Chapter Sixty - Four - Kingdom Comes

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Hedley had just been wandering around the Kingdom, taking mental notes of everything around him.

He found the guard that was talking to Rick about joining Alexandria earlier, now at target practice. He was using a bow and arrow. He aimed and took a shot. It did hit the target board but not very well.

He saw Hedley watching, "I'm practising. Gonna have to start using these more. The Saviours are smart enough to know I shouldn't have a gun around them." He took another arrow, aimed and fired. That one was a little better. "You're Hedley, right? Dixon's kid. The one who escaped the Saviours camp."

Hedley nodded.

"I'm Richard." He said then put his bow down, only to pick up a crossbow and offered it to Hedley, "Morgan told me you and your dad are bowmen. Here."

Hedley took the crossbow carefully. It was already loaded and ready. Feeling the weight of it was almost like coming home after a bad day. He aimed at the target and fired. The arrow landed smack bang in the middle.

Richard raised an eyebrow, impressed. "Good shot. We could use you."


"'Cause we want the same things."


Hedley snuck into the main building by an open window. It was night and he felt restless. The room he had tumbled in was Shiva's room. The tiger was pacing her cage. She growled and the vocals rumbled like thunder in her throat, making Hedley stim. He really liked humming sounds and sounds that vibrate. They make his bones dance within his skin. The tiger saw him and quietened down a moment, pressing her face to the bars.

Carefully, Hedley lifted his hand, knuckles out. He remembered Merle telling him to do this to stray dogs so that they can smell first. Shiva sniffed and her chest rumbled.

"H-Hello." He said, "I'm Hedley. Hedley Dixon."

Shiva nudged his hand with her head, forcing him to stroke her snout.

That made the boy giggle, "It's nice to meet you too."

He continued to pet her, loving how smooth she was. Her fur was so colourful and soft, it melted through his fingers.

Hedley sat down, legs crossed as he brought both hands up to softly stroke the fur. Shiva kept rumbling, purring happy and satisfied.

"She likes you." Ezekiel's voice made him jump slightly. The King entered the room, hands up, "Sorry. Didn't mean to ruin the moment. Her name's Shiva."

Shiva growled, not liking her pats being disturbed.

Hedley carried on, rubbing at Shiva's ears in apologies.

"They say that only damaged people can connect with the most dangerous animals in such a way."

Hedley narrowed his eyes at Ezekiel, "I'm n-not damaged."

"It was meant to be a compliment."

Hedley's frown just grew deeper, not understanding.

"What are you doing in here? We've locked the doors."

Hedley pointed at the open window.

"We're on the second floor. How did-"

"I climbed the drain pipes." The teen said, eyes firmly on the tiger, still amazed at her presence.

Ezekiel laughed lightly, "And why did you break into my building?"

"I wanted to say 'Goodbye' to S-Shiva."

"'Goodbye'? Where are you going?"

"Back to Hilltop." Hedley stood up, readjusting the crossbow on his shoulder, "I'm not going to j-just hide here w-while my people - my family - fight. I need to be with them."

The King hummed, leaning against the wall nonchalantly, "Is that such a wise idea?"

"I don't know." Hedley said truthfully, "But it's what I've got to do. You're not gonna help, are you?"

Ezekiel looked away, suddenly ashamed. It made Hedley scoff.

"Then all I have to say is," He offered the boy his hand, "Good luck, young Dixon."

Hedley placed his hand in Ezekiel's and they shook firmly.

Hedley nodded, then proceeded to climb back out the window, Ezekiel calling from the open window, "You could've used the front door!"

The boy went to where he kept his bike - the bike he called the 'Flytrap' based on the licence plate. He managed to pack some food and water. Also a flashlight and a dozen arrows. He drove to the gates and beeped the horn for the watchers. They opened the gates for him and he zoomed off into the night, heading to Hilltop once again.

This time, he was determined to stay and fight. 

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