Chapter 2: Blight

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Luz's POV:

So I was following Blight's friends to our classroom, everyone was staring right at us. I can tell Ams didn't like it so I walked beside her with my skateboard on my side. Guess I must've startled her a little when I walked beside her.

"I have to go to the restroom you guys head on," she said. The others didn't hear as they were so busy chatting I just look at her and gave her a thumbs up. After she saw that I saw her face getting red, I'm guessing it was getting hot so she had to freshen up. After a few minutes, Ams still hasn't come back.

We entered the class and as soon as I did everyone just rushed towards me like a wave. They started saying things but I'd just ignore it because I know they're gonna say something like, "Oh my god Luz!" or something like ," you can sit next to me," or , " can I have your number?" Its getting annoying.

"Can I please go to my seat?" I said trying to get out of the crowd. They just nodded and let me through. Hexside is really organized they have names on the table so we know which is our seat. I sat at my table and I saw the gang to took their in front on me and beside me.

The bell rang and it was homeroom time. I actually like this school because you didn't have to keep moving class like on specific class then we move. The teacher came in and she introduced herself as Miss Clawthorne. She came in with a cup of coffee in her hand. "Alright class, since it's the first day the school is giving you a free day so you can explore the school or do what you want that's not against the laws or school rules. After she was done, she let us go.

I turned to the side seeing the table was empty. I just shrugged and brought my skateboard out and started exploring the school until I remembered wait...where's Amity? I thought she was in the same class as us... I looked in the restroom checking the cubicles to see she wasn't there. I told her friends about it and they tried calling her but she didn't pickup.

We went to check around the school. After searching the classes, bathrooms around the school, library she wasn't anywhere to be found. "Shit...I didn't see her. We  checked everywhere," Gus said, "not everywhere....," Hunter said look at us. "The greenhouse? But it isn't open?" Willow said. "It's worth a shot just hopefully we don't get caught." 

We went into the greenhouse seeing someone had already opened the padlock. We headed in side and search around. After a few minutes of searching. I saw a guy passing by but I'm guessing he didn't see me. I followed where he was going and that's when I heard there was sounds of laughter and... AMITY? I heard they were laughing but Amity's voice sounded like she needed help.

I walked behind the plants making sure I don't get caught and that's when I saw... Amity...she was on the ground. Her hands tied up to a pole. Her mouse has something in it. "Alright since we're all here...let's get this started." With that I saw him unbuckle his belt with his friends following along and one of them grabbing Amity aggressively by her shirt. She was struggling. I took out my phone and took several pictures of what they were doing.

As the guy who I'm guessing is the alpha took of his clothes. All of them were only in the pants but with there zippers on and their belt off. I got out from behind the plants and  said , "Gotcha," I said taking a pic with the flash. All of them got startled and then the other 3 came from behind me. That's when Hunter said something I can never forget , "If you were trying to rape her you guys could have grown a few more inches, like how is she gonna be satisfied with something so small like that?" and that's when we started laughing.

The guys just were embarrassed as I still had my phone out. "Were gonna show this to the principle and you guys are gonna get in soo much trouble. Just then the teachers came, "what is going on here?" he said as the principle came. They boys were all scared as hell that I think one of them peed himself which was embarrassing like his probably 18 or something.

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