Chapter 8

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Controlled Love Chapter 8

Goals weren't met but here's a chapter :)

Harry's POV

It's Thursday which means Louis will be coming to sleep over. I'm really excited because I have a scene planned out for him and went and bought a couple of things for him to wear.

I really hope he is not opposed to wearing the things I bought. I'm sure he'll look great in them. He normally looks amazing in everything he wears. I check the time and see its 2:30pm which means he'll be out of a school soon. He already knows where I live so I'm sure he'll get here okay.

The renovations to the kitchen have been completed and I can't wait to use it so I thought I'd cook for us to tonight. Normally I let the submissive's cook but I wanted to do this for him. I can definitely agree that I'm going soft but only for Louis. I just want him happy and if cooking makes him happy enough to stay being my submissive I'd do anything.

I hear a car roll up and immediately know its him. I go to open the door when I hear faint knock and when I open the door I'm in awe once more.

Here stands Louis in a blue jumper that makes his eyes sparkle and black skinny jeans that shape his figure really well. I pull him in and kiss him hard. His response is instant and he begins moving gracefully with me.

"Hi." He squeaks when I pull away and I grin. "Hello baby. are you hungry?" I ask and he nods and  I get a bit frustrated when he doesn't answer me."Baby, there is a rule I have and that is you answer me when I speak. You're new at this, so I'll let that go but next time I expect you to answer me okay?" I say and he nods "Yes Daddy." He then says after and I grin.

"Come. Is pasta okay?" I ask and he smiles. "That sounds good." He says folding his hands together. I then grab the ingredients to make Alfredo. I feel his eyes on me the whole time ,as I put together the dish.

Once the pasta is cooked, I add the sauce and put some in two bowls and grate cheese on top. I grab them and two forks and hand him his bowl and he thanks me and digs in.

"This is really good." He says around a forkful and I grin taking a forkful of my own. "Thank you sweetheart."'I say and he blushes at the term of endearment. Once our bowls are empty I put them in the dishwasher.

Controlled Love   [Larry Stylinson] (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now