Chapter Seventy - Nine - Bridges Built and Burned

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It's been a while since we had one of these talks. Don't say it. I know. I'm the one who does most of the talking. I'll try to keep it short, but you're up late anyway, and it's past time I get you up to speed.

Today was day 35.

And things are really taking shape.

It wasn't that long ago we were fighting just to stay alive.

But it's not like that anymore.

We're building. We're growing. We're still ready to deal with this world on its own terms. But we're not letting it define us anymore. We're getting back a piece of who we used to be, how things were before all this. It's all happening. We're not just fighting to survive anymore. We're making a new beginning.


Hedley was helping his dad and Aaron build the new bridge.

With his climbing skills, he was able to get high without rope which allowed the framework to be done much quicker. He had nails in his mouth as he hammered one by one into the wood while his legs dangled from the side, humming happily as he worked.

"So, I go in after her nap and pick her up, and the diaper just explodes all over me." Aaron spoke, miming the explosion.

Daryl smirked, "Sounds like good times."

"Oh, the best." Aaron smiled brightly then nodded at where Hedley was, "I guess you lucked out on having a kid out of diapers."

Daryl snorted, looking out at where his son was freely climbing up the wooden pillars like there wasn't a huge drop just beneath him. "T'at boy is about to give me a damn heart attack one of these days."

"He is a daredevil."

"Nah. He's part monkey."

Henry came round with a water jug and a cup, handing the cup to each worker for a drink. He went to give one to a worker named Justin. He was a big guy. One with a mean face. He took the cup, filled it then drank it. He then went in for a second but Henry stopped him.

"Easy there, buddy. I'm still thirsty."

"No." Henry took the cup back, "There's not enough. You can't."

"Give it a rest, kid." Justin pushed Henry back, took the jug and proceeded to drink from it.

Hedley watched as Henry stood up, took his staff and used it to make Justin's legs buckle. He fell. "Back off!" Henry growled, taking back the water jug. Hedley smiled while others laughed at Justin on the ground.

"Hey, man, it's cool." Another worker said, helping Justin up, "I got my ass handed to me by a kid one time, too. Of course, I was 6 at the time."

That just pissed off Justin even more and he went after Henry. Daryl jumped up and pulled him away from the kid's path.

"Hey. Kid's just doing his job. Get back to work."

"I don't need your people telling me what to do." Justin growled, "You're not my babysitter anymore." He went back after Henry but was stopped again by Daryl.

A fight broke out. Daryl knocked Justin on his ass but Justin used sand to fling it into Daryl's eyes, blinding him. Hedley went over and from above, jumped down and onto Justin with a war-cry. Justin punched Hedley, pushing him off of him. As soon as Hedley was on the floor, Daryl went back into punching Justin in retaliation. Hedley's nose was bleeding and Aaron was quick to get him up and away from the fight.

The fight continued but it broke up when Rick and Carl came charging in. Rick was between Daryl and Justin, ordering them to stop. When Carl saw Hedley, he ran to him, cradling his head. His new eyepatch made his face look lighter, more youthful. Just seeing the familiar face made Hedley smile, his blood falling through the cracks of his teeth.

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