make you my right hand man, Hedley?" Carl joked.

Hedley stood, dusting off the chalk from his hands, cheekily smirking, "If t-that's what you want of me, Sir."

Carl blushed, quickly becoming a stuttering mess and Michonne cackled with laughter.

"I'll leave you boys to your flirting." Michonne said, going to carefully take Hedley's place on the floor with Judith.

Carl and Hedley ended up going to the garden, to their favourite spot under the tree, leaning their backs against the thick trunk. Hedley's bare feet wiggled in the dirt and Carl used his finger to draw patterns in said dirt.

"I've gotta tell you something." Carl said seriously, eyes down.

Hedley turned his face towards him, silently asking for more.

"Enid- She kissed me. A few days after Negan took you. It only lasted a few seconds. I was sad and alone and -- I didn't really want to... I don't even know if I enjoyed it or not. But, I'm glad she did it."

The words hurt Hedley. It confused him. It made him want to run away but he stayed put.

"W-Why?" He croaked out, "Why are you glad she did it if you didn't like it?"

Carl looked up at his friend, "Because she made me realise who I actually wanted."

Hedley's gaze turned soft and hopeful.

"Can I- um-" Carl stuttered, face red with shyness, "Can I kiss you?"

Hedley smiled brightly, his hands flapped with excitement which made Carl smile too. Hedley nodded, consenting. Carl took his hand in his as they continued to flap and it took a moment as Carl was taken aback from finally noticing how big Hedley's hands were compared to his own. Him climbing trees all his life has made his fingers bulky and strong in ways Carl's weren't.

Hedley's staring at Carl with something that looks like a mixture of anticipation, terror and hope. He had been looking forward to this but now that it was here, he was terrified of doing something wrong.

"I-I don't know how to-"

"It's okay." Carl whispered, "I don't either."

Maybe it's the fact it's just them or maybe it's the warmth of the sun surrounding them or maybe it's the fact that this was Carl, no one else, and maybe it's the fact that this had been building between them for so long... Hedley relaxed. He tilted his head and his mouth bumps, hot and open, onto Carl's and he kisses him.

Carl's hands slide into Hedley's hair, fingers feeding beneath the knitted hat. His mouth moved clumsily, frantically, as he kissed Hedley back.

There's nothing elegant about it, nothing practised and that just made Hedley hold Carl closer, almost smashing their mouths together, as he explored every inch of his tongue and his lips and hears that strangled gasp from Carl's throat that makes him clutch Carl, his own hands sliding against his shoulder blades.

Hedley, despite his lack of experience, took control, letting his lips move slower, his tongue sliding into Carl's mouth and after a moment, Carl just lets himself be kissed. Surrendering and melting into the taller boy. 

When they broke away, Carl's chest was rising and falling and he's staring at Hedley, cheeks flushed, gasping for breath, his lips raw and red. Hedley could feel his own heart slamming against his chest.

"Wow." Carl choked out, their lips still so close, sharing breath.

Hedley just nodded, agreeing to the statement.

Hedley kissed him again, softer and gentler this time and Carl made a surprised noise in the back of his throat and then just gave all of himself to the boy in front of him.

They didn't know how long they spent just enjoying the sensation of each other's touches. But what they did know was that they couldn't get enough.

Carl stood up suddenly, offering Hedley his hand. He took it and was pulled up as well. Confused, Hedley frowned, "Why aren't we kissing more?"

Carl chuckled, flushed in the cheeks as his blood had rushed elsewhere. He tugged Hedley's arm to get him walking. "We're taking this somewhere more... private."

Hedley raised an eyebrow.

Carl just smirked, leading them into the Dixons' home, up the stairs and into Hedley's bedroom. 

(( Notes Pt.2 - The smut will be in the next chapter. They won't go all the way. They'll just be teens exploring each others bodies. It's cute. I promise <3 ))) 

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