Chapter Seventy - One - How It's Gotta Be

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(( Notes: Decided to give you a two in one again after not posting yesterday! So enjoy :3))) 

Carl and Hedley were strolling through the streets of Alexandria. It was dark, night looming above them but they didn't mind it. It was peaceful, relaxing... romantic. They were hand in hand, taking pauses between talking to just enjoy the silence of the moon.

They stopped just outside the church and Carl looked up at the building.

"Do you believe in God, Hedley?" He asked.


Carl looked at his boyfriend, "Why not? I know you don't trust Gabriel. Is it because he's a reverend?"

"I don't t-trust him because he's a coward. Religion doesn't matter. Not anymore." Hedley said, sighing as he looked up at the structure of the church, "And I don't believe in God because it doesn't make sense."


Hedley shook his head, "Think a-about it like this. If God is willing to destroy evil but is unable to, he is not omniscient. If he is able to destroy evil but not willing, then he is malevolent. If he is both willing and able but does not, then he enjoys watching people suffer. But if he is both unwilling and unable... why call him God?"

Carl thought about it for a moment, then suggested, "Maybe God is like us. He doesn't know who's evil until it's too late."

"Hm." Hedley hummed, "And I don't know why the Devil is seen as evil."

Carl frowned, "What? He's the villain. Of course he's evil."

"The Devil is described as a immortal being, a fallen archangel, that rules Hell... and that he tortures sinners in the acts of torture, right?"


"B-But isn't that a good thing? He's punishing the bad people. Just as God does but sending them to Hell in the first place."

Carl chuckled, "I love how your brain works."

Hedley nudged him using his shoulder.

"If you don't believe in God, what do you believe in?"

Hedley, stone faced, all serious, said, "Bigfoot."

"Big- What?" The other boy started to laugh.

"Don't laugh! It makes perfect sense!"


"Gigantopithecus." Hedley said it as if Carl should know exactly what he was saying with just one word. When Carl's confusion stayed on his face, Hedley explained, "I-It's an extinct genus of ape from roughly 2 million to 350,000 years ago d-during the Early to Middle Pleistocene of southern China. It's a massive, gorilla-like ape, potentially 440–660 lb when alive and taller than seven feet."

"They're extinct. You just said so yourself."

"Just b-because no one has seen them in a long time doesn't means they're not still out there."

"Okay." Carl huffed, smiling, "Okay. If- IF Bigfoot is still out there, why hasn't anyone got a dead body of one or at least a full skeleton?"

"Cave findings suggested that they bury their dead just like h-humans. We haven't got a skeleton that dates to more recent times because we don't know where they bury their dead."

"That doesn't make sense!"

"It does!"

Suddenly Michonne appeared, giggling at the display, "Boys! What's with all the drama?"

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