Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

The next day Jungkook woke up from his sleep, his eyes were swollen, the tip of his nose was red, he opened his eyes and looked at the place where Jin usually sleeps.

"Baby.. are you still angry with me? Is this how you punish me? Punish me in another way but I beg you come back to me Jin, I miss you so much" Jungkook cried as he buried his face in the pillow.

It's 2pm but Jungkook hasn't come out of his room yet, his mother calls Taehyung and asks him to come, he can't enter the room because the room is locked, he also doesn't answer his mother's calls.

Taehyung came as fast as he could and immediately knocked on Jungkook's room, but there was still no answer. He tried to break open his bedroom door, tried many times and finally Jungkook's door opened and they both saw Jungkook still lying on his bed with a blanket covering him.

"Jungkook.." His mother approached Jungkook and when she held Jungkook's body, his body was very hot.

"Tae, he has a very high fever, help me take him to the hospital"

"Yes Mrs. Jeon" Taehyung immediately lifted Jungkook's body and they went to the hospital.

After waiting for the doctor to check Jungkook's condition, they were allowed to enter the room. His mother sat beside Jungkook and Taehyung stood behind Jungkook's mother.

"It's been two months, but why is he still like this Tae?"

"Mrs. Jeon, he must be feeling guilty because he feels all of this is because of him"

"Tae.. how do I get Jin back? I don't want to see my son like this" Jungkook's mother just cried while holding the hand of her son who was lying weak in the bed.

Night was coming fast again, Jin was walking alone, he had just returned from the river where he often looked at the starlight. He walked with his head down, his feet kicking small stones on the ground and he accidentally bumped into someone in front of him, making him fall.


"Hey young man, are you okay?" The man stuck out his hand and Jin stared at the man, his eyes wide. He just fell silent.

"Hey.. what's wrong? Does your body hurt? Get up, your clothes will get dirty if you stay there" Jin took the man's hand and stood up nicely in front of the man. Jin kept looking at the man as if he couldn't believe what was in front of him.

"Uncle.. are you uncle Jeon?" The man was wide-eyed.

"How do you know that name?"

"How did you get here? Aren't you already dead? Your wife said you were dead.."

"You met my wife? Where did you meet her? Is she here?"

"No, she is on earth"

"W-what? Have you been there?"

"Yes uncle"

"Did she save you?"

"No.. she didn't save me, but your son"

"My son? He must be an adult, what does his face look like?"

"He's just like you uncle, he's very handsome" Jin didn't realize that his tears just flowed.

"Hey young man, why are you crying? What's wrong?"

"Nothing, uncle, how did you get here?" Jin immediately wiped his tears.

"I also don't know why I came back here, I remember that time my wife and I were at home, I was fired from my job while my wife was pregnant, every day I feel guilty to my wife for not being able to make her happy, she doesn't ask anything from me she is the best that I have on earth and only she is my most comfortable place, every time I come back from my job, she always hugs me and says if everything will be fine and thank you for working hard, but as a husband I have promised to make her happy, fulfill everything she needed but I failed. Every day the guilt made my body weaker, my necklace began to shine indicating that my body's condition was getting worse and that night my condition was really bad. My body was cold as ice, I could hear her crying clearly, she kept hugging me and asked me to stay with her, my heart was broken to hear it all, but what in my mind I just want to go home, I don't know where to go and when I woke up I was already in my house, here at Aristella"

"Wait.. so actually we're not dead? We disappeared because that's the way back to Aristella? Then how do we get back to earth? Do we have to drown in the sea?"

"No, I tried but my chest feels tight and I'm almost out of breath, luckily a fisherman saw me and saved me, I don't think there's any way back there, and what's your name?"


"What a beautiful name, how old are you?"

"This year I turn 25"

"You are the same age as my son"

"Yes, I know that uncle"

"Are you friends while on earth? Tell me how is the condition of my wife and my son, do you mind telling it?"

"No, but how about we go to the river? I'll tell you there" They returned to the river, Jin didn't know why at that time his heart was very happy, he knew that Jungkook's father was still alive and was with him now, he was also happy when Uncle Jeon asked him to tell him about his wife and Jungkook. He is happy because he will share the happiest thing as long as he lives.

"So you and Jungkook have a relationship?"

"I don't know what it's called for both of us but I really love him uncle"

"Then what brought you back here? I'm sure there was pain that made your condition worse".

"He let me down"

"What did he do?" Jin told everything to Uncle Jeon.

"Seokjin.. do you want to listen to what I have to say?"

"Yes Uncle Jeon"

"Marriage is not an easy thing, it's not as easy as we hear, marriage means you are ready to share a part of yourself to give to others and accept a part of someone else's self to complete yourself. Marriage is something when you have said the promise you have a responsibility The biggest thing is to keep that promise for the rest of your life. I have never known my son, but I'm sure when I heard your story with him I'm very sure he loves you very much, I'm sure in his heart he wants to marry you but your question surprised him and about the affair, have you listened to his explanation?"

"No, my heart hurts so much when I see all those photos and... I just walk away"

"Have you ever thought, why did he send that photo to you? You guys love each other, why would he show something like that to you? If he wants to have an affair, he should hide everything from you, not show it to you"

"Maybe he wanted me to know and left him."

"Are you sure he wants you to do that?" Jin was silent. He lifted his head and saw the moonlight above.

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