Distracted: Jessica Drew X Carol Danvers, Marvel

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Moonlight crashing through half-shut blinds aided by a yellow curtain dulled with age. Cast within its gaze was an old laptop of a deep black casting its own falsified light across Jessica's tired expression: a once steaming mug of coffee, now as stale as her eyes, sat beside the machine; atop a wooden desk holding small stacks of case reports, old public records, missing persons files and many more obscured pages of a case long dry. Jessica took a small gulp of her beverage and stared longingly toward her bed: messy, in need of fresh sheets and a blanket, yet holding its scarlet colors well. A cold wind blew across it and over the haggard detective. Her brown jacket and long-sleeved shirt of a similar kind kept her warmth, alongside her black jeans and muddied boots ready to be taken off, however ignored.
"Maybe I need a break," she yawned, stretching herself out and leaning back into her soft chair. She hummed tapping her finger against her arm. "Or maybe some more coffee."

Jessica stood allowing the moon its rays through her long brown hair, unkempt, and her brown eyes reflect the light's strength. She walked past her window to her kitchen stationed the left of her bedroom: similar size of her bedroom holding a sink, several small cabinets, as well as a coffeemaker still filled from the previous morning.
"Damn it," she yawned, stretching again. She returned to her bedroom debating flicking on some old television shows, or even a movie: something for her desperate mind an escape from this web she'd trapped herself in. Her reflection against the dusty flat-screen wrought her disgust over such a flagrant ignorance toward her case.
"How about another look through these cases," she mused.



Jessica shot up tipping her empty mug of coffee while slamming her knees against her desk.
"Oh God!" She groaned.
"Are you ok!?" Came Carol's familiar voice from Jessica's kitchen. She rushed in with her long blonde hair surrounded in the morning sun's vigor; her toned stomach revealed as she wore a plain white crop-top with blue shorts tight around her waist.
"What are you doing here?" Jessica yawned.
"Making breakfast."
"How did you get in?"
Jessica turned witnessing her window left open and her curtains swaying excitedly, alongside Carol's outfit left on the floor before it.
"You couldn't knock? Or call?"
"I got your window."
Jessica sighed; she stood and noticed her bedsheets tucked in neatly, as well as smelling and looking fresh; with Carol's cooking now invading her senses and giving her a vigor quickly fading.
"I was gonna do them," she groaned.
"Now you don't have to," Carol said smiling. She returned to cooking their breakfast which Jessica recognized as her famous 'pancake and waffle'.
"Make some eggs please!" She shouted while stripping out of her jacket, shirt, boots and jeans and preferred her yellow pajamas: of long pants and an oversized shirt. She entered her kitchen catching her girlfriend sway her hips in an amusing display of focus, though Jessica believed it intentional.
"Thank you," she said; kissing her cheek she reached for her coffeemaker; witnessing it full she groaned, "I was gonna make some."
"Now you don't have to," Carol giggled happily.
Jessica hummed and, deciding herself lazy, reached for a fresh mug and sipped her steaming beverage.
"So," Carol said, "what case are you working on now?"
"Same one."
"Really?" Carol said, turning with a frown about her face.
"Yeah," Jessica stated. "A lot of dead ends and loose screws; It's so cold I can't imagine anyone finding a pulse, let alone a clue."
"Come on!" Carol laughed. "You're Spider-woman! A spider-detective! You don't let cases go cold!"
Jessica laughed a sincere appreciation: "I don't think you'll ever understand," she sighed. "There's a lot that can't be solved with flight and kicks."
"I'm not saying that!"
"I just need some time," Jessica groaned. "Some time and space; I need to think."
"You told me the more I think the less I'll act."
"Yeah, I know!" Said Jessica. "I just can't piece everything together yet."
"Maybe a break would be nice?" Carol said.
"I can't," said Jessica. "I've been stuck for too long; I need a breakthrough."
"And you think keeping your head buried in that puzzle will help? When's the last time you got out? Took a walk, or went out for lunch?"
Jessica sighed.
"I think you need a break."
Jessica scoffed and leaned her back against her counter. "Are you making some eggs?"
"Of course," Carol said with a frown.
"All I see are pancakes and waffles; I would like something to go with them that's not, that."
"What's that mean?" Carol said quickly.

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