Mortal Kombat: Skarlet x Mileena, Tanya

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Atop her bed set within a web of royal cloth spinning down from a separate sheet of matching purple; blankets of a similar make, a shut window and closed drapes, however slivers of moonlight breaking through. Several candles lit around the three women cuddled close. In the middle, Mileena, whose toned form wore only a bra and panties of a yellow shine; Tanya under her left arm, her mouth against Mileena's. Skarlet was snuggled close with the princess' right arm around her petite frame: her crimson kisses laced her collar with a lingering sweet aroma. Both were nude yet shared a blanket which Mileena lay upon.
"Oh Tanya," she cooed, moving away from her lips. "How beautiful you are."
"You as well," Tanya whispered. "I know you needed this."
"I have!" Mileena moaned. "And your loyal servant here." She raised Skarlet's face gently.
"Skarlet, princess," Tanya answered. "She answers a debt she couldn't pay: she is loyal, and won't breathe a word."

"Loyal," Mileena mused. "And beautiful."
"Thank you, princess," Skarlet said quietly.
"You serve my personal guard with honesty?"
"I do."
"She speaks highly of you."
"I'm honored," Skarlet said with a blush.
Mileena chuckled. "Just a taste." She leaned in and kissed Skarlet; an aroma of strawberries became an intoxicating reality. Her own lips flooded with such sweet fragrance, as if fresh from their gardens. Skarlet obeyed and crawled closer into her princess' lips. Mileena likewise squeezed Skarlet in. For minutes did the princess indulge in Skarlet's overpowering nature, and not until the soft fingers of her bodyguard slide further between her thighs did she finally pull away.
"You've found a wonderful servant," Mileena said, turning and planting a kiss on Tanya's neck.
"It was fate, princess," Tanya said quietly.
"Then fate has blessed us."

The three continued their chance at kisses and moans of their princess: Tanya snaked her arm under Mileena's neck while refusing her lips refuge. Skarlet kissed from her collar down to the edges of her bra: around and below.
"I'm ready," Mileena cooed into Tanya's mouth.
Tanya moaned and lowered herself.
"Not you," Mileena gasped keeping Tanya against her. Tanya held a puzzled look before frowning.
"Skarlet dear," Mileena said. "Parade my stomach with your lips; I'll say when to go further."
Skarlet lowered herself and flipped her cover over Mileena's legs; she followed, her breasts against Mileena's panties with her lips exploring her princess' stomach.
"Princess," Tanya whispered into Mileena's neck, "shouldn't it be I -"
"Let her serve," Mileena answered. She reached down pulling Skarlet's hair up and forcing their gaze. "Bite me gently; be harder on my thighs."
Skarlet obeyed, sending several kisses over her stomach with occasional bites, Mileena jerking with each compress.

"Oh Tanya," Mileena said, wincing. "Jealousy coats your breath."
"Of course it does. Must I be left as a comforter?"
"You deny Skarlet's debt?"
"Princess!" Tanya whispered with obvious offense.
Mileena winced again. "If you behave yourself, perhaps, if Skarlet seeks a higher position, we'll focus on you next."
Tanya's cheeks glew beneath the slivers of moonlight. She cupped Mileena's cheek giving her princess a warm smile. Their lips met while Skarlet's lowered onto Mileena's inner-thigh; she bit hard, Mileena letting out a wail and Tanya quieting her with a hard kiss.
"That was much too hard!" Tanya proclaimed.
"My apologies -"
"No!" Mileena moaned. "Not hard enough."
"Bit down harder!"
"Must we be so obvious?" Tanya whispered.
Mileena gripped Tanya's hand and spoke in a hushed threat. "Keep me quiet."
Skarlet bit down again; Mileena, her teeth grinding and body jerking hard, squeezed Tanya's palm desperately.
"Oh Gods Tanya!" She whimpered.
Skarlet moved further into Mileena's thigh sending the princess into another convulsion.
"Hold me - p-please!" She cried.
Tanya obeyed and wrapped her arms around Mileena: holding her stiff however allowing her spasms control. Skarlet moved to Mileena's other thigh immediately biting hard; Mileena cried and pushed her lover away, grabbing Skarlet's hair eliciting a sour plead.

"Look at me!" She growled.
Skarlet locked her crimson eyes on her princess.
"What magic consumes your lips?"
Skarlet spoke through a tearing agony admist her scalp. "I make my own lipstick, princess. It's not magic."
"She's a trained alchemist," Tanya answered, her fingers roaming Mileena's chest. "She sells them, dear."
Mileena loosened her grip instead caressing Skarlet's cheek and now running mascara.
Skarlet obeyed and clawed up Mileena's muscular body and was pulled against her lips; a kiss lasting minutes leaving Tanya's wanting fingers roam her princess' ribs.

"Your skill is unmatched!" Mileena growled into Skarlet's lips.
"Thank you."
"Princess," Tanya cooed.
"Yes, yes!" Mileena said quickly. She pressed her palm on Skarlet's scalp and pushed her down.
"Press it aside, and show your skill!"
Skarlet dug her fingers underneath Mileena's panties and pulled it aside; her lips immediately formed around her princess', her tongue invading and charting every corner.
"Damn," Mileena moaned squeezing her thighs. "Why am I close already!"
Tanya massaged Mileena's breasts and nipped at her neck.
"Gods!" Mileena whimpered. "I don't want to cum yet."
"Skarlet, please -"
"No no," Mileena interjected. She pressed Skarlet's head hard between her thighs. "It is not her, her fault. My responsibility, mine, to not cum yet."
"Are you sure?"
Mileena nodded chewing her lip. She squeezed her thighs hard and pulled at her hair; Tanya nigh crawled over her and laid a myriad kisses about her chest.
"No," Mileena whimpered. "No, no, no. I'm close." She brought Tanya in and met her lips in a furious dance of lost breath. The succumbed princess jerked her legs squeezing Skarlet in even harder.
"I'm cumming," she gasped against Tanya's lips. "I'm cumming - I'm cumming!"

She wrenched herself free of her lover's grasp, her arms, tensed, flew toward Skarlet's trapped hair and pulled. With a cry was their servant dragged up and atop her princess, and beholden in an embrace strong enough for her breath fade: whimpering. Mileena cried into her mouth with their legs entangled, her abdomen convulsing alongside her pussy. Skarlet managed a break from Mileena's hold taking in a grateful reprieve while her princess held her cheeks; caressing her pale flesh, witnessing her writhing lips within Skarlet's squinting eyes, and her mouth corrupted in frowns and smiles of pleasure pure.
"Skarlet," she whispered.
"Yes princess?"
"Your debt is paid."

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