Fantatical worship: Mortal Kombat

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Mileena stood clothed only in a thin nightgown basked within Outworld's dim moon, which illuminated her muscular physique as her tanned flesh was visible underneath. Her thoughts were allured by the many spells, incantations and curses of a magic forgotten - and remembered by a few: one of which was called to her.
"Yes, Princess?" Skarlet spoke with reverence towards her.
"Ah!" Mileena said, her voice gruff with excitement. "Skarlet - I call you so late on an, assignment, of an indulgence."
Skarlet nodded her head; Mileena couldn't deny her servant's appealing nature; her dark and crimson hair contrasting her bright eyes and full, plump lips.
Her short gown was a bonus.
"I know you're learned in blood magic; witchcraft."
Skarlet believed a smile painted across her princesses' lips, if she had them. Though her eyes' widening, and her body's fluid movement proved a sufficient tell.
"And," Mileena continued, "I've been researching it myself; and I found one which you crossed out."
She opened the book she had just closed unto a listing of spells scrawled over in blood.
Skarlet's face flushed: "yes," she whispered, "there is a reason for that."
"Which is?"
Skarlet inhaled deeply. "It's unnatural; giving manhood unto a woman."
Mileena's face twisted; yet not into one of disgust, but wonder.
"This spell, grants a woman -"
"Yes!" Skarlet snapped. She quickly shriveled, saying, "it goes against nature; of the blood code - twisting one into what they weren't."
"The blood code takes," Mileena mused; "never gives."
"Correct," Skarlet answered.
Mileena stared into Skarlet's tome for several moments. Skarlet watched as her clawed fingers grazed its face, and her mouth emanating a low growl: her tongue slathered across her razors.
"Cast it."
"What?" Skarlet nigh shouted.
"Quiet!" Mileena growled; she stormed and shut the door behind them and locked it.
"You will cast it on me - and I shall know what unknowable pleasure our opposites indulge in."
"That is blasphemy unto the blood code!" Skarlet whispered with fear in her voice.
"Cast it," Mileena snarled, "or I'll take the cost from you."
She reached out and held her servant close; her teeth pressed against her cheek; and her claws pressing deep above her stomach.
Skarlet shook, though not of fear: of betraying her code, and allowing a once forbidden pleasure loose.
Mileena's claws dug deeper.
"Ok!" She said.
Mileena released her. "What do we do?" She asked.
Skarlet spoke slowly while standing, now looming over the princess. "First, disrobe."
Mileena obeyed and allowed her body its freedom; Skarlet blushed, a streak of red across her face.
"Now," she said, "you will expirence a strange warmth; a sort of inwards fulfillment; and a growth from inside bursting forth."
"You've cast this spell before?"
Skarlet remained quiet as she kneeled and, with one hand steadying her, the other found Mileena's vagina. She pressed her index deep within quickly - Mileena moaned sharply - then threw Skarlet off as her finger poured what felt as a scolding liquid deep within. She growled in anger and pain as it traveled up her vagina and settled into her womb.
Then, the burning became warmth; and what felt as rats scurrying around her innards left her crippled.
On her back, she writhed and moaned; warmth became blood; and blood became a shifting of organ and tissue. Mere moments passed with she believing her entire lower half had been severed; yet, looking down came another sight.
A large, throbbing penis; its tip soared into the air, its throb matching her heartbeat; painful, but in a pleasurable way. With girth it rest erect, and seemed almost too large.
She pressed herself up and saw Skarlet's face mangled in terror.
"I feel - its like a metal rod poking out of me!" Mileena cried.
"You're huge!" Skarlet said with terror. "The size matches the libido."
"Truly?" Said Mileena. "Gods - it won't stop throbbing!"
She reached out and and began stroking her newfound gift. "It's so hard! I've had dick before - but this is what one feels like?"
Skarlet watched her princess massage her penis: her legs shook, and her massive testicles twitched as she masturbated.
"Fuck," she moaned. "I'm so hard; I must release!"

