Chapter 24

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 Some Ziall for you Ziall Lovers:)

Niall's POV 

I'm almost 4 months and today I'm going to my appointment to find out whether I'm having a boy or girl! I don't know who's more excited me or Zayn or our mothers.Ever since we told our family they've been around more and my mother even decided to stay in London till the baby's born, which I told her was ridiculous but she said she didn't want to miss this experience with me.

So now Zayn and I are sitting in the waiting room for our appointment with Sophia. I'm having trouble calming Zayn down since this morning he had a mini panic attack. He thinks he won't be a good father and kept thinking of all the things that could go wrong and I had to reassure him that he's going to be an amazing father.I meant every word.

Since day one he's been constant since I told him about my pregnancy and I know he'll be the same once the baby is here. He could have ran when I told him I was pregnant. Instead he made sure to see to my every need and help me when I needed it. When the baby comes I know he'll make the perfect dad."Mr Horan." The nurse at athe front desk calls and Zayn is the first one to stand up.

I chuckle as he helps me up as I cradle my 3 and half month bump and walk towards the desk. We hand her our forms and details and she authorizes us through."Niall!" Sophia shouts when she sees me and pulls me in for a hug, mindful of my bump. "You look fantastic. Sit down." She says and I thank her. "This is Zayn, you've met at the party." I introduce and they shake hands.

 "Yeah, nice to see you again Zayn." She says and Zayn gives her a smile. "You too." He says and she claps her hands together."Right, lets check on the baby!" She says and I beam at her. "Lift your shirt. I'm just going to feel around a bit." She says and I lift my shirt and she grabs her stethoscope and puts it against my stomach. She applies some pressure on the sides, feeling around a bit.

"I'm just going to ask a few questions." She says and I nod. "Eating regularly?" She asks and I nod. "Any morning sickness?" "Not really which I find strange."I say and she nods."That's normal, some people get terrible morning sickness and others don't. So consider yourself lucky." She says scribbling some notes down.

"Okay, now for the ultrasound." She says and I smile as Zayn's hand takes a hold of mine.She turns on the monitor and grabs the gel, squirting the cool substance on my belly. She grabs the wand and spreads the jelly over my bump. My attention immediately goes to the screen and I feel Zayn's grip tighten.

"Shy one I see." She says moving the wand around,struggling to find the baby. "There you are!" She says and I see the little figure on the ultrasound and I look at the screen in amazement. "Wow." Zayn says and I look to him with a fond smile on my face."Well I can clearly see the gender, would you like to know?" She asks and we both nod.

 "Congratulations, your having a healthy baby girl!"

 She exclaims and I feel the tears pool at my eyes. "Oh my God , we're having a little girl Zayn!" I say and he kisses me softly and I chuckle through my tears."I'm so happy. Thank you Niall.Thank you for giving me such a gift" He says and I smile wiping my tears.

 "Don't thank me just yet. Wait till you have to get up at 3am to change dirty diapers." I say and both Sophia and Zayn laugh."Everything's been going smooth. Both healthy baby and daddy." She says handing me a rag to wipe the gel off. "I'll just print you the pictures and you can be on your way." She says and we thank her as she leaves to get me more of my subscriptions and the ultrasounds.

"I can't believe in 5 months we're going to be parents. What if I'm not ready when she comes? I don't want to fail you or her." Zayn says and I smile sadly as I cup his cheek. "You are going to be fine." I say looking deep into his golden eyes so he can see the sincerity in my words.

"I might not be ready either you know. Who says I'm going to know what to do when she comes? All I know is as long as we do this together we're going to be just fine. You'll be the greatest father and would do anything to protect our little girl. She'll love you more than anything and you'll love her just the same." I say wiping a few tears that have fallen. Curse pregnancy hormones.

"I love you." He says and my heart swells. "I love you too. So much." And Our lips meet in a slow , love filled kiss. Just as we break away, Sophia returns with my vitamins and the ultrasound pictures."Take these every day and don't forget to." She says handing me a container of prenatal vitamins. "This is pills for morning sickness in case you do happen to start throwing up." She says handing me another container .

"And here are your ultrasound copies. Your next appointment will be 2 months from now on August the 12. By then we'll set an estimated due date for the cesarian.See you then." She says and with the help of Zayn I get up and give her hug as we say goodbye.

"Thanks Soph." I say and she smiles as we leave.Zayn helps me into the car and I buckle myself in as he gets in on the other side. "How about we go shop for a few baby things since we know what we're having?" Zayn says starting up the car."Sounds like a plan." I say and he grins taking my hand , lacing our fingers together.

And by a few things he meant, a crib, a stroller, bottles and diapers to last a year, paint and accessories for her room and almost 4 thousand pounds worth of baby clothes.

I Love Ziall. Like seriously the thought of them together..... The feels man!! So Ziall baby is a little girl!! *cue awe's* I know. Scan on top. Next chapter is some hectic Larry drama(Not really but) So brace yourselves.

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This might be the last chapter for a while since I'm going to be away from WIFI!! For like a week or something. But I might update before I go so I don't leave y'all empty handed. Im generous like that. :) :)

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