Captured: generic fantasy

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She was told only look; scan the camp and return back with their movements and numbers. She was confident, jealous of Eileen and her station. She desired more, a higher position, greater power - respect!

"Please - stop!!"
Her fingers twisted the wooden pole, her knuckles shining, splinters digging into her palm. Her spread legs shook terribly; the orc's massive cock tore her pussy through; each thrust sending jolts of pure, blinding emptiness up her spine. Her shining hair now oily, unwashed; tanned flesh caked in both mud and semen.
*shlup - flulp - glulp - flalp*

She could run faster than their swords would swing. She'd hide amongst the bushes; She'd scan, of course, yet she'd return with more than words: a prize. More than expected; their operations, ledgers, documents.

"You're too, big!!"
She sobbed, the muscular orc hauling her rear up as her legs had given way. Her pussy numb, no pleasure, no pain. She didn't know if pregnancy was possible, yet if so, she couldn't pray on chance. They loved her - adored her virgin, vice-grip honesty. The camp relief; always in use - a tool as simple as their hammers, or nails.
"I'm cumming - again!"

She never saw the arrow - poison. No sound, from the opposite direction. A scream of agony - a numbing toxin - Eileen's scowling deception! Orcs closing in, vision darkening, clothes tearing.

"Please!! Let me sleep!"
She was raised up and slammed. Her legs spread again; lips stretched; pussy filled.

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