Chapter Seventy - Five - Anger

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"We don't have the resources to fight off another attack." Maggie said, "Be ready to go."

Hedley nodded then ran over to where Daryl was and saw Tara getting out of the car.

"Hey. You shouldn't be out here." Daryl told her.

"Oh. It's just a scratch." She said, "I can help."

"What if it wasn't?"

"Then it'd be my own damn fault. He's back with them because of me."

"No, he's back with 'em 'cause that's who he is." Daryl was angry.

"We got lucky. Finding Maggie... Rick. It could've been different. It was, for me, when I was with the Governor."

"Yeah, but you weren't one of 'em."

"But I was with them. Your brother, too."

"My brother? My brother ran the wrong way his whole life. He changed when he found out that he could fight for something better." Daryl looked at Hedley - he was so grown up now. Tall and strong and everything Merle would've been so proud of. He went back to Tara, "He changed because he had something to fight for. Dwight... he's just a coward."

"Maybe he's just scared." Tara defended.

Daryl snarled at that, "Is that before or after he killed your girl? Or is that all square now?"

"It is."

Hedley scoffed, shaking his head.

"Look, I might hate him forever, but he saved my life."

"He tried to kill you last night." Hedley spoke, trying to get her to understand.

"When we were in the woods, when we were coming here, I saw him try and help us win." Tara argued.

"I saw what I saw." Hedley shrugged, "And if you c-can forgive Dwight... then I suppose Denise didn't mean anything to you."

He walked away and headed back to the clinic to check up on Carl and Judith.

When he walked through the door, he saw Enid sitting next to Carl on the bed. An already angry Hedley was now pissed off.

Carl saw the look on his boyfriend's face and started to speak, "Hey! Enid was just here to-"

"I wanted to check in on Carl." Enid interrupted.

"Fantastic." Hedley said, unhappy.

"Crocodile!" Judith cheered as she ran to him, hugging Hedley's legs.

"Alligator!" He lifted her up, swinging her in the air to make her giggle.

Enid frowned at the names, giving Carl a questioning look.

"New nicknames they have for each other." Carl explained, "You'll see."

"Or she won't." Hedley added, putting Judith back down at where her toys were scattered on the floor. He turned to Carl, "Y-You should be resting, not up and talking to a b-"

"Enough, Hedley." Carl sighed, tired, "Let's just keep it civilised, please. We're on the same side here."

"Fine. I'll just leave you to it then." He said, going over to the door.

Carl tried to stand up but was still too sore, "Hed-"

"See you later, Alligator!" Hedley called over to Judith, waving.

She waved back and shouted, "See you in a while, Crocodile!"


He was stimming with anger for hours, pacing the grounds of Hilltop. He felt so overwhelmed with emotions. Everything too much. The artificial lights, the people, the air, the heat.

It was getting dark but the feelings he had inside were still raw and he just kept walking up and down, stimming, desperately trying to get the feelings to calm.

That was until he saw Henry - the little boy who follows Carol around like a lost puppy. He was holding a gun bigger than him and he was pointing it at Gregory behind the fence where they keep the prisoners.

"You're Gregory, right?"

"Thank God. Yes. Let me out." The old man pleaded.

"Do you know which one killed my brother?"

"I-I don't know who your brother is. I-I don't know any of these people. I'm not one of them. That's a very dangerous weapon you got there, kiddo. Uh, I don't want you to get hurt. I don't want anyone to get hurt. Why don't you give it to me, and we can talk, huh? I'm sorry about your brother. Killing them isn't gonna bring him back."

"No. But it'll make me feel better. It already did once."

"And why would you be in here if you're not with them? I'm not dumb. One of you knows who killed Ben, and if I have to, I'm gonna start shooting people until someone tells me."

Hedley was suddenly there, taking the gun away from the boy and pushing him away from the fence.

"What is wrong with you?!" Hedley yelled but tried keeping his voice quiet. "Go back and stay with Carol."



"You're not the boss of me!"

"Maybe not but I was just a little bit older than you when someone did this to me." Hedley pointed at his scarred face. Henry shrank away. "I don't want you trusting the wrong people."

Henry whined, tears filling his eyes, "I don't trust them."

"Good." Hedley nodded, "Now go on."

Henry was about to do just that but suddenly the sounds of people screaming inside the building caught their attention. Hedley gave Henry back the gun and ordered the boy, "Stay with me and stay alert."

Henry nodded, scared but brave as he followed Hedley inside.

Not knowing that Henry dropped the key to the pen and Gregory saw it, reached through the wires and got it.

Walkers were all around, they were in and they even were making it through the front gate. Everything was chaos and soon, the Saviours in the pen were out and had guns of their own.

Henry shot the walkers while Hedley stabbed them but soon they were outnumbered. Hedley took Henry by the arm and pulled him. "Come on! Run!"

And they did. 

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