Cahpter 31: Hours Before The Dance

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Amity's POV:

Today is the day of the dance. Everyone is excited about it. Me and Luz decided it to be Hunter and Willow, since they're always helping everyone and like the best couple for king and queen of the dance. There was no class today for everyone to prepare for the dance this evening. I received my dress yesterday sent from my mother. I kept it in the closet so it doesn't get wrinkled. I woke up around 8:30 in my dorm room. I got out and took a bath so I could eat breakfast at the cafe. I put on a sweater and leggings and went down. Did I forget to mention it was Valentines day? It was also Tuesday so I didn't have work. And I went to the saloon 2 days earlier to get my brown hair back to match the dress I'm wearing to the dance.

I got in the cafe seeing King and Hooty and I'm guessing our manager Bert at the counter chatting. I entered with the sound of the bell ringing as the doors opened. Some students looked at me and I just smiled. I headed to my counter seeing the 3 of them talking about something important and personal because they didn't seems to notice me. "Morning guys," I greeted. They quickly looked up hiding something before they spoke. "Hey hey, Amity. what can I get for ya?" King said awkwardly. "Just the usual and a chocolate muffin."

I paid them and sat beside the window after I ordered. I sat there looking outside where everyone was with each other showing affection. People in the cafe were mostly couples and it made me feel jealous. "Here's your latte and muffin," he said as he placed them down. "Can you sit down for a bit? I need your help?" I asked grabbing the back of shirt. He placed the tray down and sat across me. "So what do you need help with?" He questioned.

"Do you have any tips to confess to someone?"

He was confused at my question so he asked, "So you like someone? And you wanna ask them out? Have you tried showing affection? Is it Luz?" I just stared at my drink thinking about what to say. "'s her but she's oblivious. No matter how much I tried she still didn't get any," I answered. "Well what did you try?" He asked. "Well, I tried calling her pet names, touching her hand, kissing her? I think I did? Not sure but I tried those," I said picking up my drink. "Well that's interesting actually, like really interesting," he chuckled awkwardly. "So who you going to the dance with?"

I was about to answer when I got a text from Luz. "Hold on lemme read this first." I opened the text from Luz and what I read broke my heart. Morning Amity, i dont know how to tell you this but i cant go to the dance tonight. My mom is sick and i need to visit her back home to take care of her. Im sorry i cant go with you i was really looking forward to dancing with you. Tell your mother ill be returning the dress when i come back. Please dont be mad about this. Ill find a way to cheer you up. Take care.

My eyes started tearing up, my heart was beating fast, I couldn't breathe properly. "Hey Amity, you alright?" King asked noticing me breaking down. "She...can't come to the dance later," I mumbled. "Oh, uhh...I guess I need to go back to work, uh, haha." He got up and went to the counter. He was acting strange but I was to upset to think about it. I grabbed my breakfast and went back to my dorm. I was looking on the ground to avoid people passing by to look at me as I quickly walked.

I entered my dorm room to be greeted with Boscha and Luz in there sitting on my bed. "Hey Ams you alright?" Boscha asked. I wiped my tears and nodded. "What are you doing here? I thought you were gonna visit your mother?" I asked looking at Luz. "Yeah I was about to leave but I need to give you something before I leave. Here." She passed me a bouquet of rose with different coloured roses: red, pink and lavender. "I better go now. Bye Amity." She kissed my forehead and left.

I sat on the bed looking at the roses with Boscha beside me. "Sorry Luz couldn't come with you to the dance maybe you can join me and Skara at the dance," Boscha said trying to comfort me. "It's fine if she couldn't her mother is sick that matters more right?" Boscha stared at the flowers and took one from me. "They're pretty don't you think? She gave you 3 different colours." I just smiled and saw a small note attached to it.

For: Amity
From: Luz

Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
You are my bestfriend,
I'm thankful to be with you.

I smiled at it. It was really sweet and now, it's all what me and her will be. Nothing more. "So when do you plan to tell her?" Boscha asked. "Tell her what? That I like her? That I wanna be more than friends? That I wanna spend my entire life with her? I never can and I never will. Me and her are bestfriends and will always be," I said holding my tears. "Hey, just tell her how you feel. You like her? Tell her. Wanna be more than friends? Tell her. Spend your entire life with her? Just tell her. You can and you will you just need a push." Boscha assured.

I looked at her seeing there's hope in her eyes about it. "You're right, I have to tell her. I'm telling her as soon as she comes back. As soon as I see her, I'll pull her and I'll-" I was cut off by Boscha. "Woah, easy there girl. I like your energy but you can't just pull her in for a kiss like that." I rolled my eyes at her. If she really loved me she would accept that kiss.

"Now let's get ready for the dance, I'm gonna take a bath you do you." Boscha left my room and I ate my muffin and drank my latte. It was 11:30 so I still had about 6 hours before the dance. So I looked through my phone but I ended up falling asleep. I was woken up by Boscha around 4 in the afternoon. "Amity wake up. It's 4:34we have less than 2 hours to prepare for the dance." Holy shit. I'm gonna be late. Why the fuck did I fall asleep? I quickly got up and took a bath to freshen up more and quickly went in the room to get ready. "Hey Amity, I'm ready do you want me to wait for you?" Boscha asked from the outside.

"No it's alright, I don't want you to be late for the dance so go ahead." She responded with an alright and left. I was putting on my dress when it was 5:24. I put on some make up and left the dorm by 5:46 the gym was a 7 minutes walk from the dorm.

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