Chapter 16

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[A.n]Double update :D I have a lot of free time so I can update more :) This is a continuation of chapter 15 but I made it chapter 16 instead. Hope there is no confusion so enjoy :D The new wattpad design is shit

Harry's POV

I'm a bit late because I got held up with my contractors who were at my house finishing it up. I checked the time and see it's almost 9 so I'm exactly 2 hours late. Zayn assured me it was okay if I can't make it but I want be there.

I haven't seen Louis and I'm dying to see him tonight. After what happened I've kept my distance from him but I've been craving his touches. I don't want to admit it but I've missed him. I've missed waking up next to him in the mornings. Since he hasn't been over, my nightmares of that awful night have returned.

I've woken up every night drenched in sweat and images of my past flashing in my mind.

Once the contractors left, I quickly got dressed out of my work clothing into something more comfortable. I put on a white button up, black jeans and brown boots[outfit in the media *drool*] When I was done, I grabbed my keys and exited my house.

I arrived at Louis and Niall's at 9:30 and could hear the music playing and the sounds of people chatting. I took the stairs up to their apartment and knocked. Zayn had opened the door and smiled when he saw me.

"H, you made it!" He said hugging me and I pat his back. "Wouldn't miss it man. Congratulations." I say referring to his expectancy. He had told me the same night he proposed that Niall was expecting. He then let me in and I recognized Zayn's family so I made my way over to properly greet them.

"Harry my boy, it's good to see you son." Zayn's dad, Yasir greets shaking my hand. "Likewise,Mr Malik. Congratulations." I say and he smiles releasing my hand. "Thank you son, I couldn't be more proud of him." He says and I offer him a smile.

"Harry darling, it's so good to see you again sweetheart." Zayn's mum greets me with a hug. "You too Mrs Malik." I say and she releases me. "Call me Tricia dear, you know Mrs Malik makes me feel old." She says chuckling and I chuckle with her.

"How have you been dearie?" She asks. "I've been good thank you, congratulations by the way." I say and she smiles. "Thank you love, I can't believe I'm going to be grandma! Niall is such a sweetheart and I couldn't be more proud of him" She says fondly and I nod.

"He is, excuse me Mrs Malik, I have a friend I'd like to see before I leave." I say looking around for Louis and she waves me off. "Go ahead dear, I'll chat later with you if I catch you before you leave." She says and I kiss her cheek and wave goodbye.

I spot Niall talking with a woman I presume is he's mum because they have a striking resemblance. I haven't formally met him but I've seen photographs of him so that's why I know who he is. Plus I notice his slight bump as well.

"Hi, I'm Harry. We haven't met yet but it's a pleasure to finally meet the person who stole my best friends heart." I say extending my hand and Niall's eyes widen when he sees me and shakes my hand. "So you're the famous Harry that Louis seems to be so fond of. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. This is me mum Maura." He says pointing to his mother and I shake her hand.

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