Chapter One Hundred + Seven - The Ending

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-- One Year Later --

Peace was finally theirs.

After years of fighting and suffering and more fighting, the world seemed to have taken a big break on anything horrific.

The communities bloomed, life coming back.

The crops grew, overcrowding the greenhouses. And the water supply was filled to the brim with fresh water. The solar panels worked wonders in making electricity and the people were now living instead of surviving.

Families grew too, pregnant bellies now a familiar sight. Babies, toddlers, kids, teens. They all branched out and had their fun. The school thrived and more teachers were hired.

A church, a library, a pharmacy, a doctor's office.

A mechanic, a trading shop.


Buildings of all kinds.

Carl ran Alexandria like his father. With kindness and authority. He was the name around town when needing help but so was his husband, Hedley.

Hedley ran the gardens and was the gentle giant of the community.

He was famous for saving the people from the war on the Whisperers but he wasn't one to gloat or become prideful. He was kind and was always either getting kids involved in the gardens, going out hunting with his Dad, helping his sister Lydia with her reading or seen hand in hand with Carl and Judith while walking down the street.

But right now, he was in his garden with his family. Carl, Judith, Michonne, Lydia and Connie.

Judith was now seven and had her own sword that matched Michonne's - the only difference was the length. Michonne was giving her a lesson and the little girl was getting good at her stances.

Connie watched them from the side, her back against a tree with a book in her hands.

Hedley was helping Lydia and Carl gather the tomatoes. Lydia was holding the basket, liking to keep the tomatoes in a neat stack. Carl took the fruit of the stem and gave it to her where she'd stim happily before placing it in its correct spot. Hedley was guiding Carl on which to pick as the older Grimes had the habit of picking not ready to be picked fruit.

"I told you that gardening just isn't for me!" He'd whine when grabbing a tomato that was still green - only to have Hedley bat the hand away.

Lydia chuckled but Hedley's face was frozen in somewhat distress.

Carl went to him, "What's wrong, love?"

Hedley signed, non-verbal due to the stress he'd been experiencing for the last few weeks. 'My Dad. It's now been a month since he went out.'

"I know you're worried, Hedley." Carl said, a small frown on his face, "But he's Daryl. He's a survivor."

'What if he's in trouble?'

"Don't worry, Hedley." Lydia voiced, "Dad will be home any day now, you'll see."

Hedley sighed a big breath, frown deepening.

"Hedley! Look!" Judith called and Hedley turned to see Judith with her sword. She then did a move with Michonne and got a round of applause from the three.

Maggie then came up running with a now four year old Hershel on her hip. "Hey! Come on!" She sounded excited and out of breath.

"What's going on?" Carl asked.

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