Kitana's torture: Mortal Kombat

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Slowly rousing, yet her vision blurry, Kitana shook herself aware; she gasped, as a light jolt ran down her spine from her head and down into her toes.
Her pain brought her even more awareness; she discovered her surrounds as not her previous.
What was her castle walls had been replaced with an ever-reaching sea of crimson.
It was thick, with a viscous texture - similar to that which stuck against the top of her tongue.
She tried reaching for her fans, though found her arms held stiff in place.
A pair of twin tentacles of similar texture held both her arms together: her fingers intertwined; and the long, thick tubes coiled around and down her arms and around her stomach.
They were also wrapped around her thighs holding them apart and revealing her blue panties.
She gasped again, now out of shock, and, in another horrified surprise, discovered her ample breasts embarrassed nudity.
She attempted another escape; she felt her breasts bounce with excitement; she tried and tried, yet couldn't budge.

"Now, now," she heard a familiar voice echoe, "why must you rile them so?"
"Skarlet!?" Kitana gasped.
"Oh, you poor, Edenian fool," Skarlet cooed almost soothingly. "You don't remember?"
Kitana searched for Skarlet trying to point her out.
"Where are you!?" She yelled.
"Remember," Skarlet answered in a demanding tone.
"Let me go!"
"No fun," Skarlet sighed; "well," she continued, appearing before Kitana from below the ocean of blood.
"Let us simply continue."
Kitana gazed on in a mixture of fear and confusion.
Skarlet sported just a bra and panties, though her waist was adorned with a pair of long pieces of cloth which reached her ankles.
"I am sure you're curious as of what this is," she stated.
"I have an idea," Kitana whimpered, now refuting any attempt at escape.
"Of course you do," Skarlet laughed; "so why keep you waiting?"
She wadded through her blood thigh high, and slowly met Kitana's left side.
And Kitana witnessed her bend closer toward her face; her crimson eyes reflecting her expression of fear; and Skarlet's lips lit with pleasure.
"Father said to torture you," she whispered into her ear. "He didn't specify how."

She laughed; and Kitana's body drained of color as she strode between her opened legs.
She snapped, and the tentacles pried her legs open more.
Kitana resisted, yet failed: she witnessed Skarlet kneel under her belly and out of view.
She waited; and what felt as hours passed before she felt Skarlet's cold fingers gently press her panties aside, and the warm sensation of her tongue slithering inside.
Kitana moaned instinctively; she writed with a guilty pleasure. Skarlet's tongue explored deeper and more curiously; and Kitana's vagina slowly became more sensitive.
Her walls also became wet, and drips of her lust fell in thick droplets through Skarlet's expert work.
Kitana tried keeping her elation a secret, though, fearfully, and mostly concerning, she found her body agreeing rather than resisting.
She continued moaning: some pleas, others cries of incomprehension.
She couldn't believe what she was expirencing; and why she felt this way during what was her torture!
Her mind went aflutter: "don't stop - don't!"
"Oh?" Said Skarlet. "Like this?"
Kitana cried: as she'd felt a familiar bundle of warmth building just above her vagina, and begin growing hotter, until Skarlet stopped.
She witnessed her captor's lips shine with her lust; her cheeks were flushed, and her neck was doused in both saliva and Kitana's nectar.
"Oh?" Skarlet pouted. "You were close!" She chuckled.
Kitana's face grew hot. She turned her gaze away, hiding her admitted pleasure.
She failed noticing Skarlet return, and twist her head and plant her moist lips against hers.
Kitana screamed a muffled expletive, and was deserved Skarlet's tongue digging into her throat.
She tasted her own lust; and Skarlet's tempting, and quite soft lips.

Skarlet popped away her own mouth with a smirk. "You like it?"
Kitana refused her answer.
"You'll adore this then," Skarlet said.
She made it back between Kitana's legs and summoned a large, thick tentacle, which grew in girth as it went.
Kitana's eyes widened.
"Ever have a lover reach your womb?" Skarlet asked.
"Please - anything but -"
Kitana was shushed by another tentacle slithering around her mouth, shutting off her voice, however allowing slight muffles through.
She watched as Skarlet pet the tentacle; she licked its length, and masturbated it, before carefully kneeling and guiding it toward Kitana's vagina.
It slowly pierced between her lips; Kitana moaned with pleasure as its acceptable length and width stopped fairly within.
She gazed down and saw Skarlet masturbating it again; a messy and distorted view through her mouthpiece. It then began inching out and returning in; Kitana moaned into the tentacle.
Skarlet massaged her clitirous as the tentacle slowly opened her.
Gently, and quite pleasurable, as its warmth and oozing texture melding nicely.
She was enjoying it!
She felt a shame wave over her; her cheeks flushed, though her bundle of warmth returned as her vaginal torture lasted minutes.
Until, her warmth became an agony she had never felt anything like.
It began burrowing deeper.
Somewhat pleasurable depths at first, opening her slowly, yet painfully still, until its size overwhelmed her, and its depth tore her open slowly.
Every moment was an unending shrill of dizzying screams.
Her flesh ran hotter as her invader cared not for her precious womb, her uterus.
It burrowed, and with eliciting an unbelievable trauma.
Kitana's cries were near enough to breaking through her mouthpiece.
Her legs shook; her walls quivered with slight pleasure as Skarlet's condescending massage only tickled now.
Kitana felt each second as minutes; and each minute as an hour.
Her invader burrowed; and she felt its tip begin puncturing deeper against her womb.
Then stop.
It stayed there against her flesh. A fire resting right against her most sacred organ.
Tears welled within her eyes.
The pain; her agony; and Skarlet standing, slowly backing away, and smiling.
Kitana's confused look quickly erupted. She knew what was next.
She begged, pleaded, yet was silenced by Skarlet's quiet words.

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