Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The next day Jungkook woke up from his sleep, came out of his room and met his mother in the kitchen, his mother was making breakfast when he kissed his mother on the cheek and sat down at the dining table to drink his favorite milk.

"Did you go out with Jimin last night?" His mother said while carrying the food in her hand towards the dining table.

"Yes eomma"

"Jungkook, you know that his parents don't agree if Jimin is with you?"

"Eomma, I don't want to talk about it, I'm sure Jimin and I can be together"

"What if in the end he chooses that guy and leaves you?"

"He won't do that, he loves me, he's also trying to convince his parents about our relationship"

"Jungkook... eomma just doesn't want you to be disappointed in the end. We're just poor people, having too high expectations for something we know can't happen isn't good either"


"Okay, eat first"

"I'm going to Taehyung's place after this"

"Did something happen to him?"

"No, I just miss him"

"Hmm ok, give my greetings to him okay" Jungkook nodded and finished his breakfast.

On the way to Taehyung's house, Jungkook tries to call Jimin. He intended to tell him what happened last night, but Jimin didn't pick up the phone. Jungkook thought maybe Jimin was busy and didn't look at his phone. So Jungkook put his phone back in his pants pocket.

When Jungkook came to Taehyung's house he smelled something from the kitchen.

"Are you cooking?" Jungkook said to Taehyung and they headed to the kitchen and saw Jin there, making something.

"He can cook?" Jungkook said.

"Yeah, I admit he's smart, I mean, he doesn't have the tools we have here but he learns quickly" Jungkook walked over to Jin and Jin turned to him with a smile. His smile is so beautiful.

"Hey, have you had breakfast yet?" Jin said.


"Wait a minute, the cooking is almost ready" Jin said.

"Why did I say I haven't had breakfast yet? I'm even full" Jungkook said in his head.

The three of them sat down, Jin sat in front of Jungkook and Taehyung beside Jungkook.

"How does it taste?" Jin said.

"It's really good" Taehyung said.

"Do you often make it there?"

"Yes, my mother often makes it, I think the ingredients here are the same as those at my place, it makes it easier for me to cook, Jungkook, is it good?"

"Huh?" Jungkook woke up from his daydream.

"Is the food good?" Jin said.

"Yeah, yeah it's good"

"Last night Jin and I found something, a blog about Aristella, I think we should look for him" Taehyung said.

"Do you think finding someone is easy?"

"I know, but we have to try it, Jin said no earthlings come there, that means Namjoon is the same as Jin"

"What if everything that was written was just an bullshit?"

"Even if he made up what's in there, he wouldn't mention Aristella's name in his writing" Jin said and his words made Jungkook speechless.

Jin was right, Jungkook didn't even know about Aristella, then how could an earthling make up a story about something he had never heard of before.

"Then how do we look for him? We also don't know where that person lives, is he still alive or not"

"I can find the location of where he uploaded his blog" Taehyung said.

"What if--"

"Are you really that pessimistic?" Jin said.


"You didn't even do anything, but you've deduced a lot of things, Taehyung said he can find out the location, can you help him? Or if you don't want to help, can you be quiet?" Taehyung covered his mouth with his hand. He couldn't believe what Jin said to his best friend. Jungkook just kept quiet and looked at Jin in front of him.

After breakfast, the three of them returned to Taehyung's room and started looking for Namjoon's location, Taehyung sat at his desk, with his laptop in front of him while Jin stood on Taehyung's right and Jungkook on his left.

"It's easy to find out his location from his blog post but I don't know if he's still alive or not" Jin just nodded and when he wanted to put his hand on the back of Taehyung's chair, Jungkook did the same and made his hand land on top of Jin's, they both turned each other, not saying anything, just looking at each other with their hands still in the same position.

"Gotchaa!!" Taehyung's voice startled them both and Jungkook immediately pulled his hand away from Jin and he looked awkwardly standing there.

"I'm going to the bathroom first" Jungkook left them both.

"Can we go there now?" Jin said.

"Yes, fortunately he is still in this country, we can go to Busan but I don't have enough money to take the three of us there"

"Here, take this, can this take us there?" Jin said.

"Yes, fortunately he is still in this country, we can go to Busan but I don't have enough money to take the three of us there"

"Here, take this, can this take us there?" Jin took off his bracelet, a bracelet with a shining purple stone. It's like there's a galaxy in that rock.

"Wahh.. of course, but Jin, does this stone mean a lot to you? It looks very expensive"

"No, it's just a normal bracelet" Jin smiled and gave the bracelet to Taehyung.

"What bracelet?" Jungkook came out of the bathroom.

"Nothing" Jin said.

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