Chapter 6

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Controlled Love Chapter 6


Louis' POV

"So you're going on a second date! This is really exciting." Niall says as I get dressed to go and meet Harry. "I mean I'm shocked you actually hit it off with him." He says and I want to roll my eyes. Technically this is not a second date. I'm meeting him to sign a contract that will state his ownership over me for the next 6 months. But Niall doesn't need to know that.

"I need to leave soon. Are you gonna be home later or do I have to take my house keys?" I ask as I button up my shirt. "No I won't be home so I suggest you take your keys because I won't be home till the next morning." He says with a blush and I grin at him. "Ooh Nialler's getting some!" I say teasingly and he groans.

"At least I'm getting some." He says and I glare at him as I grab my wallet and keys. "Whatever. It's 6:30 and I've got to meet him at 7." I say checking the time on my phone before locking it and putting it in my pocket. " 'Kay. Have fun Lou." He says giving me a hug and I thank him.

I get in my car and drive to the same cafe we meet last time. I'm nervous, no surprise there. I'm always nervous when meeting new people. I park the car and turn the ignition off.

I enter the cafe and spot Harry in a booth at the back of the cafe. I sigh shakily as I make my way to the table. When I get to the table he looks up and smiles motioning me to sit.

"You look good." He says casually and I blush . "Thank you. " I say shyly and he smirks. "So, should we get straight into this or do you wanna order first?" He asks and I shrug not really bothered. He seems annoyed at the lack of response I've given but says nothing as he clenches his jaw.

"I think we should order first." He says handing me a menu. I take it and thank him and he smiles. Once the waiter comes and scribbles down our orders. We sit comfortably in silence till our order comes.

We've finished eating and I thank him for the meal as he wanted to pay for it. "Right,so about the contract, I need to make sure this is something you want to do." He says and hands me the contract and I take it scrolling through the pages.

"I'm sure. But I would like for you to maybe go through it with me?" I ask and he nods ."The first part is basically where you fill in the things you're comfortable with doing and what are the things you absolutely do not want to do." He says and I read on .

"The second part is where you'll tick of the punishments you can handle and write in ones you can't. The third part you will write down things you'll like me to do to you. You know things like tying you up and fucking you or maybe gagging you or any type of scenes and things." He says and I blush thinking of the different things he could do to me.

"And the last part?" I ask and ask as I skim through it. "Those are my rules and what I expect of you. Next to it are the punishments I will give when these rules are broken. There are also color codes I want you to use when I give you these punishments." He says and I nod,reading through the rules . "Green if your okay and want me to continue. Orange for when your starting to feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed and red when you really can't take it anymore."

 He says going through the different colors. "And what is my 'safe' word?" I Ask seeing I must fill in that. "It's a word you'll use when you don't want me to do something or something seems too much for you. When you say this word I immediately stop. The difference between your safe word and the color red is when you say red I don't completely stop, I just make the punishment less harsh, and with your safe word I will completely stop with the punishment."

Controlled Love   [Larry Stylinson] (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now