Chapter Ninety - Eight - Brother

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((Notes: Probably my one of my favourite chapters I've written so far. So enjoy :3 )) 

((TW - The word 'Faggot' makes an appearance.  And the word 'Spaz'. Sorry.)) 

Lydia and Hedley were walking down the streets of Alexandria.

They were talking more about Autism.

"You said you used to have noise cancelling headphones." Lydia said, "Why don't you wear them anymore? Are you cured from that symptom?"

"No. We can never be cured of symptoms. But look," He reached into his pocket and took out two tiny earplugs. "These work much better. Less bulky and takes a lot less room than chunky headphones. Whenever I feel overwhelmed, they slip in easily and don't fall out."

He demonstrated, putting the plugs in and wiggled his head and sure enough, they kept in. He took the plugs out and put them back in his pocket. "I've got another pair if you want them."

"Thank you."

"Hey, Lydia!" Someone called. It was Gage, his buddy Chris and Margo.

Lydia and Hedley turned to them, seeing that Gage had a bag over his head with eyes and mouth hole. "You think Mommy will take me in?" He laughed, taking the bag off then mocked a sad face, "Oh, right. No. She kicked your ass out. Now you're just a freak."

Chris laughed along with him.

"Get the hell out of here!" Margo growled at Lydia. 

"Hey!" Hedley shouted, stepping forward so Lydia was behind him, "Back off."

"Or what, Faggot?"

Hedley narrowed his eyes at Gage, "Wanna say that straight to my face?"

Gage laughed again, stepping forward until his nose was inches from Hedley's.


As soon as those words were said, Hedley smashed his forehead against Gage's nose. The bone broke and blood squirted out of his nostrils. He held his face and screamed in agony.  Chris, charged but Hedley soon flipped him down and onto his back. Chris swung a punch and Hedley rolled off. Chris jumped onto Hedley but Hedley kicked him off.

Lydia ran to get Daryl who was cleaning his bike. "Daryl! Daryl!"

Daryl jumped up, alert, "What is it?"

"Hedley." Was all she could say before they ran back to where Hedley was now on top of Chris, hitting him over and over and over. Margo was screaming for him to stop as she cradled a still bleeding Gage. Hedley's lip was busted and split and so were his knuckles as they kept on punching.

Daryl ran up and took his son, pulling him off of Chris. "Enough! That's enough!"

"Control that spaz!" Margo yelled.

"Don't call him that!" Lydia growled.

"Enough!" Daryl took his son away.

Chris squirmed in pain on the floor as his eyes pulsed and started to swell.

"What is going on here?!" Michonne stepped in with Carl and Aaron at her side.

Carl went straight to Hedley and took his bruised hand in his to inspect the bruises forming on his boyfriend's skin.

"They were picking on Lydia." Hedley spat blood, panting.

Daryl kept his hands on his son's shoulders to keep him from pouncing again.

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