Branches: Roleplay, part 1

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The Keeper hunched over her kitchen table tapping her mug of coffee. Its steam caressed her blind expression while her palm was propped against her cheek: boredom had gripped her for nary a single girl had been requested since her rousal. She had her breakfast prepared and left warm atop her oven: a stack of pancakes with strips of bacon and scrambled eggs. She had already finished her plate, yet full of lethargy, and admittedly uninterested in cleaning her mess, she sighed.
"So booored!"
Her mind drifted away towards memory; the many women she'd witnessed within her brothel unknowingly succumbed to a fate they never believed; their terrified eyes, twisted lips, moans of agony and ecstacy. She smiled remembering the sisters: the princess' surprising lust, and the clone's shock towards such a reveal.

She remembered Kitana's tender breasts, her warm body, and shockingly virgin grip. She twisted her legs remembering her holy climax: bliss like she never felt before; and how each pulse was as though her spirit aching for a closer connection.
"Fuck it."
She clicked her fingers and smiled witnessing Kitana standing before her in only her bra and panties.
"You!?" She shouted.
"Correct," the Keeper chuckled.

Kitana covered her breasts and spoke quickly: "what now!?"
"Just me!" The Keeper chuckled again.
Kitana chewed her lip: her eyes betrayed her voice's apprehension, for such desire shone within her blue, and her legs gently trembled remembering their last correspondence. She witnessed the woman's room as the same, yet for a white stove with a  tempting allure of a freshly cooked meal did stand out.
Kitana nodded slowly.
The Keeper opened her lap. "Grab a plate."
Kitana obeyed and made for herself a healthy portion; she then sat within the woman's lap and ate while her hair was brushed through with the woman's fingers, and her breasts and panties occasionally groped.
"So," the Keeper began, "I'm bored."
"Yes; no requests yet."
Kitana swallowed. "So this isn't my first job?"
The Keeper laughed: "that eager, huh?"
Kitana blushed. The Keeper hummed and kissed her neck while toying her receptive breasts. "Not yet; but I would like you -"
"Now?" Kitana spat.
"Let me speak!" The Keeper whispered into Kitana's neck. "Don't make me spank you."
Kitana's flesh flared; her body shivered while the woman's red lips journeyed down her collar and her hands trickle towards her panties.
"I want some fun with you; something different."
Kitana agreed.
"How about I'm the housewife, and you're just getting home?"
"With breakfast already cooked?"
The woman shrugged. "It's fiction!"
Kitana laughed. "So what happens then?"
"Then," the woman growled, "you decide to shower, when I join you."
Kitana smirked: "I love sex under falling waters."
"It'll be more than that."

Kitana eeked out a cry upon witnessing her surrounds change: she was now standing before a single door of wooden make. Also around her were walls of wood; and within the door she witnessed the woman, now dressed in a short skirt and loose top and busying tidying up. Kitana looked down and found herself wrapped in a strange shirt of blue with long pants of a lighter hue; her hair was down and around her waist.
"Ok," she mused. Opening the door was she met with the woman's pleasing tone: "hey honey!"
"Hello!" Kitana said with equal joy.
"How was work?"
"Busy?" Kitana said, struggling to form a quick answer.
"It always is," the woman chuckled. Kitana mimicked and met her; she coiled her arms around her lower waist, and the woman grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckle.
"I've been thinking about you," she whispered.
"You have?" Kitana chuckled.
The woman hummed. "You can't leave me without your touch and expect my body to just breathe."
Kitana was lifted up and onto the kitchen sink with her pants nigh meeting its water. The woman buried her lips hard against Kitana's.
"Seriously," she mumbled. "How did I ever become so lucky?"
Kitana moaned. "By being you."
The woman paused her act and, as if her eyes weren't blinded, stared into Kitana's for a lasting moment of bliss. Her nails trailed over her chest and stomach; and her lips pursed.
"Fuck this."
She pulled Kitana closer and spread her legs; Kitana yelped and moaned witnessing the massive girth of the woman as she rest her stiffening penis against her lap.
"What about our roleplay?"
"Change of plans."
Kitana blushed feeling the woman harden against her. Her vein pump as her balls twitched; and Kitana grabbed her warm shaft and masturbated her length until it became hard and unmoving.
"Damn - I almost forgot."
"I'll make you remember me," the woman growled. "Every night."

