Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Taehyung said about Namjoon's whereabouts, but Jungkook refused to come with them.

"What do you mean you're not coming with us?" Taehyung said.

"I don't have money and we can't find it in a day, we have to stay there to look for it, I can't, Jimin will look for me"

"You brought him to me and now you're telling me to look for it myself?"

"If you don't want to help me, I'll find out myself" Jin said and Jungkook turned to him.

"How do you do it? You don't even know what you'll find here, it's different from where you are, there are lots of bad people here."

"Including you?"


"If you don't want to help me don't scare me with things like that"

"Up to you"

"Hey, what's wrong with you two? Why are you always making such a fuss? Jungkook, how about we leave now and come back tomorrow morning, you can tell Jimin and your mother that you're staying at my place" Jungkook turned to Jin who was looking at him.

"Fine" Jin just smiled at Jungkook.

They went to the station, Jungkook sat beside Taehyung and Jin sat with another man beside him. Jin just looked out the window, he didn't care about the man beside him, but not Jungkook. He felt that the man had bad intentions towards Jin, his face looked like a pervert.

During the trip, Taehyung only fell asleep, not with Jungkook, he was busy watching the man beside Jin until he got up from his seat.

"Hey, can we switch seats?" Jungkook said to the man beside Jin, making Jin turn his head.

"What's wrong? This is my seat"

"He's my boyfriend, just move"

"Your boyfriend? Why is he sitting alone?"

"He's mad at me, move" Jin was silent and the man moved with an annoyed face, then Jungkook sat beside him.

"What's a boyfriend?" Jin said.

"Forget it" Jungkook closed his eyes and folded his arms in front of his chest.

They reached Busan, the man left before Taehyung woke up. They exited the station and took a taxi to their intended location. The place is very far from the station.

Finally they arrived in front of a house. The location is indeed far from anywhere.

Taehyung knocked on the door and not long after a woman came out.

"Who are you?"

"Hi, I'm Taehyung, he's Jungkook and he's Jin, we're here to find Mr. Namjoon"

"How do you know this place? He's not here"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm sorry, but I can't tell you." When the woman was about to close the door, Jin held the door.

"I'm also from Aristella" the woman paused and reopened the door. She was surprised to see Jin, she saw Jin from head to toe and she knew Jin was indeed from there, his body was shining.

"Can we come in?" Jin said.

"Yes" the three of them entered and sat down in the living room. They saw lots of photos of Namjoon and the woman there.

"If you guys come to meet him, you're late"

"What do you mean?"

"He died a month ago, his body got very cold and he said he wanted to go home, I don't understand what he means, I can't do anything either"

"Did he say anything about Aristella to you?"

"Yeah, he explained all about Aristella to me"

"How did he get to earth?"

"He said he drowned in the sea while fishing and when he opened his eyes he was already here, he searched for a way back for years but no one believed him until we met and he decided to stay here but after marriage, his body is getting weak, the doctor can't diagnose what's wrong with him but I know he's in pain, how do you know about Namjoon?"

"We were looking for information on Aristella and found his blog" Taehyung said. Jungkook was silent, he kept looking at Jin.

"How long have you known him?" Jin said.

"We've been married for 5 years, then how did you get here?"

"Aristella was attacked, my mother asked my uncle to take me away from there but our ship was shot and my uncle pushed me out of the ship before the ship hit the ground. I only remember I drowned in the sea and here I am"

"Is the sea there like a portal?"

"I don't know, but if the same thing happens to Mr. Namjoon that means there is something in the Aristella sea"

They talked for a long time and it was getting late, they decided to go back, they went by taxi, Taehyung sat between them and his body jerked when Jin's head fell on his shoulder.

"What is it?" Jungkook said.

"Looks like he's very tired, he fell asleep on my shoulder, his face is so adorable" Jungkook ignored Taehyung's words and looked out the window.

When he arrived at the station, Jungkook called Jimin, because all day there was no news from Jimin, he was quite worried.


"Hey babe, where are you from? Why didn't you text me today?"

"I'm sorry Jungkook, I'm having dinner with my family"

"Then I'll call you later, I won't disturb you, I love you"

"Okay, I love you too" Jungkook hung up the phone, he heard another man's voice there, but he didn't want to think badly.

Meanwhile, Jin was watching Jungkook from afar.

"Hey what's up?" Taehyung patted Jin's shoulder.

"Huh? Nothing, Tae.. what's a boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend? Someone you love, but not yet fully yours because you have to married first if you want to live with yours, isn't there such a word where you are?"

"No, we only get married when it's time"

"What do you mean?"

"In Aristella, there is a place where when we are 30 years old we will get married there. The name of that place is Tethan, we believe that anyone who comes there at the same time is his mate and they have to live together, if they separate bad things will continue to happen inside their life"

"They are together without love?"

"We live with love, so of course they are together because of love"

"It seems we have different meanings of love"

"Come on, our train is here" Jungkook said and they got into the train.

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