Chapter Seventy - Four - Tender Wounds

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(( Notes : - I've made a Hedley Dixon Spotify playlist. Just search 'Hedley Dixon' and it should come up. The playlist is by 'BugBoy' :3  Enjoy <3 And if you want to add a song, just comment it :)))) 

The Dixons' group made it to Hilltop first. Rick and his group came a few hours later. Carl had been in and out of consciousness throughout the car ride but other than that, he was still the same. They took Carl to the clinic and the new doctor Siddiq took care of him.

Carl woke up with a deep groan of discomfort. He blinked his eye until he could see clearly that his dad and Michonne were by his side. "Hey."

Rick's head darted to the sound, reached out to stroke the hair out of Carl's face, "Hey. How ya feeling?"

Carl took in his surroundings, still a bit delirious, "Are we at Hilltop?"

"Yeah." Michonne answered from where she was clutching his hand, "The doctor here said you had a mild infection. But you're on fluids and antibiotics now. You're gonna be fine."

"Where's Hedley?" Carl asked, not seeing the familiar face, "Is he okay?"

"He's fine." Said Rick.

"He's been glued to your side since you got here." Michonne explained, "Daryl managed to convince him to go hunting with him to get some fresh air."

Carl frowned at the words, "How long have I been out?"

"Almost two days." Rick answered, "You needed the rest."

"Can I fight?" He asked.

Rick and Michonne chuckled at the words. And Rick said, "How about you just focus on healing for now?"

"I want to fight."

Michonne smiled knowingly, "I know."

At that moment, Hedley came charging in with Daryl behind him. And when he saw Carl awake, he ran to him and gave him a big hug. Carl nuzzled into the scent of Hedley while the adults in the room chuckled at the scene.

"How ya feelin'?" Daryl asked, leaning against the doorframe.

Carl poked his head out from over Hedley's shoulder to give a muffled answer, "I'm good."

"Are you sure you're okay?" Hedley asked, holding tighter.

Carl chuckled breathlessly, pulling back slightly so he could be face to face with his boyfriend. "I'm okay, Hedley. I promise."

Then suddenly, Carl leaned in and gave Hedley a small kiss of reassurance. Hedley smiled but when he looked and saw Rick, Michonne and Daryl staring, he blushed and ducked his head into Carl's shoulder.

"I guess we're gonna have to get used to that." Daryl muttered, smirking.

Rick rolled his eyes, grinning at the two boys.


Maggie came up with the plan. She led everyone in Hilltop to fight as the Saviours got close.

Carl was still in the clinic with the more vulnerable, Rick guarding the building with another group.

Hedley decided to be with Carol and Ezekiel out in the frontlines. Gun in hand and the plan about to be set in motion. Maggie spoke to Simon on the walkie, some of the Saviours beside her as hostages.

"Negan. I want to talk to Negan." She demanded.

"Well, hello there. You are speaking to Negan, but my birth certificate says 'Simon'. With whom do I have the distinct displeasure of speaking?"

"Maggie. Maggie Rhee. The Widow."

"Well, then. Hello again, Widow Rhee, and allow me to offer my condolences. For what's happened and what's about to happen. In case it's not already plain as Hilltop potatoes, yours truly is speaking on behalf of Negan this go 'round. And I assure you that the man himself personally received your care package, next day delivery. I noticed it was the box that I gave you in good faith Trick's on me. But the bill's come due, and you and your people are gonna have to pay. Quite dearly, I'm afraid."

"Your 38 people are alive and breathing." Her voice was strong, unafraid, "Turn around and leave us be, and they stay that way. But if you don't, I have 38 bullets that I will personally fire into all 38."

She then brought the walkie over one of the hostages' lips and let him speak into it. "It's too nice a night to spend it dyin' slow, don't you think, Simon?" He said.

Maggie spoke back into the walkie, "How's this gonna go?"

"Well, Maggie Rhee, this is highly regrettable, but the way I see it, the Saviors you're in possession of there are damaged goods. You know, they've got themselves into their own pickle, and this organisation prizes those who, "A," avoid capture and, "B," figure out their own shit when said outcome eventuates. Which, in the end, is my way of saying 'screw them'."

The fight was about to begin. The Saviours were annoyed and that was the thing with anger.... When someone is angry, they become less organised. Less smart. They attack without strategy.

She gave Daryl the signal and he shot off on his bike towards the Saviours, shooting at them with a gun. They all ran into vehicles and did exactly what Maggie expected them to do.

They followed Daryl into Hilltop.

A school bus drove to cover the entrance and the Saviours crashed into it.

"Now!" Maggie ordered.

Everyone made themselves known, shooting their guns. Many men fell. But then the Saviours had backup. They had a dozen men in the back of a truck with arrows. They shot them into the air and they fell into Hilltop's crowd. One of which barely missed Hedley as it landed next to him. Carol had to grab him and pull him down into cover.

Hedley then saw a Saviour go towards Tara - It was Simon. And Dwight.

Hedley rushed out of cover, Carol calling after him. He ran over, guns shooting at him, making him duck away. He could see Simon and Dwight getting closer, he took out his gun but was unable to get a good shot as they were behind some tents.

"Tara!" He heard Daryl's voice and saw his dad close by, seeing the same thing.

Dwight fired an arrow at her and it landed in her shoulder. Daryl opened fire at the two and Hedley did as well. Dwight and Simon ran off. A women ran to Tara and took her out of the warzone, heading towards the clinic.

Hedley went to his father, "Did you see-"

"Yeah." Daryl growled.

Gunshots rang out, landing just above their heads. Daryl grabbed his son and pulled him out of the line of fire and the two were going over to where Michonne was. A few bombs went off and the people of Hilltop shot at all the headlights and as soon as the place was swimming in darkness, silence came as everyone stopped firing. That was until the Saviours started to whistle their tune, moving forward and towards the building.

Hilltop's vehicles turned on their lights and suddenly a new round of gunfire shot out, taking out the first group of Saviours. They tried to run back but Rick and his group were there, blocking their path. More shots echoed the walls and the fight was back in play.

Everyone running, firing, fighting. Some of the Saviours made it to their vehicles and were driving off. Maggie led a small group towards them, shooting out but the trucks were already too far away.

As soon as they were gone, the gunfire stopped.

Maggie looked devastated. "I wanted them dead. All of them. Negan most of all."

Rick was next to her, eyes on the grieving widow, "Yeah. Me too." 

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