Chapter Nineteen - Added Population

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(Notes: TW // Slang, Mental/Emotional abuse)

When the group came back with a bunch of people from Woodbury, the prison got crowded fast. Men, women, children, families, strangers.

But there was a familiar face in the mix.

When the new arrivals exited the bus, Hedley watched with Carl as the strangers scanned the building in front of them.

Carl frowned at his dad when he got close, "Who are these people?"

"They're gonna join us." He said.

Daryl and Merle went to Hedley, hugging him in greeting.

Then a voice rang through the air, "Hedley?"

The boy perked up; eyes wide as he saw the person a few metres away. It was a man. Late forties, muscular build, greying beard, dark hair and freckles. He had a look of shock on his face. The man went forward slowly. Hedley hid himself behind Daryl, shy.

"Now, now, that isn't any way to greet your father."

Daryl froze at the words while Merle gawked.

"Father? Ya the man that left 'im in the middle of da woods?!" Merle exploded, getting in the man's face, "Ya left him and now ya call ya self a father?!"

"Calm down." Rick tried, pushing in between Merle and the man.

"I can't believe the kid made it." The stranger muttered, "I was sure he wouldn't last a night."

Hedley held onto the back of Daryl's shirt, whimpering.

"Did you leave him... on purpose?" Daryl stepped forward, eyes narrowing.

"Well... It was chaos. We needed to be quiet, and he wouldn't stop whining-"

"So ya left him?!" Merle went to punch him but Rick pushed him back, but Daryl wasn't giving up. He was nose to nose with the other man.

"Ya sacrificed ya flesh 'n' blood for ya own ass." Daryl's voice was low, "And ya try 'n' call yourself his father?"

"You have no idea what it was like raising a kid like him!"

"I've been by his side for over a year now-"

"That's nothing to what it was like! The meltdowns, the tantrums, hell, he doesn't even speak! One failure after a-fucking-nother. It wasn't meant to be like that!"

"As a parent, it's ya job to stick by your kid, no matter who they are!"

"I didn't sign up to be a parent! Especially one to a spaz!"

"Shut ya mouth!" Merle screamed.

"I looked after the retard all his life. My wife died giving birth to the bastard. He was lucky I didn't put him in a home-"

Daryl headbutted him, forehead breaking the man's nose. Blood gushed as he fell back, and Rick struggled holding the Dixons back from the man on the floor.

Glenn and Carol ran over to help. Merle was yelling and Daryl was red with anger.

"You can't let him in 'ere, Rick." Daryl said seriously, jaw tight, "He don't deserve it."

"You wanna just throw him out?" Carol spoke, confused.

"He left Hedley out in the woods to die. There ain't no forgiving in that."

Carol nodded her head in agreement.

"You can't send me away!" The stranger yelled.

"Ya lucky we ain't shooting ya." Merle spat.

Rick sighed, looking down at the man, "What's your name?"


"Fletcher," He knelt down, "Hedley is one of us. We look out for our own. He ain't some 'retard' or 'bastard' to us. He's ours. And whoever is a threat to our people, we send away."

"I'm no threat!" Fletcher spoke.

"Let's ask Hedley. Hedl- where did he go?" Rick asked. Everyone looked around.

Daryl spotted him in the tall grasses just outside the courtyard. The archer went over.

The boy was digging in the dirt, trying to find any critters that might be there. His back to Daryl, his feet and hands caked in mud, his crossbow laying on the floor beside him.


The child didn't respond, head down as he scooped through the dirt.

"He ain't gonna go near ya. You're safe."

Again, Hedley remained where he was. Daryl sighed sadly, going over and sitting next to the boy. He saw Hedley pick up a small beetle that wiggled its way into the daylight. The boy watched it crawl around his arm and fingers. He then put the beetle back down before looking at Daryl. His cheeks were tear stained. Daryl pulled him into a tight hug, letting the kid collapse into his chest and cry for a while.

"He's never gonna hurt ya again." The archer whispered, "Rick and I'll send 'im far away from 'ere.


While Rick and Daryl went out to drop off Fletcher somewhere far, Merle kept an eye on Hedley. The boy was with Carl and Judith in Beth's Cell. Carl was holding a babbling Judith with a comic book in his hand while Hedley sat on the floor beside them, doing a puzzle.

As the newcomers settled in, needing to open up another cell block to fit everyone, Glenn and Maggie were keeping watch outside.

"We've got more people now. It could be good for us." Said Carl, putting down his comic, "We finally have other kids around here. Judith would like to grow up with other girls around."

Hedley gave a small smile, reaching over to stroke Judith's head. She giggled, lifting her arms at the other boy. Carl handed her over and Hedley cradled her to his chest. She drooled on his shirt, but he didn't mind.

"Don't forget about you 'n' Spider Monkey." Merle reminded, "Ya can finally have other kids ta play with."

Carl raised an eyebrow, "We work with you lot. Help keep this place running."

"Nah. Ya can finally relax a lil'. Make some friends. Hell, get in ta some stupid shit. Have fun."

"Fun? But we're just as capable-"

"Ain't about being capable or not." Merle went to the cell, leaning against the open door. "Ya kids. Now's an opportunity to be just that."

Hedley reached for his cards, holding some up, one by one. 'Hedley'. 'Carl'. 'Help'.

"Ya can help. All I'm sayin' is, is ya have options."

"We'll see." Carl said, laying down on the bottom bunk, "It all depends on if the other kids are cool. Otherwise, it'll just be me and Hedley."

Merle chuckled, "Ya know-"

"Well, well, what do I see here? Merle being civil? I never thought I'd see the day." Carol said, walking towards them, her arms crossed.

"Hey there, lovely lady." Merle switched on the charm, smirking, "Whatcha doin' all alone on a beautiful night like this?"

Carl chuckled, turning to his friend, "I think Merle has a crush."

Hedley giggled, nodding.

Merle spluttered, "I do not have a crush! I ain't no school girl."

"Then why are you blushing?" Carl asked, grinning devilishly.

Merel pouted. Carol laughed freely, patting Merle's cheek, "Awe, you've gone all red."

The kids chuckled in the cell and Carol walked away with a strut in her step.

Merel watched her go before turning to the kids, "Tell anyone and ya swimmin' with ta fishes."

The boys just giggled. 

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