Chapter 15

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[A.N]Ello there :D Just want to say thanks for the 400+ reads and 60+ votes:) Means a lot to me that people actually read and vote , means I'm doing something right? Right? Anyway back to the story:D

Louis' POV

I can't believe my best friend is getting married and has a baby on the way! When he came home after his date, the first thing I noticed was the shiny ring. Like, it blinded me with how shiny it was! Niall is so lucky to find someone like Zayn.

I mean, very few people find their soulmates so quickly and now they're getting married! Niall appointed me his official best man and wedding planner. I have some big shoes to fill. We went over a couple of ideas last night because we were so excited and couldn't sleep, so we were up till 3am brainstorming.

I suggested we have a little party and invite our close family and friends to announce their engagement. So far Niall's mum and brother are coming along with his brother's wife, he's friends with his obstetrician so he invited her and her husband who is back from some trip. Then we have Zayn's parent's and sisters, his cousins are coming as well.

I also took the liberty of inviting a few of our colleagues as well. I invited my dad as well and my sister Lottie. Niall didn't question why I didn't invite my mother because he knows I don't speak to her much and she would've declined anyway. Zayn also mentioned Harry would be coming since he's Zayn's best man. I haven't seen Harry since that incident but we've texted each other now and then.

So now I'm at the mall buying things for the party tonight. Our apartment is quite spacious and we have a patio that's large enough for many people to relax on.[on the top, just imagine it decorated and shit] I bought plastic cutlery so it's easier to dispose because I do not want to be doing dishes hungover the next day.

I got cocktail foods and went to the liquor store and bought copious amounts of alcohol. I also bought fruit juice to make a cranberry vodka punch. I also got non-alcoholic drinks because Niall can't drink and his brother's wife can't either since she's 8 months pregnant.

When I paid for the things with Zayn's credit card(he gave it, no questions asked) I thanked the cashier and loaded the things into my car. I have to make a stop at the bakery from which I ordered 2 dozen cupcakes and an engagement cake.

I'm taking my wedding planner role quite serious.

After I got the cakes, I returned to our apartment where there were people decorating it. Zayn offered to pay for everything and who was I do decline that offer? I greeted Niall who was standing and admiring what was done so far, with his hand on his cute little baby bump.

I set the things down with the help of some of the people who were decorating.

"Niall do you need anything?" I ask as I prepare the punch. "I don't think I need anything, But I saw you got cupcakes and I think the baby needs one." He says and I chuckle and take a cupcake and hand it to him. "I hope my niece or nephew enjoys chocolate fudge cupcakes." I say and he takes a bite and moans.

"They love it." He says mouth full and I chuckle as I resume making the punch.


The party is in full swing and we're just waiting for Niall's mum to arrive as well as Harry. I poured some punch and took a sip and tasted the cranberry with the strong taste of the vodka. I hummed in appreciation of the taste on my tongue.

Maura arrived already and Zayn said Harry is going to be a bit late so we could continue without him. Once everyone was here and had a drink in their hand Zayn cleared his throat and tapped on his champagne filled glass and the room went quiet.

"Hi everyone, you're probably wondering why we asked you all to be here tonight. Niall and I have an announcement we would like to make." everyone waited for the couple who stared at each other before saying."We're engaged!" Zayn and Niall said and everyone gasped and started applauding.

"And one more thing, Niall and I are expecting!" Zayn said and both their mothers squealed and rushed to congratulate the expectant couple. I watched with such admiration at the happy couple and couldn't be more happy for my best friend.

An hour into the party,Harry still hasn't arrived. I'm a bit tipsy and have half the mind to call him and give him shit for not being with his friends at this important time in their lives. I spent most of the night talking to Sean and few other teachers.

My dad and Lottie left earlier because my dad had work the next day. I hugged my dad and Lottie goodbye and they left after they finished congratulating the couple. I excuse myself from the group and made my way to the restroom that was at the end of the corridor and away from the on-going party.

I finished my business and washed my hands and then exited the bathroom. When I stepped out I was immediately pushed against the wall. "Why were you gone so long" Sean's voice questioned and I couldn't find it in me to reply. "You smell so good." He says slurring a bit and his mouth attaches to my neck. I try pushing him away from me but my drunken mind doesn't help.

"S-stop." I say but let out a quiet moan when he sucks at my sweet-spot. "You tell me to stop but your moan says otherwise." He says and trails kisses along my neck. I attempt to push him away again but he doesn't budge.

"Please, stop." I whimper as his hand grabs my ass and he pushes himself onto me. "Come on Louis, you know you don't want me to stop." And he makes a point by grinding into me and I unwillingly let out a groan. My mind says no but my body says yes.

"No." I say trying to get out of his hold but he holds onto my wrists making it impossible to break free.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing."

So, a cliffhanger :D We all know who made his appearance :D so till next chapter :)




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