Branches: Roleplay, part 2

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Kitana couldn't turn her head over toward her mother. Hearing her cries of ecstacy masked as terror, the wet slapping of flesh, metal clanging and wringing aloud - she focused on Mileena's hungry glare beaming into her eyes instead.
"Yes - oh, had I known your bloodline - eugh! Was so comfortable!"
The woman moaned, though each word was hidden underneath her voracious lust. Sindel whimpered in response.
"What was that?" The woman grunted. "Fuck you harder!?"
"Stop!" Kitana pleaded.
The woman laughed. "Maybe I'll cum in her outside of here! Give you another sibling."
Mileena roared. "Enough screwing our mother!" She rattled her chains. "Screw us! Give her a rest!"
The woman slowed down until her thrusts were but slow, yet hard, strikes against Sindel's scarlet buttocks.
"I've already had you!" The woman said. "Your mother, however, is a virgin to me."
Kitana clenched her teeth in both guilt and terror. She listened at each wet thump elicit her mother's quick moan.
"Don't seem so upset, princess," she heard the woman moan. "Your mother and sister can blame you for their current punishment."
"It's you to blame!" Mileena snarled. "Not our fault you can't last even five minutes in Kitana! Pathetic excuse for a cock!"
The woman stopped, and Sindel shivered as her length was taken out slowly.
"I've been fucking you for three hours!" The woman growled. "I haven't cum yet."
"That's because your avoiding Kitana!" Mileena chuckled. "Scared?"
The woman grunted from behind her shut teeth; she grabbed Mileena's chains and lifted them high above her head, and manifested a steel rod through its links which stuck through the opposite walls. Mileena, now with her toes barely upon the floor, had her waist grabbed and the woman open her anus with a single thrust.
Mileena howled as the woman sent a single, deafening thrust against her buttocks. Kitana gazed up to witness the second - and immediately turn away once the woman's tip formed below her sibling's stomach.
"So tight! Oh fuck - Mileena, your gonna -"
Kitana grit her teeth and ignored the woman's words. She instead focused on her sibling's chains rattle loud, and her high-pitched cries and growls bounce around the small room.
"Mother," Kitana whimpered, gazing over Sindel's limp body.
"Kitana," Sindel whispered. "What's happening?"
Kitana couldn't look into her mother's eye: her steel piercing through the grey veil, a gaze of horror and doubt; Kitana decided the floor would be preferable towards her right and left; and slowly found herself losing time and awareness.


She roused slowly: underneath her yellow blanket she curled within the similar sheets. Her eyes opened catching the familiar wooden ascetic of a simple room: a window covering the risen sun in a scarlet hue baked her pleasantly; and several lit candles on high strands about the entrance brought a strange romantic flush.
"Shower, breakfast - hmmm," she groaned and crawled out of bed in a simple white shirt and short pants. Yawning, she hurried her shower and left for the kitchen.

A small room with a wooden square table in the middle. Facing it, and besides the bedroom door, was a sink with a fridge to its left. A stove sat at the right; on the opposite was a single wooden door; a square window shaded by checkered curtains swayed upon it. A single window allowed a view over a quaint forest over the sink; and Kitana busied preparing her and her wife's breakfast.


Kitana looked up with confusion ruling her eyes. Mileena was defeated, her body heavy against her chains they bent the rod between their links. Her toothy frown had deepened and her eyes completely rolled back. Kitana then turned towards Sindel - and yelped witnessing the woman on her tiptoes with her hands tight around her mother's throat. The woman quickly thrust her size into Sindel's mouth, rotated her hips, and pulled out.
"Your mother's lips are so soft!" The woman said. "And I feel my tip breaking through her collar!"
Sindel gagged loudly, and sent streams of saliva down her chin and breasts. Kitana shut her eyes again.


Finishing breakfast Kitana set the pans off to the side, and with glee for her meal, prepared her and her wife's plate. And before she could sit and wait her wife returned.
"Honey!" She shouted.
"How was the run?" Kitana asked.
"It was great!" The woman said.
Kitana smiled toward the woman within her tight red pants and shirt; her running shoes were cast off into the corner alongside her hair undone and flowing down her shoulder.
"Smells wonderful in here!" She stated.
"It's just done," Kitana said.
The woman grabbed her plate and sat besides Kitana.

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