Tanya's surprise: Mortal Kombat

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Mileena huffed deeply with both pleasure and exertion. Her fingers gripping her erect shaft tight, and the condom squeezing around her vein as it writhed in pleasure wrought her voice into gasping desire. Her legs were spread wide while her free arm indecisively gripped her chair's armrest then caught her breast in an impossible hold.
"Gods," she whimpered under the subtle reverberations of her pleasure.


Tanya smiled leaning against their threshold; her loose, black robe shadowed her bra and panties, both a dim yellow, and all three reflecting the fire which cackled low before Mileena. She sat with her back facing her lover; and within their wooden chair donning a comfortable leather seat - Tanya remarking its make of quality only several days ago.

A small living area was where it now sat holding the esteemed assassin. With curtained windows blocking the moon's glow toward her right, and a short hallway to the left: and Tanya's figure, fondling her breasts, stood between the room and the hall leading out.


Mileena huffed louder. She paced her breaths between each stroke.
"Damn!" She thought. "I'm so close!"
Her erection grew in size now; her vein larger and thumping quicker. She caught several clear streaks within the condom's gray hue.


Tanya mumbled under her breath. She recognized her lover's pace; her breath just before climax; and her primal desire known by both growl and moan. Tanya's hands mindlessly explored her own body - yet she couldn't allow her lover finish yet.


Mileena shut her eyes and growled curses of pleasure. Her body trembled, her head falling back and her hand gripping her shaft harder.
"How often do you masturbate without me?" She heard Tanya call.
Mileena roared in both shock and fear; she quickly removed her grip and instead clawed the armrests in an immense attempt at resisting her climax. She heard Tanya giggle - her girth tensed upon such - yet her shut eyes aided. She felt her penis enlarge and thump with want; she resisted, and broke into a shaken sweat.
"So close," Tanya remarked.
"Damn - you!" Mileena gasped.
After several moments Mileena's tensed muscles softened. She relaxed, falling limp within her seat and exhaling her trapped pleasure.
"What, are you doing back so early!?" She growled, opening her eyes and pinning Tanya's.
"I'm a skilled assassin," Tanya purred. She knelt and kissed Mileena's cheek.
"You didn't think to tell me?"
"And ruin my surprise?" Tanya cooed. "However, you seem to be just fine."
Mileena growled. She watched Tanya walk over so she faced her spread figure and loose her robe, revealing her muscular physique, and her yellow bra and panties.
"I was hoping our resident witch 'endowed' you." Tanya's eyes followed Mileena's girth slowly from her base to its starved tip.
"I couldn't stop thinking of you," Mileena admitted.
Tanya pouted; she fell on her knees and crawled up to her lover's lap. She kissed Mileena's wrapped erection - giggling as it throbbed.
"Well?" Mileena asked.
"Fuck me!"
Tanya cackled. She backed away while burying her hands under her bra. "It was honestly quite arousing seeing you masturbate," she whispered.
"I want to see more."

Mileena sighed. "And I want my dick deep in your pussy!"
Tanya hummed with a frown. "Now honey - such language doesn't suit you."
"Tanya, just -"
"Cum in that condom," Tanya interjected, "and I'll swallow it all."
Mileena's cheeks immediately glowed a bright crimson. She witnessed her lover smirk and caress her breasts with a knowing sway of her hips: her tall, slender figure, illuminated before their crackling fire - her skin glowing with gentle impressions of sweat forming - nigh brought Mileena a climax.
"It better be every drop."
Tanya nodded.
Mileena grabbed her erection and returned to her previous pleasure; her moans elicited a seductive growl from Tanya; and her immediate girth becoming harder showed she felt similar.
"Pump it!" Tanya growled.
Mileena huffed. She squeezed her breast hard as her legs shook involuntarily. She squinted, watching Tanya raise her bra and toy with her nipples: pulling them while squeezing them tight.
"I'm cumming!" Mileena gasped. Her moans were caught as desperate takes of breath; her rejected climax, pressured down before, began within her testicles tensing quickly. Her girth gained, and her shrill breaths turned into cries. Tanya quickly fell and wrapped her arms around Mileena's waist.
"Fill it up!"
Mileena thrust her hips up and against Tanya, her voice quiet; Tanya awed seeing - and hearing - her lover's first several loads quickly flood her condom. A thick, pulsating rush which sounded as viscous blood coursing through a heart.

