Chapter Twenty - Start of Something New

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It has been six months.

The prison was swarming with life and hope. The crops were growing, the piglets that Rick found were now pigs and Hedley's cards were now in the form of study cards, held together by a metal ring. It helped him flip through them quicker to give his response.

He was walking with Daryl down to where the food was being cooked by Carol.

"Hey Daryl!"

"Hey, Daryl."

"Hi, Daryl."

The archer smiled stiffly under the attention and Hedley frowned at everyone in confusion.

Carol saw this, smiling, "Just so you know, I liked you first."

"Stop." Daryl huffed, reaching over for a plate of food, handing a plate over to Hedley. "You know, Rick brought in a lot of them, too."

"Not recently. Give the stranger sanctuary, keeping people fed, you're gonna have to learn to live with the love."


Carol smiled at Hedley, "How you doing, Spider Monkey?"

Hedley flicked through his cards. 'Good'. 'Thank you'.

"Hey!" Called a voice and in came Merle, "Ya havin' a dinner party and didn't invite old Uncle Merle?"

Carol raised an eyebrow at him, "Where have you been? I haven't seen you all morning."

"Worried about me, sweetheart?"

Carol rolled her eyes.

"I was doing gun training with the newbies. Hershel gave me the job."

Daryl frowned at his brother, "You what?"

"I've been pullin' my weight, baby brother." Merle shrugged then nudged Hedley, "How's ma Nephew doin' today?"


"Ya like the book I found ya?"

Merle went on the last supply run and had gotten Hedley a big book of bugs. An encyclopaedia of all nature's insects. Hedley spent most of last night reading it under his torch light.

The boy nodded, 'Thank you'.

"Ya welcome."

"I need you two to see something." Carol then announced, "Patrick, you want to take over?"

"Yes, ma'am." Said a boy slightly older than Hedley, "M-Mr. Dixon, I just wanted to thank you for bringing that deer back yesterday." He shuffled closer to Daryl, "It was a real treat, sir. And I'd be honoured to shake your hand."

Hedley frowned at the display, giving Merle a confused look. Merle chuckled and Carol smiled warmly. Daryl licked his fingers clean before shaking the boy's hand.

Carol went to lead Daryl and Merle where she wanted them. Daryl stopped Hedley from following.

"Stay 'ere."


"Socialise. Make a friend."


"I know ya have Carl but a couple more won't hurt."

Hedley looked at Merle for help but his Uncle just shrugged, pulling a face.

The adults left, leaving Hedley with Patrick at the stove.

"You have a really cool dad and uncle, Hedley." Patrick said, "I see you going out into the woods all the time. I wish I could do that, but I don't know how to handle weapons. What do you do out there anyways? Hunt? Scavenge? Or-" Patrick looked up from what he was doing, finding Hedley gone. "Oh."

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