Chapter Fifty - Seven - Punishment

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(( Notes : TW - Torture, violence against a young teen and blood. Also - If you like Negan for some reason, you won't soon. :3   This is short and not so sweet))) 

They stripped him off his shirt and pants, leaving him in his underwear. Two chains dangled from the wall and they clasped them onto Hedley's wrists. He had some room to move his arms but he couldn't leave the spot they sealed him too. They splashed him with cold water, laughing when he shivered and yelled out.

"Guys, should we really be doing this? He's just a kid." Said one of the men.

"Shut it, you pussy!" Dwight yelled, taking out his knife, "It's Negan's orders."

"That's right." A familiar voice came into the room. Negan strolled in and laughed when seeing Hedley, "Damn! Look at you, soaking like a flushed rat!"

"We were just doing what you said, sir." Dwight said.

"Ah. Good good." Negan clicked his tongue, "You see, Hedley here thinks he's still a Dixon. He thinks he's not mine." He grabbed Hedley's hair and forced his head up, "I think we should give him a reminder that he's no longer a Dixon."

"How do you wanna do that?" Asked Fletcher, a nervous look on his face.

"Knife." Negan ordered, opening his palm. Dwight handed his own to Negan. "We brand him. Farmers do it all the time with their animals. Might as well do it with mine." He placed the knife to Hedley's left pectoral.

The boy hissed at the cold steel, tugging at the chains in desperation.

"This can all stop now." Negan whispered to Hedley. "Just say you're mine. That's all. Say 'I'm yours. I'm no longer a Dixon or O'Kelly. I'm yours.' That's all."

Hedley was shaking but he said nothing.

Negan sighed dramatically, "I normally feel bad for hurting little ones... but what's one more scar to you, huh?"

Negan started to carve. Hedley thrashed, making it hard. Negan ordered his men to hold him down and they did, grabbing each limb and using all their strength in keeping Hedley still.

Three lines. That was all Negan sliced. It made a neat 'N' in the skin.

"Beautiful!" Negan praised his own work, "Look at that! Perfect! Compliments to the artist!"

The men let go of Hedley and the boy sank to his knees, hands dangling at his shoulders. Hedley wept with anguish, watching as blood dripped down his torso. The 'N' was definitely deep enough to scar.

Negan gave Dwight back his knife before stretching, "That's enough for one day. Let's go, men." He left with his ducklings behind.

Fletcher stayed back a bit, looking down. "I'm sorry, son." He whispered in the cloud of misery.

"I a-am not your son." Hedley growled out, choking on his tears.

Fletcher nodded, accepting his loss before walking out the room.

Hedley cried his sorrows into the empty room. He was locked, unable to move or stim. He shut himself down until he was numb, watching the little spider on the floor crawl across and up until it was back in its web in the corner.


Dwight came in some hours later and unlocked his chains, sending Hedley to the ground in exhaustion. Dwight laughed at him, kicking his side, "Come on. Get up. The boss wants you."

Hedley groaned, forcing his body upright before being pushed up and out the door. He stumbled, feeling weak from hunger, adrenaline and thirst.

He was taken to a kitchen of sorts. Negan was behind the stove, cooking.

"Hello!" He said, joyful, "There he is! Man of the hour! I'm making spaghetti! Just for you. As a sorta welcome dinner."

Hedley was swaying on the spot, the steam of the pots making him sweat instantly.

"Fuck off, Dwight." He ordered and soon it was just him and Hedley. He forced the boy to sit at the table. There was a plate and fork already waiting. "Want something to drink?"

Hedley didn't know how to respond. He nodded hesitantly.

Negan filled up a glass of water then placed it in front of the teen.

Seeing the water, his tongue salivated. He brought the glass up to his lips and took a gulp, sighing in relief as it cooled his aching throat.

Negan then went over and filled Hedley's - and his own - plate with spaghetti. Once done, he sat down, took his fork and started shovelling it in his mouth.

Hedley was in shock, not really knowing what to do. And Negan saw this and smiled, gesturing to his fork.

"It ain't poisoned or anything, kid." He said - which just made Hedley even more suspicious. "I ain't gonna waste perfectly good spaghetti like that."

Hedley took his fork and carefully ate a good mouth full. But soon, hunger controlled him and he was wolfing it down like a walker in the presence of fresh meat.

When his plate was empty and his glass dry of water, Hedley sat back, holding his newly stretched stomach.

"Good?" Negan smirked.

The teen nodded.

"Haven't your dad taught you any manners?" He narrowed his eyes, "I just cooked for you, fed you, gave you water... isn't there something you gotta say to me?"

"Th-Thank you." Hedley said, voice husky due to crying earlier.

"You're welcome!" The man exclaimed, "I knew we'd get along someway or another!" He stood up, flipping Lucille onto his shoulder, "Now let's get you some clothes. We're going on a run today and you're coming with me."

"W-Where are we going?"

Negan smirked, "Alexandria." 

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