A mass of semen boiling within the gray material: it filled the tip and fell away from Mileena. Another pulse and it grew: Tanya poked the hanging mass of cum and watched it swirl with another load. Mileena cried with each pulse; her testicles tensing hard, and her vein thumping fast.
"Damn!" Tanya laughed. She watched her lover writhe and cry, submissive under her own pleasure. Tanya awed at the now strained condom hanging far, drowned in Mileena's seed. Another pulse, and her lover fell limp with drool pooling out and over her stomach.
"So much, dear!" Tanya laughed.
"I know," Mileena groaned. Her cock twitched sending her into occasional spasms of pleasure.
"Seriously!" Tanya added. She held the mass of contained seed: squeezing lightly and twisting it between her fingers. She heard it gurgle, and found its warmth arousing.
"Well?" Mileena said.
"Well," Tanya sighed. "Now you get to watch." She stood and, with a small smirk, pressed aside her panties and quickly pulled Mileena's condom off of her. Mileena grunted in pleasure while her lover climbed atop her and slowly sank over her stiffening erection.
"What are you doing!?" Mileena gasped in an immense amount of pleasure.
"Giving you a show."
Mileena held Tanya's hips holding in her pain: her girth convulsed as Tanya's moist walls squeezed her tighter than she imagined; semen eeked out with every roll of her hips; her lust flooding blood back into her erection with ease.

"Are you watching?"
Mileena nodded. She followed Tanya raise the heavy mass of semen with its end between her nails. She bounced it atop her palm, and hovered it close against Mileena's mouth: she rolled her tongue over its warm surface. Tanya chuckled.
"Every drop."
She quickly latched her lips around the end - her hand holding it while the other gripped Mileena's shoulder - and began gulping each fall.
*gulp* *gulp* *kulp* *glulp*

Mileena growled in ecstacy: her lover's horrid spasms, her throat clench swallowing each flood, the loud, hard echoes of each strained swallow.
Tanya gagged, several streams of cum pouring from her lips. Mileena quickly licked them away: her wet tongue tickling Tanya's flesh, and Mileena feeling her lover's sore throat begin struggling each swallow. For several more moments she gulped Mileena's gift - until - with heavy gasps - she pushed the final load down.

"That was - was a lot!" She cried between coughs.
"It was!" Mileena snarled.
Tanya rest herself against Mileena's shoulders; her chest heavy while her legs were spread wide for her lover's size. She relaxed within her warmth, relishing what adoration they shared.
"The hell - nuuuah!"
Mileena growled thrusting her size deep within Tanya's pussy. Her sensitive nerves roared with every thrust begging for her halt, yet she mimicked her own agony, growling with pleasure and a searing overstimulation.
"Mile - Mileena!" Tanya cried; she dug her nails deep into Mileena's flesh. Her walls squeezed her lover tight, and her deepest, most sensitive flesh flared in obedience under Mileena's girth.

Wordless echoes of ecstacy bellowed from the both of them. For nearly ten minutes were they both subjugated under their carnal pleasures. Tanya's walls squeezed Mileena in an inescapable grip, and Mileena shredded her lover's soft tissue while reaching far enough to elicit several sharp sobs.
"I'm - I -," Mileena gasped.
"Cum in me!"
Mileena felt a familiar heat form from within her testicles: her manifested organ twitch, her vein throb with want - and her sudden burst of seed fill Tanya in just two shots. She fell back with a terrible sob: her walls oozed Mileena's seed - her soft flesh crying with each writhe. And Mileena's shout of overwhelming sensation burned itself deep inside of their walls.

Once her final twitch gratefully ended, Mileena lay limp, and Tanya, still speared atop, followed and rest her weight over her lover. Their silhouettes basked against the fire as both slowly allowed slumber take them.

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