Blood-drive: Mortal Kombat

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Yun roused slowly. His arms were held at a painful and stiff angle, bent and sore. His legs also tied together with his spine digging into the stone. His black hair half-shaded his vision of what was a small cottage, yet the cold winds, decaying wood and grass peeking from under the foundation proved his horror.
"Oh good!" A giggle creeped from within the shadows surrounding him. "Maybe you'll be more appetizing than the last treat."
Yun cringed in fear. He watched the shadows malform and twist, as though alive with a thirst of its own. From its maw a visage formed: faint, gaining clarity. At first its snow-like flesh clashing hard against its cover, then - with a gush of wind - two leathery wings opening! He pulled at his chains witnessing the beast step closer; its eyes cleared revealing it to be a vampress! Her dark crimson hair pinned up and flowing down around her back; her lips formed a twisted grin while her fangs ground producing a sickening echoe.

"Leave - leave me alone!" Yun pleaded.
The vampire giggled and strode closer: her thin body clothed in a similar robe as her hair, and her slender legs exposed with dark heels.
"You resist me?" She asked as if hurt.
Yun couldn't form any words.
"So many have," the vampire cooed. "I hoped you would be different."
Yun cried, "don't kill me!"
The vampire laughed. "Manners! I am Nitara, obvious what I am, but I don't know you."
"Yes!" Nitara flew beside him; Yun shut his eyes and turned away. He shivered as her claws flowed gently down his cheek. "I don't know your name."
Yun swallowed resisting Nitara's efforts.
"Seriously?" She sighed. "I just want a name." She rest her chest against his and kissed his warm neck. "Is that so hard, honey?"
Yun continued resisting Nitara's advances and kept his eyes and mouth shut.
"Oh!" She groaned. "So many spill their guts at this part, figuratively of course." She giggled moving down between his legs resting her cheek on his thigh. She playfully clinked! Her claws up his leg until they tickled atop his crotch.
"Maybe a little coaxing would help?" She dug her nail into his pants; her smile widening slowly opening his cloth revealing his growing penis.
"Now look at that!" She cooed, watching his expression shift once grabbing his member and slowly masturbating him.
"Feels good, right?"
Yun swallowed.
"I bet it does." She massaged his penis until it stood stiff, throbbing hard with a scarlet tip. "Can you last long, I wonder?"

Nitara laughed deeply and licked his penis from base to tip. Yun cringed, glancing down at the vampire showing her fangs glow from her gaping mouth. He readied for whatever punishment she had stored; his hips shook once his sensitive flesh was captured within her soft throat.
"Wha - wha -" he groaned between fear and pleasure. Nitara arched her back, Yun's penis - absent of his fear - grew quickly surrounded by her wanting muscle. His tip pressed gently over her tongue and down her throat pressing an obvious bulge. She gagged and arched again her teeth scraping his member occasionally, and Yun grunting harder, losing fear toward a growing arousal.
"So willing!" Nitara coughed.
Yun chewed his lip battling his heart's confliction.
"Want more?" Nitara jeered, immediately sinking her throat down again. Yun thrust his hips against Nitara's mouth yet shouted a mixture of fear and pleasure. Nitara rest her soft flesh around him for several moments, then, slowly emptied herself - before swallowing his girth again. Yun yelped with each plunge of the vampress' tender throat.
"Well!" She coughed, masturbating him. "How was that?"
"Wha - what?"
"Too much?" Nitara giggled. "Not surprising: most men can't handle us."
"Why are you doing this!?"
Nitara playfully chewed her nail with a smirk obscuring her fangs. Her free arm reached down plucking at her cloth hiding her pale breast; each strung revealing more of herself.
"Care for a peek?" She asked innocently.
Yun struggled an answer.
"It's just a peek!" Nitara pouted. "Some men prefer them hidden; I understand."
She lowered herself and ran her warm tongue from his base halting at his tip. Her breath trickled down his penis sending convulsions, and a chuckle from his captor.

"You're close!"
Yun sucked in his breath holding his fear.
"You're not scared to cum, are you?" She masturbated him while wrapping her tongue around his now hot tip. Yun moaned deeper, more personal curses, Nitara's tight grip expanding from his arousal becoming climax. She gently cupped her lips around his tip - Yun cried - Nitara gagging, arching her back swallowing his pulses of semen. Almost a full minute of pure pleasure for Yun: his eyes shut tight, hips shaking terribly while his vampress jailer drank of his seed. Nitara painfully swallowed all of his gift; her lips deforming around his shaft, her hand expanding subtlety wrapped around his size.

"Wow!" She coughed. "Long time since you had such a good girl?"
Yun chattered his teeth.
"I know I'm irresistible," Nitara chuckled. "And you were a good boy."
She laughed, climbing atop his weak body; her wet vagina caressing him.
"You asked why I do this?"
Yun remained quiet.
Nitara spread her wings and arched her back. "Because, my dear, blood is sweeter once dipped with lust, and fear."
She sunk her teeth deep within Yun's neck; her wings covering them as though a holy sight, unfit for even the sun or moon witness. Yun's cries were quiet, wearied, and Nitara's of only gentle gulps of sweet, intoxicating crimson.

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