"Please no!" Skarlet said.
"I order you!" Mileena moaned.
"But - you're huge!"
"Fuck me - now!" Mileena snarled; she propped herself up on her elbows and glared Skarlet's terrified expression into obedience.
She slowly strode and met her erect penis. She kneeled and hesitantly gripped her.
"Shit," Mileena gasped as her servant's soft palms squeezed her shaft and began running up and down.
"It's so thick!" She whimpered.
"Oh fuck," Mileena gasped. "This is what men feel?"
She arched her back and thrust her waist up.
"Gods! Each pump is better than the last."
Skarlet masturbated Mileena for some time more: watching her hand loosen at the base, and tighten upon the tip; she felt her hand become sticky with each pump, and Mileena's flesh rise and tense.
"Just half would be enough to fill anyone!" She whimpered.
"Oh Gods!" Mileena said. "Lick it!"
"Yes," Mileena growled under her moans.
Skarlet hummed with her nerves getting the better; however knowing her punishment otherwise, she lowered her head and began stroking Mileena's tip with her tongue.
"It's warm," Mileena cried. "And each lick leaves me crippled."
Skarlet tried ignoring her princess' sour taste; and how each pass brought more of her semen out.
Mileena fell onto her back and continued moaning admist Skarlet's soft lips and tongue. Her saliva dripped and oozed down her crimson penis.
"Yeah," she gasped. "Suck it now; the tip."
Skarlet retracted and hummed nervously once again. Mileena's unnatural member seemed to pulsate toward her; she watched as light amounts of semen twitched out, rolling down and coating her testicles.
Before she could give another thought her breath was taken back as she felt her princess' hands grip her hair and force her down.
Her lips instinctively curled around her tip.
"That's warm," she heard Mileena grunt. "So hot - how do men handle this!?"
Skarlet heard Mileena cringe from above; she held herself up and kept her throat free of Mileena's abomination; only her tip had invaded, and it took most of her strength keeping it back as Mileena's natural sexdrive soon overrode her senses.
She tasted her semen and its stinging flavor. Her saliva now flowed as a fountain, and she kept her tongue in motion as a peace offering in service of her throat's virginity.
"I'm hot," Mileena groaned. "I usually get this heat before I cum - but this isn't in my stomach."
Skarlet realized what Mileena was implying; she patted her legs, tried pushing herself off and cried without biting down.
"It's in me," Mileena moaned quietly. "It's in my dick; I feel it - not in my - oh gods!"
Skarlet tried a final time breaking free; Mileena's claws had dug into her scalp refusing her any relief; she felt Mileena's penis widen slightly between her lips, and a burst of burning semen fill her mouth.
Under her tongue and flowing into her throat; another pulse and her mouth was completely filled.
She couldn't cry, or grunt, but could swallow. And with each forced gulp did come the matching grunts and winded shrills of her princess.
No words came from her. Her legs convulsed, and her grip tightened and loosened again and over again with each release.
Skarlet gave up. She swallowed what was given. And after several moments filled with the sounds of her swallows and Mileena's grunts, finally, with a whimper did her dinner end.
Mileena forced Skarlet's stay on her penis for several moments; then released her.
Coughing, she fell over and spat the remains out.
"Sh-shit," Mileena whimpered.
Skarlet coughed more. "No more," she said with a dry voice. "No more."
Mileena gripped her still erect penis and masturbated herself. "I'm so sensitive," she whispered. "And each pulse was electric; I felt each release - how lucky men have it!"
She looked over toward Skarlet. "And your mouth! Gods, each swallow made me cum harder."
Skarlet groaned; she struggled onto her knees. "Gods!" She said. "Your penis - it's still -"
"I know!" Mileena growled. "I'm so stiff!"
"Spread your legs."
"No!" Skarlet cried; she pressed her palms over her crotch.
"Don't defy me!" Mileena said with her voice full of want. "I'll take what I'm refused."
"Please!" Skarlet pleaded.
"You've had dick before," Mileena remarked.
"Yes," Skarlet said quietly. "But yours -"
"Will be the best you've had yet."
Mileena stood with her penis seemingly larger now than before. Skarlet bounced on her feet and turned; yet was caught and pinned against the wall facing her princess' aroused expression.
"You dare run from your princess?" She said.
"No, Mileena," Skarlet said, her voice but a breath.
"So spread your legs."
Skarlet tugged her pinned arm in a fruitless attempt, then her other pinned arm: Mileena squeezed them in response.
Skarlet chewed her lips and looked down. Witnessing her princess' large penis rub against her stomach plunged her fear into obedience.
She spread her legs and turned away.
"Let's see what our men have been keeping from us," Mileena mused.
She backed away and, with her arms still pinning Skarlet's, inserted her tip slowly in.
"Gods," she said with her breath crawling over Skarlet's neck. She gently thrust, with only her tip and half of herself inserting.
"I had pussy," she gasped. "But to feel it like this; I'm trying not to cum already!"
Skarlet grunted; she bit down harder on her lip feeling Mileena's penis spread her walls with pleasure, yet felt her growing size with each thrust deeper taking her breath.
"I'm halfway in now," Mileena stated. "How I wish to have felt this sooner!"
Skarlet groaned.
"Don't deny my size," Mileena laughed. "You may enjoy your work."
"I-I," Skarlet stammered. In truth, she couldn't deny the pleasure she was given by her sorcery. Her legs shook with each of her princess' thrusts; and how her walls were filled and stretched was unlike any other partner she had.
"Gods," She whimpered.
Mileena chuckled, now thrusting deeper.
"You're squeezing so hard - how do men contain this!?"
Skarlet cried. "I won't resist - please!" Each word was but a gasp between thrusts. Mileena obliged and let her arms go; and Skarlet caught her now free arms around her upper body - her nails clawing at her back.
"I'm - I'm close," she cried.
"Yeah?" Mileena grunted. "Enjoying yourself?"
"Yes - yes!"
Skarlet reached down and nestled her palm slightly below her bellybutton. "You're there - right there - Gods it's deep!"
"You like it - you -"
"I'm cumming!" Skarlet cried. She whimpered, gasped, and bit Mileena's shoulder in excruciating ecstasy; her teeth nigh drawing blood from Mileena's neck.
"I can't pull out!" Mileena said, her words cracking. "I'm cumming inside!"
Skarlet reacted by coiling her legs around her waist. Mileena gave a final plea before feeling her penis grow, then seize and convulse, releasing large amounts of semen deep within Skarlet.
"Oh gods," she said breathlessly. "Oh gods - oh gods!"
Skarlet grunted into her flesh; her vaginal walls strangled her princess' penis, pulling each ejaculation as though it were her prisoner; she felt her innards fill with a warmth starting deep, and trickling down from her.
Mileena twisted her head so she could peer down slightly: she pulled out enough to witness herself pulse; each twitch she felt her own semen slathering Skarlet's pussy, and her own dick; her cum then slowly dripping out and off her.
Her balls squeezing hard each twitch as well.
"What have I been missing?" She grunted.

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