Chapter 32

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Drama in this fandom.Gosh Now a bit drama in this fanfiction:)

Louis' POV

"Hey little one. See you wanna say hi." I say to my 7 month old baby bump rubbing the spot where I felt the baby kick. "Let's go look for papa and let him know you wanna say hi." I whisper to my baby bump and trudge downstairs to the living room where Harry was busy going over some work file.

"Someone wants to say ,Hi." I say,breaking his focus from his work,and walk towards him. He smile,putting down the documents in his hands and putting his hands on my bump. He smiles when the baby kicks against his flat palms. "Hello sweetpea. Papa's really happy to see you too." he says as a few kicks are given.

He then plants a soft kiss on my belly and I pucker my lips wanting one too. "Thank you. Need anything to drink? Eat?" I ask walking into the open spaced kitchen."Uhm, coffee would be nice?" He says and I hum,turning on the kettle to make Harry coffee and myself tea.

After the kettle finish boils, I fix us both a cup, and just as I was about to bring Harry's to him, my phone rang in my pocket. I stopped in the kitchen and took it out and answered. "Hello,Louis speaking." I spoke into the phone,holding the cup of coffee in my hand.

"Louis." The voice I never wanted to hear speaks, making me drop the cup of coffee on the floor.
 "M-mum" I stutter over the phone.

"Louis are you al- oh my God Louis you're bleeding!" Harry says entering the kitchen, and I'm still in too much shock to notice that the coffee mug had broken and cut my bare feet when I dropped it.

"Louis, Louis are you there?" I hear my mother speak on the phone but I hang up as Harry re-enters the kitchen with the first aid kit to tend to my wounds. "Come on Lou, sit down." Harry says and helps me to a chair and I wince as the cut on my foot was actually pretty deep.

I try to understand how my mother got my phone number and after so long since I last spoke to her, she all of a sudden rocks up back into my life. "Baby are you okay?" Harry asks, holding my face in his hands as his eyes search mine.

Instead of answering him, I burst into tears at how overwhelmed I'm feeling right now. I hear my phone ringing from where I left it, making me cry even louder. "Sh,Sh, baby please calm down. I need you to relax please." He says kissing my face multiple time and I immediately calm down at his touches.

"There we go. Are you alright now?"He asks and I nod my head."Good, mind telling me what happened?" He asks and I take deep breath. "My m-mum called." I say and his eyebrows furrow."And?"He asks and I curse inwardly as I remember that I haven't mentioned what happened between my mother and I.

"I need to explain a few things to you so you can understand better." I say and he nods. "Okay. When I was 19, my mum and dad split up. My dad caught my mum with another man and filed for divorce. I loved my mum, I really did but I was so mad at her for breaking my dad's heart and I just blew up on her. I, had said some bad things to her and she, s-she got so mad she hit me across the face. I know that what I said was wrong of me to, but I never expected her to lay a hand on me. And in front of my other siblings as well. And worst of all she didn't seem to have any remorse when she did it.

so I packed my bags and told my mum I was leaving with my dad. She begged me not to, and said she was sorry but I wanted to hear nothing. Lottie wanted to come with us, so she packed her bags as well. She was old enough to make that decision so my mum could do nothing to stop her. I have 2 younger sisters but they were too little at the time to understand anything that was happening. I haven't spoken or seen my mum in two years and when she called, all I could think about was that day she hit me and I sort of panicked." I say wiping my tears away.

"Oh sweetheart I'm so sorry." Harry says kissing my head repeatedly. "Don't worry about it alright? It's going to be okay." He says and I shake my head. "No it won't Harry. She has my number and I know my mum, she won't stop calling till I answer her." I say and he sighs. "We can change your number." He suggests and I shake my head. "I think its best if I find out what she wants.The sooner I do that the quicker she'll be out of my life for good." I say and he nods.

"Okay, want me to be here when you call her?" he asks and I nod thanking him as he gets up to grab my phone that hasn't stop ringing. He hands it to me with a sad smile and I exhale deeply as I answer the phone."Louis? Oh my God please do-" "What do you want mum? Why do you have my number and why are you calling me?" I cut her of and hear her breath hitch.

"I wanted to talk to you."

"About what mum? It's been 2 years. What can we possibly ta-"

"I know you're pregnant." She says and my throat closes. "W-what?" I stutter on the phone."Honey,your dad told me." She says and my eyebrows furrow."Dad told you?" I say confused. They still talk?

"Yes. Look. I know I screwed up in the past and hurt you and your sisters with my unforgivable actions but I'm still your mother. Which means I'm still going to want to check up on my children." She says and I scoff. "You may be my mother in the sense of you gave birth to me, but that's all I see you as.The women who gave birth to me. You were never there as a 'mother' emotionally or physically. You were always out at night while dad stayed at home looking after us. And when we found out your reasons for never being home, it broke me, it broke dad and I'm sure it broke Lottie and the twins as well. So how dare you pretend you care. Clearly you didn't care when you hit me so hard across my face, I had a damn bruise. So why care now?"

"I care dammit! If I didn't I wouldn't have bothered calling you now or your father for two years asking how you or your sister were doing. I do care.Please believe me. I want to fix things." She says and I can hear her crying on the other line.

"Im sorry but you're a little too late." I say and hang up. After throwing my phone down, I break down once again in Harry's arms. "I h-hate her." I say as he rubs my back. "Don't worry Lou, I'll make sure she never bothers us again." He says and I nod into his chest.

"I'm sorry my life's a mess right now."I say wiping my tears.He chuckles and plants a kiss on my lips. "Have you met me? I'm a bigger mess than anyone else."He says making me giggle. "But you're my mess now." I say and he smiles. "And your mine. I promise to be your source of happiness from now on.No more tears alright?" He says and I nod.

"No more tears."

This chapter felt so crappy writing.I'm sorry. At least you know what happened with Louis and his mum.

Next chapter there is a surprise. Well 2 :D See you next chapter


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