A tight squeeze: Tomb Raider

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Lara pushed a small bundle of rocks away pulling her weight with her other. Her face was coated with dirt, dust, her sweat and small patches of caked blood. Her tight, brown sleeved shirt carried several small cuts revealing her similarly injured flesh; her brown shorts also allowed her slender thighs their own lacerations. She huffed now, however, ignoring her pain and dragging herself further down the descending pathway.
"Great way to get yourself killed, Lara!" She thought.
The pyramid's walls closed around her more with every pull. She felt her breasts constrict now, and her legs needing to fold at her feet to accommodate; she squinted in the green light of her glowstick a small opening at the end.
She pulled harder; and after another minute she reached the exit, grabbing its edges, and pulling her full weight through. She happily fell onto the floor almost kissing it in relief. Her breaths came quick, heavy though joyous, even with her shirt heavily torn alongside her undershirt and bra. Her pants also revealing the slightest hint of her bright pink panties.
"Now what?" She mused, moving on her knees. She pulled out her map and followed the pyramid's supposed layout. She squinted in doubt: for she discovered she had deviated somewhere along the route ending up in an, as yet, unknown chamber.
"This should be the royal chamber!" She said loudly. "I'm, above it?"
She stashed her map and stood: the chamber was made of similar rock as the tunnel, however was a more colored, now muted, green. She strode around examining the mysterious room.

No furniture, or signs of a royal setting; in truth, all was empty save for a single lever stationed on the farthest wall. Long enough for a single hand to pull it, she did so cautiously - and was immediately caught with a rusted clamp on her wrist.
"Shit!" She yelled.
A click! Alerted her, and she turned witnessing the floor open into another room, one she couldn't see. She pulled at the clamp to no aid; she contemplated shooting the old and tired trap, yet decided keeping her wrist whole.
"Bullet would go straight through," she snarled. "If this is a trap, then where's the danger?"
She looked to the other side of the wall and found another clamp, worn, protruding out where none was before.
"Strange," she said aloud. "If not a trap - wait!"
Her bright brown eyes, half-hidden underneath her ponytail, flicked about as she puzzled the truth from her imprisonment.
"A secret chamber - chambers - above the royal one; a trap, without danger, this is -"
She turned her gaze down and felt her flesh cool. A protruding, long and round phallic device had been revealed.
"Oh my god!" She whimpered. It was thin at the tip and grew in girth going down. "That thing would split me in two!"
She tugged at the clamp harder! Even bringing her foot up and prying. After minutes she realized what would only free her.
"Fuck!" She gasped. "Ok, ok - think."
She sucked in courage and dug through her pocket for a small tissue. She set it on her breasts and dug out a palm sized bottle of sanitizer. She rolled the top open with her tongue, wet the tissue, and sealed the bottle. She pocketed it and reached down with the tissue cleaning the object soon to invade her.
"Ok, alright," she gulped. "Whoever made this, please, be reasonable."
She unbuckled her shorts and let them fall. Her bright pink panties fell as well, and, opening her legs, reached her other arm out.

"Oh shit!" She screamed once it clamped. She chewed her lip as she heard several large mechanisms turn behind her. She shut her eyes waiting for the device enter her: and it did, slowly. At first the cold tip - Lara crying - and it pushing further in.
"Fuck!" She screamed. "Oh my God! Nuuunh! Haaaa! Nuuuunh!"
She sobbed feeling it continue push up her vagina stretching her walls and not stopping. It pushed and pushed, and Lara feared her body would break now feeling almost its entire length nestled within her.
"Please!" She sobbed. "Please; God please - holy fuck!"
She dared look down to see her stomach bulge lightly, and the device, threatening breaking through her wall, poke her stomach and intestines with almost a thoughtful curiosity.
"Oh fuck," she whimpered. Every slight movement of her hips sent agony through her body; she nestled her feet for a more proper hold of herself, and lifted slightly up, yet her pain eased barely. She waited, hoping for it to empty itself of her: for mercy from its voracious hold of her organs. For minutes she endured its grip, praying her body be allowed release of such a monstrosity.

She was granted relief as, slowly, the device sounded again. She screamed low, and primal, as the now moist device was pulled out leaving Lara's pussy opened, and her legs weak. The clamps released and she was dropped onto the floor.
"Oh fuck!" She cried. "I can't move! I can't, move my legs!"
She crawled towards the corner of the room and laid against its hard surface. She didn't want to see the damage done, nor even feel what may have happened. She clawed at her knees hoping her pain would subside. And, after nearly an hour, and her eyes refusing rest, did she finally summon enough strength to stand: first on unsteady legs, then each step a hard determination. She walked to her panties and shorts, refit them, and sobbed.
"Damn this pyramid!" She grunted. "Damn it!"
She struggled towards the hole and kneeled examining its edges, smooth, then where it led.
"Water," she mused, with almost joy. Lara dropped in and felt the somehow flowing water smooth her legs in its cold touch. She pulled out her map and another glowstick: the path leading towards a decline, and her map revealing no such ravine feeding the flowing water.
"Another discovery," she snorted.

She traveled down the stream wading through clean water: the tunnel never closing in or opening. For another hour she strode until finding a similar room to the one previous. Fear poisoned her heart, and her once focused demeanor faltered once spotting yet another lever.
"You're serious," she moaned.
Moving towards it she realized they were two: far enough apart that her arms would be spread once again. However, now, she understood its ploy, and it wasn't her vagina it'd take.
"Ok," she gulped.
She stripped off her shirt and pink pra, resting them atop the lever, and sunk on her knees. She admittedly moaned sensing her hot lips cool against the stream, and her breasts were half-sunken in the water with her nipples hardening. She took a large breath in, and pulled the levers.
"Shit!" She cried, the clamps tight around her wrists. Another loud cry of stone echoed through the wall; and before her emerged another similar sized device. She breathed in hard, and pulled her head back. The phallic tip marched onward however, and Lara reluctantly opened her mouth tasting the bitter bronze object soaked in the cold water. Her jaws were slowly opened as it moved past her teeth, her tongue pressed down painfully, her gag reflex eliciting convulsions unending, until the object pressed past her throat and nestled deep within her soft tissue. Its tip poked her esophagus and drowned Lara in her own saliva. She clenched her fists and focused on breathing through her nose - though difficult - and almost impossible in getting enough oxygen. She shut her eyes and waited for it to reced.

Ten minutes, twenty, an hour now. Her eyes welled with horror. Her throat was ringed with scarlet, the inside sore as if she were ill, and her vision blurring from lack of oxygen. She sobbed, hope seeming faint and an impossibility. She would starve here, her skeleton to be a mockery, indignities scored upon her legacy: a bronze cock forced deep into her throat.

A noise - finally! She laughed, prepared to fall hard into the water and drink her sorrow cold.
"Warm," a deep voice croaked.
Lara grunted; she was pulled up so her buttocks were level with her head. Hard, decayed hands gripped her hips tearing her pants away. She cried, her panties torn, and her anus free for whatever had found her trapped.

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