Chapter Twelve - Baby Girl

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Lori groaned in pain, leaning against the wall, hands clutching her stomach and her legs were shaking.

Hedley sat down, overwhelmed, and started rocking, hands covering his eyes.

An alarm goes off, sending Hedley into sensory overload. He covered his ears, going into a foetal position on the ground, whimpering.

Maggie kept Lori upright while Carl went towards his friend, going into Hedley's backpack to take out the headphones stored inside. He put them over Hedley's ears, glancing over at his mom then brought Hedley's head into his lap.

"What are those alarms?" Lori panted.

"Don't worry about that." Maggie said.

Carl shook slightly where he sat next to his friend, "What if it attracts them?"

Maggie was more concerned about the other woman, "Lori, let's lay you down."

Lori sobbed, "The baby's coming now!"

"We have to go back to our cell block to have Hershel help!" Carl panicked.

Maggie shook her head, "We can't risk getting caught out there, you're gonna need to give birth to this baby here."

Lori panted with pain, "Great."

"What is she doing, can't she breathe?" Carl called, fear in his voice.

Maggie held onto Lori's hand tightly, "She's fine." She looked at the woman, "Come here, let's get your pants off."

"Okay... Okay..."

Maggie helped her take off her jeans, she turned to Carl, "You're gonna need to help deliver your baby brother or sister, you up for it?"

"What about Hedley?" Carl asked, looking down at his friend who was still humming, staring at the ceiling.

"He'll be fine. But I need ya help. Now."

Carl nodded, crawling over towards his mom, "Okay. I'm here. Do you know what to do?"

Lori yelled out in pain.

"Dad taught me, but trust me, it's my first time." She looked at Lori, "Lori, I'm gonna see if you're dilated enough." She tried to examine but shook her head, "I-I can't tell."

Lori sat up on her elbows, "I gotta push."

Maggie nodded, "Okay."

"I gotta push, I gotta...." She started pushing, pain shooting through her violently. She screamed. "Somebody! I'm okay, I'm okay... I'm okay."

"You're doing great, Lori. Just keep doing it. Your body knows what to do. Let it do all the work." Lori yelped, twisting her torso in pain, "You're doing great." Maggie's eyes then widened, "Lori, stop, don't push, something's wrong!"

Lori screamed, and when Maggie lifted her hand, it was covered in blood.

Hedley looked over and then got up. He sat by his friend, seeing the distress and the blood and whimpered. He reached over to grab Carl's shoulder.

Lori's eyes were blinking heavily.

"Mom? Mom, look at me, look at me, keep your eyes open!"

Maggie panicked, "We have to get you back to dad."

Lori shook her head, "I won't make it."

"Lori, with all this blood, I don't even think you're fully dilated yet, no amount of pushing is gonna help."

"I know what it means, and I'm not losing my baby. You've gotta cut me open."

Maggie shook her head, "No, I can't."

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