Chapter 26

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Harry's POV

"No, If he can't increase the asking price then don't bother. This a really great deal and he'd be stupid not to take my offer. So 100 thousand extra is too much for him? Does he know how much more he'd make if he decides on buying? Then tell him! I don't have time for incompetent people. I'm giving you 24 hours to close the deal. If he doesn't accept then on to the next buyer."

I slam my phone down angrily. I'm surrounded with morons. I have another business deal in half an hour and I did not need added stress right now

There's a knock at my door and my assistant shyly peeks in."Mr Styles, there's someone at the front desk for you. Says he's here to see you. Should I send him up?" She asks. Must be Louis. "Sure." I say and she nods and exits.

I wonder what Louis wants. He never visits me at work so I'm curious as to why he is here. I grab the files and documents on my desk and put in a folder to put away. I hear someone knock so I shout for them to come in but the person I see is not who  I expected.

"N-Noah?" I stutter as I take in the appearance of my Ex-boyfriend I haven't seen for years. He smiles and sashays into my office and I can't help but think how beautiful he still looks. I'm speechless as he takes a seat. He's blue eyes stare right back into my green one's and our past together flashes through my mind.

"Why are you here?" I ask and he smiles at me. "Can't I visit a friend?" He asks and I scoff. "Friend? I was your fiancé for fuck sakes!" I yell and he flinches. "I'm sorry Harry." He says and I shake my head.

"Sorry for what? Sorry for making me fall in  love with you? Sorry for making me give everything I had for you? Sorry for saying yes when I asked you to marry me? Sorry for breaking off our engagement a week before we were suppose to get married? Or wait, are you maybe sorry for breaking my heart and left me a broken man?"

I say and he starts to cry. "Stop. I know I fucked up-" "Yeah, you did. What did you hope to accomplish by coming here? It's been 2 years since I last saw you and you just show up and want to apologise?"

"Please, I'm sorry. But I made a mistake. I regret it so much." He says and I stop him. "You regret it? You regret your decision to leave me and only now you realise it was a mistake? A little too late don't you think?" I say and wipes at his tears.

"I still love you Harry." He says and I freeze. "You can't love me. You yourself said you weren't ready to marry me. I wasn't either you know? But I was ready to spend the rest of my life with you because I love you!" I yell and his breath hitches.

"You still love me." He says and I shake my head. "I loved you." I correct him and he shakes his head. "No, you said you were ready to spend your life because you love me. Don't lie to yourself. I know part of you still loves me." He says.

"even if I did still love you there's someone else I love. But because of the pain you left me in I can't even tell him I love him." I say and his eyes go to the picture of Louis I took on my desk. We had gone for a walk in the park that day and he saw some flowers and went to pick one and held  it to his nose to smell and I took out my phone and captured the moment.

"That's him? His gorgeous." He says breaking me out of the fond memory. "He is. And I don't deserve him one bit. Because part of me still belongs to you no matter how much I wish I didn't. I feel so bad for not being able to tell him I love him and that's your fault."

"I vowed to never love someone again because I wouldn't be able to handle if they did the same thing you did to me. Leave. And here even after everything wrong I've done to him, he still stays with me. I know one day he'll leave, but right now I want to spend every moment with him.

 You need to realise what we had is over. You lost your chance 3 years ago when you left. If you had came back a day or even a month later I would have taken you back instantly. But 3 years is a bit to late."

I say dismissing him. I stand up and point to the door. "It would be best if you'd leave." I say and he gets up, wiping his tears and turns to leave. But before he does he walks up to me and cups my cheek.

"I will always love you." He says and attaches his mouth to mine.

I want to pull away, but I don't.

I'm broken out of my trance when I hear the choked sob of someone. When I pull away my eyes widen when I see Louis at the door with his hand over his mouth as the tears spill out of his eyes

"Louis wait, I can exp-" "How could you Harry? I come up to talk to you and see you kissing someone else! I don't need an explanation." He says and starts turning away. I move to grab his wrist to stop him but he pulls away.

"Don't you dare touch me! I'm done with you. Whatever we had is over. I walk in to hear someone else say they love you and kiss you. That's not okay. Our relationship has been over since we started because you can't even say you love me yet you have another man saying he loves you. Now I understand why you can never say those words to me." He says and rushes  out of the room.

I watch him walk away and my heart breaks once again.

"Harry I'm so-" "Don't!" I raise my voice and he flinches. "Stop saying you're sorry. The damage is already done. No apology can fix both the times my heart has shattered because of you. So, please, do me a favour and leave." I say not bothering to look at him

I hear him huff and walk towards the door.

"One day I hope I can truly show how sorry I am for ruining the happiness in your life. I tried to fix my mistakes but only made it worse. I'm sorry." He says and leaves ,closing the door after him.

I grab my chair and throw it across the room and fall to me knees and let out a cry.

"I love you Louis."

Oh God Im so sorry. stupid Noah had to just come and ruin everything.

sorry it was short

Aaron Taylor Johnson as Noah. He is bae


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