Chapter 27: Helping The School

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Amity's POV:

Time passed and it's Wednesday, 1st February. It was 5:30 in the morning. The usual time I would wake up. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to take a bath. After the bath I dried myself and put on jeans and a sweatshirt. I went to the kitchen and ate an apple. Passing the time I just used my phone, read a book then around 6:04 Boscha came out of the room. "Morning Ams," she said all sleepy like. "Morning Boscha," I said taking a bite of my apple. "Your up early, what's the occasion?" she said leaning against the wall. "I have to go to work? Anyways I gotta go now." She just nodded and went to the bathroom.

6:14 am

I arrived at the cafe to see King and Luz sitting down at the table. I entered the cafe with the sound of the bell ringing. "Morning guys," I greeted. "Morning Amity, wanna chat with us?" I took a seat next to Luz and they continued talking, "So you we're saying that this year Bump told you guys to make a cake for The Valentines Dance?" Luz asked. I completely forgotten about Valentines. "Wait when is it?" I asked. "It's on the 14th," she answered. "Yeah, and sadly you guys can't help, but he also explained there's gonna be  something new for this year's Valentines so you might wanna listen to his announcement later, and Bump said he'll be visiting before we open so just get ready." We nodded our heads. Then someone came in but it wasn't opened yet.

We turned to see it was Principal Bump. "Morning Luz, Amity and King. I'm guessing King had told you about my plans?" he said with his hand behind his back. "Yes I did sir," King answered. "Good, now at 9 o'clock stop by the office to help me with something. You can excuse yourself from your teachers," he asked. We nodded our heads and he continued, "Good. After your done, come back and meet me in my office. You see, I heard a lot about you 2 from the other teachers and I must say, I'm impressed. So after you change in your uniforms, come to the office." We nodded our heads and he left as the cafe opened. People started coming in.

7:30 am

"By e King we'll see you later," Luz said. We went to the locker room to change into our uniforms and went straight to the office to meet Bump. "Principal Bump said to enter the office he's waiting for you 2," the secretary said. We knocked on the door and entered. "Please sit down," awe sat down and he took a piece of paper and placed it on the table. "I called you 2 here because you are Hexside's most favored students so Luz I want you to make this announcement because I know you can do speeches with the right energy. Amity I need you to handle these things on the list because your always organized." He handed both us a paper, both were different.

Luz went over to the pa and made an announcement: Good Morning Hexside, I am Luz Noceda and I am here today to make an announcement for you. We are excited to announce that on Tuesday, 14th of February we will be having our annual Valentines Day Dance. Everyone is to wear a proper and formal clothing and to be on your best behavior. This year's theme is a Masquerade Party and this year's dance Principal Bump will be choosing 2 students as King Or Queen of the dance, not on the day of our event but starting today, Principal Bump and our teachers will be selecting the kings or queens of dance from our behavior towards each other. To your friends or to your partner it doesn't matter. Now everyone should get ready for class and be on your best behavior to get elected. Thank you and have a great day.

She ended her speech and everyone was cheering because of the dance. Bump smiled at us. "Thank you Luz, I knew you could do it. Now help Amity get the decorations ready. You can ask the school for the money you need to buy for the decorations. I'm glad to have students like you in my school. Now meet me back in my office by 9 o'clock again. You may head to your perspective classes now." We got up thank him and went out of the office and arrived to class on time.

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