Chapter 1

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Controlled love Chapter 1


Louis' POV

"Uh huh, this is my shit ,All the girls stomp your fe-"Fuck. I turn to put off my alarm. Since when is it Hollaback Girl? Not important. I start work today, yay!!! No. Yeah I'm looking forward to start teaching, but I am not looking forward to the long hours, grading papers till 2 in the morning and pointless Teacher/Parent meetings where I'm supposed to tell them the progress of their child when I probably won't even remember half of their names.

I get up from my bed in my 2 bedroom apartment I share with my best friend Niall. I rented the flat out 3 years ago when I started Uni, and since I didn't have a good paying job I needed someone to split the rent with me. I met Niall at the coffee shop on our campus and he needed a place as well and since then the rest is history.

We both got jobs at the same school, me a drama teacher and he, as a music teacher. It's not the most interesting job, but it's stable and pays well. So now I need to get my glorious lazy arse up so I can go to work. I should wake Niall up but knowing him, his probably already up and made breakfast.

I check the time and see its 7:30, which gives me 10 minutes to dress, another 5 for hair and 5 for breakfast, and I'll have 10 minutes to get to work on time. Great. I get out of bed and go straight to the bathroom and brush my teeth. After doing so, I go to my closet and grab a red pair of chinos, a white collared shirt, and white vans. I decide to not wear a tie because that's not my thing.

I put the clothes on and make way to the mirror to check myself out. I look okay, nothing over the top or anything. I grab a brush ,and brush out my long-ish locks and decide on a side fringe. My face is shaved so I don't have much left to do. I grab my satchel and make my way to the kitchen and see Niall already clothed,eating a bowl of cereal.

"Morning Ni." I greet as I get a bowl out for me as well, and fill it with cereal. "Morning Lou." He says around a mouthful of cereal. I chuckle at him as I pour some milk over my cereal.

"So. Excited to start work today?" I ask Niall and he groans and I giggle at his reaction. "To be honest, no. I love music and it will be great to teach it. But who wants to get up at 7:00 everyday and spend 6-7 hours teaching 7 different classes with kids you're 3-4 years older and who'll probably not listen to me and cause me grey hairs." He says and I laugh at how dramatic he is being.

"Come on Ni, you'll be doing what you love. I'm not too keen on working with brats 7 hours a day but at least you'll be teaching something you love with a passion." I say and he nods and gets up to put his dirty dish in the sink.

"Yeah I suppose. Well..... It's 7:50 so we should get going." He says checking his watch and I rush as I eat the last of my cereal and put it in the sink along with Niall's, and grab my bag as Niall grabs his bag as well.

"Ready?" He asks and I sigh as I grab my keys and open the front door. "As ready as I can be." I say as we leave our flat.

Harry's POV

"Get up!" I yell at my current submissive. I watch as he shakily gets up. He stands in front of me, head facing down like it should be. He knows not to look at me when he's being punished.

"Turn around." I order and he obeys. I take a look at his glorious red colored bum,humming. "What do you say?" I ask and he whimpers but doesn't reply. "I spoke! So I expect to be answered!" I demand and he continues to sob silently and answered shakily.

"Y-yes m-master. Th-thank you for the sp-spanking." He says and I sigh frustratedly. "Go to your room." I command and he retreats to his room. Lately I've had to punish him more often and I don't think he is good enough to continue being my submissive.

He has been an obedient submissive for the past year, but now, he isn't living up to my standards. I think it's time I end our contract. But before I do, I decide to call up my best friend and fellow dominant for some advice.

"Harry, to what do I owe the pleasure." Zayn says once he answers the phone." Oh Malik, I regard my phone calls always a pleasure." I say and he laughs.

"Well Styles, how may I help you?" He asks and I sigh as I think about my current submissive Tyler. "Right, well you know my current submissive I've had for almost a year?" I ask and he hums on the phone so I continue.

"So lately he's been more of a hassle and I've had to punish him more often as well, for being disobedient and I need your advice on what to do. I mean he has always been a good submissive but lately he has been more problematic." I end off with a sigh as I rub my forehead.

"Well Haz, I haven't had a submissive since my last, and I ended it with Perrie because she behaved the same. So I suggest you end it, if it really has become too much. You don't seem pleased with him at all." Zayn says and I breath deeply knowing what I should do.

"Yeah I think I should let him go... But before I do. I want to have a little fun before I end it." I say with a smirk and I hear Zayn chuckle on the phone.

"Sure, you horny bastard. Now that I have been of use to you, I must get going. Enjoy." Zayn says and we say our goodbyes. I make my way to my submissive's room and see him in his submissive position next to the bed. I smirk and walk over to him.

"Good boy. Waiting for Daddy like you're suppose to." I say petting his head and he leans into my touch. " Would you like Daddy to reward you for being a good boy?" I ask and he just nods. I growl and grab his chin forcefully to face me.

"Words Tyler. Answer me with words." I grit out. " Yes Daddy. I want to be rewarded." He says softly and I smirk as I let go of his chin.

"On the bed, all fours." I say and he gets up and gets into the position, and I harden at the sight of his naked and bruised bottom. I unbutton my shirt and get on the bed and rub at his arse, and then draw my hand back and strike his bum. He whimpers at the impact and I smirk when I notice he's hard.

"Such a good boy. Already hard for Daddy." I say and he moans as I kneed his arse ."Yes daddy. Only for you." He says and I smirk.

This is going to be fun.

Controlled Love   [Larry Stylinson] (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now