Chapter Nine - Moving In

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"Ready?" Hershel asked. Rick nodded. He and Lori then open the gate and Rick leads into the courtyard with T, Daryl, Maggie and Glenn.

They all started stabbing walkers in the head, moving forward. In the meantime, Hershel, Carl, Hedley, Carol, Lori and Beth try to draw the walkers to the fence in order to stab them through the wire.

The others kept killing walkers until the first courtyard was empty.

"Almost there!" Rick announced. They walk and they see another courtyard filled with walkers. They hide behind a wall. Two walkers come out of a vehicle, they're dressed as guards, helmets on. Two others came out from behind the wall, Maggie kicked one. They try to kill them but they won't go down, not while their helmets were still on.

Rick walked towards the courtyard filled with walkers in order to close it. He pushed a guard on the floor. "Daryl!" Daryl rushed forward to help him.

Suddenly, Maggie killed one of the guards but forcing her knife under the lower jaw and upwards. Glenn and T-Dog look at her impressed.

She smiled, "You see that?"

The boys follow her lead and soon the guard walkers go down.

The courtyard was now filled with bodies.

"Looks secure." Said Glenn.

Daryl shook his head, "Nothing will lead to that courtyard over there." He pointed to a body, "And that's a civilian."

T-Dog frowned, "So the interior could be overrun by walkers from outside the prison."

"Well, if there's walls, then, what are we gonna do? We can't rebuild this whole place." Glenn said.

"We can't risk a blind spot. We have to push in." Said Rick.

They all walked towards a door leading to the prison. Daryl opened the door.


They winded up in an empty cell block and started looking out for walkers.

They kill the walkers inside before carrying the corpses out of the cells. The second half the group comes in, being led by T-Dog.

"What do you think?" Rick asked them.

Glenn smirked, "Home sweet home."

"For the time being."

Lori looked at her husband, "Is it secure?"

"This cell block is."

Hershel frowned, "What about the rest of the prison?"

"In the morning, we'll find the cafeteria, and the infirmary."

Beth looked at the metal bars, "We'll sleep in the cells?"

Rick nodded, "I found the keys on some guards. Daryl has a set too."

Daryl from the second floor growled, "I ain't sleeping in no cage. I'll take the perch."

Hedley ran up the stairs to see Daryl. He started bouncing, hands flapping, making Daryl grin, "Ya happy, kid?"

Hedley hummed, nodding almost violently.

"Ya gonna share a room with Carl?"

Hedley shook his head.

"Ya ain't bunkin' with me." Daryl said, crossing his arms, "Ya can have ya own room now. So, pick one."

Hedley looked around then walked into the cell closest to Daryl's porch. The Cell was small with a window, bunk beds and a toilet and sink. The boy looked around before climbing up in the top bunk. Daryl was at the doorway, leaning on the bars.

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