Kitana allowed the woman unbutton her shirt and leave her bra hanging off of her body - alongside her shirt revealing her breasts and abdomen. Her pants were pulled down along with her panties, and she was pulled further away from the sink so the only thing holding her up was the strong grip of the woman.
"Fuck," she gasped, rubbing her shaft against Kitana's lust. Kitana moaned and leaned back; she felt the woman's tip prod her stomach as her length brought her lust flowing now.
"Ahh - come here!"
Kitana was pulled closer while the woman grabbed her penis and pushed herself between Kitana's moist walls.
"Ohh - ok - ok," Kitana moaned feeling her small pussy opened as the woman pressed further in.
"Slow down! Slow - slow!"
"Fuck!" The Keeper gasped. "I don't think I can last long!"
"Just," Kitana moaned, "just give me a minute - you're so big!"
The woman groaned and held her girth tight with her teeth grinding.
"Fuck my ass - ohh - my ass instead," Kitana grunted.
"No!" The woman groaned. "I want your pussy."
"But -"
The woman cried out and held her girth tighter now. "I'm going to cum! Don't move!"
"I'm not!"
The woman squeezed her girth and remained still; Kitana mimicked her motionless stance, and both remained as statues for a time, until the woman finally whimpered, "oh fuck - why must your pussy be so tight?"
Kitana blushed. "You don't last long anyways."
The woman snapped her head up and Kitana believed she could witness her eyes flare behind her veil.
"I want your pussy!"
"Then -," Kitana gasped. "What do we do?"
The woman turned her head in thought; and Kitana, still under the pressure of the woman's girth tensing between her tightening walls, struggled remaining as still. She watched her penis tense within her, though only half was inserted. She smiled as she devised a plan.
"Maybe - woah!"
Kitana pretended to slip and pushed herself further onto the woman's penis. The Keeper grunted at first in shock, then in pangs of struggled pleasure. Kitana felt her girth grow while shrinking with the woman attempting to restrain herself. Kitana squeezed her legs tight around the woman in an effort which worked. She felt her caverns filled completely with just a single pulse of the woman.

"Fuck! Nggh - nuugh - I tried - ahh!"
"Gods!" Kitana cried. Her walls oozed the woman's cum upon her second pulse; and on the third her stomach lifted slightly while the woman's tip now roared its cum with dull, heavy echoes.
"I haven't - cumming so much!"
Kitana exhaled in bliss and fell against the woman's chest. Her walls twitched, and her folds and both their inner thighs were coated. She felt the woman's vein sob within her vagina after its tenth pulse; and the slapping of thick semen upon the floor brought another ten out.
"I'm almost out! I'm almost out!"
The woman whimpered cumming a final time. Her girth now rest drowned within Kitana; and Kitana embraced the woman with a smile of idiotic bliss.

"Fuck," the woman grunted.
"I'm so full!" Kitana giggled.
"I can't pull out right now," the woman sobbed. "Oh fuck - I'll cum again if I do."
Kitana giggled again and kissed the woman's breasts: her gentle lips sucking and nibbling the woman's tender flesh wrought another pulse; and her length to harden slightly.
"Stop!" She begged. "I'm cumming!"
She began pulsing again within Kitana yet another ten times. Kitana grunted into her flesh and listened as her pussy was flooded, and her stomach continuing to rise.
"Please!" The woman begged. "Please."
Kitana said quickly. "You want to fuck my pussy?"
The woman nodded with grit teeth.
"So fuck it!"
The woman gasped at first; and cried out as Kitana jostled her hips eliciting another several throbs of boiling seed churning within.
"Oh fuck! Fuck! Ahh! Arggh! Fuck!"
Kitana laughed between pleasure and humor hearing this tall, dominant woman out of time fall towards her admittedly unused vagina.
"Get all that cum out!" She said softly. "Bury me in it."
The woman pulled out slightly, and Kitana watched as her penis throbbed hard; its sides widen as her seed coursed through and echoe inside her drooling pussy.
"I must stop!" The woman sobbed.
Kitana quickly reached down and began masturbating her size.
"Ahhhh! Fuck - I'm cumming again!"
Kitana smirked feeling the woman's size grow again and yet another ten pulses fire, and more now, and with hotter seed. She giggled - until all went blank.

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