(4) A Friend Thats A Boy

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9:17 a.m.
"Good morning." Jen says with a welcoming smile when I open my eyes.

I sit up and rub my eyes, replying groggily, "Morning."

"So, I was thinking...would you like to go to the mall and get some new clothes?"

I look down at my pajamas and nod my head yes.

"Great! I'm gonna go make breakfast. " She stood and walked to the door, "Waffles okay?"

"Yeah! " I say with a grin. "Could I take a shower really quick?"

"Sure, I'll bring you a towel and some shampoo. " She walks out of the room and comes back, seconds later with a handful of hair products. "There's a lot of choices, so use whichever you'd like. "

After I showered and brushed my hair, I decided to wear an old Chicago Bear shirt, jeans, and some flip-flops.

I let my hair air dry for a few minutes and wore it in a side fish tale braid Laura had taught me to do. Which let me tell you isn't easy with one and one fourth of a hand.

When I started down the stairs, I instantly smelled the aroma that only waffles--or pancakes--carry.

"Are the waffles ready yet?" I asked as my stomach grumbled loudly.

"Haha yeah, I set your plate on the kitchen counter." She points over to my plate, while I sit down and start to eat. "I already ate, so now I'm gonna get ready and then we can leave." She started up the stairs and then turned around, "The tv changer is on the coffee table if you get bored."

When I finished eating, I washed off my plate and sat on the very comfy couch. I switched on the tv and a reporter said, "Jennifer Lawrence was seen boarding a flight in Chicago and landing in California yesterday. Not only that, but she had a child with her." A picture of me and Jen flashed across the screen. "Wait for it, the child is deformed. "

That word.

That word is on my school records, my birth certificate, but most of all, it's what I'm called. Deformed.

The reporter finished off by saying, "Who is this girl and why is she a mystery? If anybody has any information on this subject call now. "

Tears gather in my eyes. It's bad enough everywhere I go people stare, but getting talked about on tv isn't much better. I try not to think about the names kids at my old schools have called me, but everyday they flood through my mind.

"Your the mystery everyone has been talking about, huh? " Jen said from behind me, she sees my face and says, "Listen, you can't let them get to you. They will say things that are just plain rude to get viewers." Jen hugs me, as she asks, "Now...you ready to go?"

"Yeah. " I reply, wiping my eyes with a deep breath, trying to keep a smile on my face. We walked out the front door to Jens car.
Jen showed me this awesome store called Justice, and I love it! It helped me take my mind off of what the reporter said.

After a few hours of trying on clothes we finally decided to call it a day. I felt bad when the lady said, "That will be $752. " Jen didn't seem to mind at all, though.

"Thank you, for the clothes. " I said for the third time since we've gotten in the car. Well fourth if you count when we got out of the store.

"No problem." She looked over at me and smiled, "Really, it's no big deal. I do have money to buy stuff for you." She laughed and so did I.

When we got home, Jen helped me carry all of the bags up to my completely empty room.

A few minutes later she made us grilled cheese. I ate it, even though it was a little burned, but it was still good.

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