Chapter 28

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ILY all so much. Trulyxxx

Louis' POV

"Hi daddy." I greet giving my dad a hug after he lets me in. "Hello darling. Melissa's and Lottie's inside." He says and I grin at him as I make my way inside. I came here to break the news to my dad and Lottie and I'm glad Melissa's here because I'm going to need her when I break the news because I had already told her.

a few days ago she wanted to get coffee so I agreed and she had asked me if I was okay because I looked terrible with how badly my break-up with Harry affected me and with the effects of my pregnancy I looked like shit. I broke down and ended up telling her everything.

She comforted me and once I stopped crying I made her promise not to say anything yet to my dad and I told her that I was going to visit and break the news to my dad and because she is such an amazing person she wanted to be there too in case I needed some support if my dad reacted badly.

When I walked into the lounge I saw Melissa and Lottie sitting on the couch.When they noticed me their faces lit up. "Louis!" Lottie shouted shot up and ran to me attacking me in a hug and Melissa gasped because Lottie had gripped me a bit tightly but I shot her a smile saying that everything was okay and she relaxed.

"Hey Lott's." I smile as my sister released me. "What are you doing here Lou?" She asked and I glanced to Melissa who shot me a reassuring smile. "Uhm, I have some news to share with you and dad." I said and looked to my dad who stood, arms crossed as he looked on at us.

"What is it Lou?" He asks ,concern etching his aged face. I took a deep breath and felt Melissa rubbing my arm lightly. "I think its best I show you instead of telling you." I say and his eyes burrow in confusion as I hand him the scan. Once he realizes what it is he looks up to me with tears in his eyes.

"I'm going to be a grandpa?" He asks glancing back at the scan and I nod bursting into tears as I hear Lottie's gasp. "Oh Lou." My dad says and wraps me up into a tight hug,mindful of my slight bump. I cry harder into my fathers shoulder.

"I'm s-so s-sorry daddy. I d-don't mean to d-disappoint you." I cry and my father shushes me as he rocks me back and forth. "You didn't Boobear." He says using the nickname I haven't heard in such a long time. "B-but I did. I'm only 21 and not married and got knocked up. How is that not disappointing."  

"I'm not disappointed Louis." He says and wipes away my tears along with his.

"I'm mad that you got pregnant right now but not disappointed. You're not a child anymore Lou. You have a job, you live on your own. You're capable of making your own decisions and though you ended up pregnant because of a decision you made, your also capable of taking care of yourself and now this baby." He says and I smile up at him.

"I'm really sorry dad." I say and he smiles and pulls me in for another hug. "It's alright Lou. You'll get through this. You're not alone" He says and I'm nervous for what I'm about to tell him. "That's the thing dad. I am alone. Harry and I...broke up." I say nervously looking at my dad's reaction after I tell him why we broke up.

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