Short and sweet: Mortal Kombat

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"You summoned me, queen Sindel?" Said Skarlet with a reverence.
"Of course I have!" Sindel answered; she sat nude stroking her manifested penis, which Skarlet had given her earlier. "I wish a witness for your magic's performance; you, obviously, are biased."
"Of course, queen Sindel," Skarlet agreed, and bowed.
"My dearest Mileena shall bear witness," Sindel continued. "And you, Skarlet, will undress."
Skarlet's face flushed; she obeyed and easily removed her crimson dress and heels; her bra and panties removed as well.
"Such a beautiful body!" Sindel awed. "I never tire of your excellence."
"I am humbled, queen Sindel."
"Now," Sindel ordered, "sit."

Skarlet crawled over her queen seated within her regal seat placed beneath her garden's awning, which stretched over her balcony and allowed their view of the myriad flowers and baths situated below. Skarlet's hair also shone a brighter crimson with her back against the sun: her legs set together as Sindel hauled them up and to the side; Skarlet's ass was spread with Sindel's penis sitting temptingly against her vagina.

"Mother!" They heard Mileena call.
"Daughter!" Sindel answered. "Right on time!"
"I'd never miss a show!" Mileena laughed. Her purple dress deepened underneath the passing sun; and Skarlet caught her lack of underwear from beneath her cloth.
"Skarlet has never disappointed!" She added.
"I know this well," said Sindel. "It never hurts verifying, however."
Mileena chuckled.

Skarlet braced herself on her queen's arm rests feeling her tip penetrate her anus.
"Oh!" She yelped.
"Too much?" Sindel moaned.
"No," Skarlet whimpered.
"Not much of an anal lover," Mileena remarked.
"Too bad," Sindel mused.
Skarlet's face twisted feeling her queen's girth enter deeper. Her nails scratched the guards, and her voice became shrill gasps.
"Easy," Mileena cooed.
"Now now," Sindel moaned. "Skarlet's a big girl."
"I can - ow!" Skarlet cried.
"I'm almost -" Sindel struggled with her words. "There - there!" She pressed herself further in until only a sliver of her shaft remained.
"Damn!" Skarlet cried. "My queen - my ass -"
"Quiet, please," Sindel whimpered. "Allow my enjoyment of your magic; remember: you are always rewarded."
"Yes, my queen," Skarlet winced.
"Here," Mileena said. "Try a distraction." She kneeled and began roaming her index and middle finger around Skarlet's wet pussy.
Skarlet moaned, greedily indulging in Mileena's given respite.
"Now," Sindel began, "allow me conquest."
She slowly pulled herself almost completely out; and thrust herself in again.
"Sto - sto -"
"Skarlet," Sindel said slowly. "I will tie you down."
"Listen to mother," Mileena stated.
Skarlet nodded quickly. Her face flush and twisted between pleasure and pain. She inhaled quickly - and yelped being pierced again.
"Easy now," Sindel moaned. "I actually feel myself quite close."
"Already?" Mileena said with doubtful chuckle.
"Skarlet's ass here is quite tight," Sindel gasped, thrusting again. "I may not hold out for another several thrusts."
"You hear that?" Mileena awed. "Skarlet, besting her queen in bed."
"Skarlet is property," Sindel moaned. "As are you, daughter: property, with uses better suited alongside will and action."
"Yes mother," Mileena agreed. "Kitana would fair better understanding this."
"She would," Sindel added. "Instead, her fertility is all that is necessary."
"And her mouth," Mileena growled. She cupped Skarlet's cheek: her diamond eyes glowing into Skarlet's crimson plead for respite. She snaked her thumb into her mouth, and giggled, feeling Skarlet's tongue slather her digit.
"Almost!" Sindel gasped. "Daughter, retrieve our towel."
"Of course." Mileena left the pair.
"Skarlet?" Sindel moaned.
"Y-yes, my queen?" Skarlet whimpered.
"I have yet cum for many days; I am certain you are prepared."
Skarlet swallowed. "I-I am."

Mileena returned and placed their blue towel underneath them.
"Good, daughter," Sindel said with a shaken voice. "Now."
She suddenly sent several sharp thrusts into Skarlet's anus; and Skarlet cried out. Her pleas were answered with Mileena grabbing her arms and interlocking their fingers.
"I'm cumming!" Sindel moaned.
Skarlet's entire body shook feeling her queen's penis enlarge, before her anus was overwhelmed with a burning sensation filling her intestines.
"Oh Gods!" She screamed.
"Take it!" Sindel cried. Her penis convulsed; and Mileena watched as her testicles squeezed almost painfully, releasing, and squeezing again.
"Don't let go!" Skarlet begged.
"I won't," Mileena chuckled. "How full are you?"
"Its at my stomach!"
"I - told - ahh!" Sindel's words were cut between each pulse.
"It burns!" Skarlet whimpered. "Please don't let go!"
Mileena licked her teeth witnessing her mother's servant filled so willingly. Her eyes narrow with a beautiful concoction of pain and ecstacy; and her anus stretching between each of her mother's pulses.
"I'm," Sindel cried. "I'm finished!" She pulsed several more times until each subsequent twitch became easier. Skarlet moaned: she released Mileena's hand and rubbed her stomach.
"You've filled me so, my queen!" She sobbed.
"I have, Skarlet," Sindel answered. "And you deserve a nice reward. For now, however."
She pulled herself up and out of Skarlet; and immediately Skarlet's anus gushed with her queen's seed. Skarlet cried, and was lowered onto the towel with her legs spread.
"Make certain she is well," Sindel ordered Mileena. "I have grown famished."
"Of course."

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