Chapter Seventy - Seven - Patch

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(Notes: So sorry for not posting in so long. I've been struggling with sensory overload and headaches recently which has made it hard to write. It's still going on so I'm sorry for the waiting. I don't know when the next chapter will be so please be patient. Thank you for all the love and votes and comments! Just be patient and enjoy :3 )) 

(Ps - I changed some of the timeline. Maggie is still pregnant and this is set in season 9 :3 )) 

Dwight was gone, Maggie's heavily pregnant and they had Negan in custody, injured and weak.

They had won.

For now.

They went back to Alexandria and started to rebuild it. Adding more solar panels, turbines and a water system.

When Hedley first saw the state of what the Saviour's bombs did to the Dixon house, he was in complete shock. One side of the building was completely black and falling apart by the minute. He rushed into his bedroom to see the damage and found that most of his stuff had broken and that some of it was charred.

He had a complete meltdown when he found Rosie's tank smashed with Rosie dead in the middle of the shards of glass. It took Carl hours to calm him down. They ended up burying her underneath the tree where they had their first kiss.

But months went by. Life moved on.

People were planting fruit and veg. They were coming up with new ways to live and protect their community. They were living instead of surviving.

Carl's leg healed to the point where he no longer needed crutches but it was still tender whenever it was pressed or whenever he walked for too long.

Daryl made himself a little workshop where he'd repair bikes, trucks and cars. He's got a team and enough spare parts to be the local mechanic.

Judith was growing up, talking more. She enjoyed painting, dancing and laughing.

Rick and Michonne were more in love than ever.

And Carl and Hedley... nothing really changed. The same old dynamic duo. But with more kisses and hand holding that meant something different.


Hedley, Carl and Judith were on the porch of the newly built Dixon house. Judith was painting on some cardboard. Two figures. One with an eyepatch and Sheriff's hat. The other had a face with pink lines dashed across it and a dinosaur hat.

"You think she could open a gallery one day?" Carl said, gesturing to the art.

Hedley hummed, "She'll be the new Picasso in no time. Fame wise. Not the abusive personality and the objectification from native cultures." 

Hedley doesn't stutter anymore. His words were clear and smart. But on bad days he finds it hard talking or goes fully non-verbal. Carl and he had begun to learn sign language when they discovered a book on it for beginners. It helps Hedley communicate when he goes in that state of mind.

"Hey." Daryl spoke, going up to them, "We're gettin' a team together. Headed to a museum a few miles out. Want in?"

Hedley nodded, standing.

"I'll stay and watch Judith." Carl said, helping his sister paint the blue sky.

"You sure?" Hedley frowned.

Carl nodded, "Yeah. You go and we'll have some drawings to show you when you get back, right, Judith?"

"Yeah!" She cheered.

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