Chapter One Hundred + Four - Losing Battle

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Hedley found Alpha at the top of a hill, looking down at where her horde was. It was massive, leading away from the sights.

Hedley stood behind her, armed with Beta's machete.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" She said, looking out to the Walkers.

Hedley frowned, "No."

Alpha scoffed, "You people are still living in a fictional world. The world you are so desperate to recreate ... its dead."

"'Fictional' means something that is made up. That isn't real. But you know that our communities are very real. You've been inside our walls, seen our people. Its you who have made up a fantasy. Just so you can boss people around, feel like someone important." Hedley said. "Was it worth it? Was it worth losing your daughter?"

Alpha turned around in anger. "She was weak."

"No." He shook his head, "What she did... it was the bravest thing I'd ever seen."

She took out her large hunting knife and stepped forward, pointing at him with it, "You better move on, boy." She then spotted the machete, "Where did you get that?"

Hedley didn't respond.

"That isn't yours. Didn't your daddy ever tell you not to take things that don't belong to others?" She got closer.

"If you want it... come and get it."

She swung for him but he quickly dodged it.

Because of his broken hand, he tucked it in and used his elbow to strike her in the chest. She yelped but pulled his hair. He swung the machete, she grabbed his arm and hit his face using her forehead. He shouted in pain. She kicked the back of his knees and he went down. He rolled on the ground to get away, thrusting the machete out. It caught her leg which made blood drip. She ignored it and took a step back to ground herself.

Hedley stood up, wishing he had a gun, but kept his head up. Blood was drying on his face which made him itch. He wanted to scratch it but he couldn't. He instead stepped out, bringing the machete forward. Alpha used her blade to block it then with a flick of her wrist, the knife swiped at Hedley's arm. It stung.

He yelped but refused to stumble. He used his elbow to strike her face then sliced her chest with the machete. She drew back, putting a hand to the new wound and examined the blood.

She charged at him with a battle-cry and grabbed the arm that was holding the machete to keep it still then forced her body into his until he was up against a tree. She bent his arm at an unnatural angle and it made his muscles spasm. He dropped the machete and Alpha kicked it away. She took her knife and plunged it where Hedley's head was but luckily he'd moved it away just in time and it landed in the bark, stuck.

As she tried to get it out, Hedley rolled out of her grip and took out one of his own knives, his broken hand useless.

She got the blade out and huffed and puffed with fury.

Alpha's knife came flying as she swiped her arm. Hedley jumped out of the way, swinging his own knife. They both did a routine of hit and miss for a while... 



Everyone was getting ready to go for the plan.

Most of the fighters were going straight to the horde to deal with that while Daryl, Carl, Lydia, Magna and Yumiko were going to find Hedley.

Daryl stepped into the hospital where Connie was getting treated. She was awake and sitting up which was a good sign, Kelly beside her.

She saw him and smiled thinly, making a gesture for him to come and sit. He does.

Kelly gets up and says (while signing) "I'll leave you two to it."

It made the pair blush.

Daryl looked at the floor but when Connie tapped his shoulder, he looked at her worried face.

'What is it?'

'We're heading out soon'. He signed and said, 'I'm going to find Hedley.'

She nodded, 'I'm sorry I didn't bring him home'.

"Hey." He said, reaching for her hands and holding them, speaking clearly for her to read his lips. "It ain't your fault."

She shook her head in disagreement but Daryl cut her off, signing.

'Hedley is strong ... and stubborn.'

Connie gave a little laugh, 'Just like his father.'

Daryl snorted, rolling his eyes then turned serious. 'I'm going to bring him back.'

'I know you will.'

There was a moment of silence, the pair just looking at one another with soft eyes.

Connie took her hand and gently took the hair from his face and tucked it behind his ear. Daryl smiled, red cheeked and eyes narrow.

She loved how shy he became after just a few soft touches. She then leaned forward and kissed his cheek tenderly.

The skin where her lips touched tingled and he looked at her lips. 

Daryl stood and took his crossbow that was leaning against the foot of the bed. He looked at her.

'I'll see you later.'

Connie smiled, 'Okay'.

He turned to leave but couldn't help himself looking back.

'Stay safe.' She signed.

He nodded.

She then signed something else. 'And bring him home.'

Daryl nodded again and left, going to the front gate where the others were waiting.

Michonne had her hands on her hips, "Ready to get our Spider Monkey, Dixon?"

"As ready as ever."

"Then let's go get our bug."

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